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The Smartest of All Time

1 Thomas Aquinas 1 Alexander the Geat

Aquinas Alexander
16 Enlightenment play-in 16 Qin Shi Huang
Aquinas Alexander
8 Augustine 8 Winston Churchill
Augustine Churchill
9 Anselm 9 Peter the Great

5 John Stuart Mill 5 Roman play-in

Zhu Marcus Aurelius
12 Zhu Xi 12 Carl von Clausewitz

4 Socrates 4 Otto Von Bismarck

Socrates Gregory VII
13 Buddha 13 Reformers play-in
Philosophy Region
Leaders Region
6 Nietzsche 6 Talleyrand
Pythagoras Cyrus
11 Pre-Socratics Play-in 11 Cyrus the Great

3 Plato 3 Solomon
Plato Lincoln
14 Kirkegaard 14 Americans play-in

7 Wittgenstein 7 Lee Kuan Yew

Confucius Joan
10 Confucius 10 Joan of Arc
Aristotle Napoleon
2 Aristotle 2 Napoleon
Aristotle Napoleon
15 Islamic Golden Age play-in 15 Lawgivers play-in

1 Newton 1 Bach
Newton Bach
16 James Clerk Maxwell 16 Tim and Olivia play-in
Newton Bach
8 Francis Galton 8 Mozart
Darwin Tolstoy
9 Charles Darwin 9 Leo Tolstoy

5 Leonhard Euler 5 Goethe

Euler Beethoven
12 Srinivasa Ramanujan 12 Beethoven

4 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 4 Shakespeare

Leibniz Shakespeare
13 Atomic Theory play-in 13 Chopin
STEM Region Arts Region
6 Blaise Pascal 6 Rafael
Pascal Dante
11 Michael Faraday 11 Dante

3 Einstein 3 Leonardo da Vinci

Einstein Leonardo
14 Inventors play-in 14 Rembrandt

7 Euclid 7 Fyodor Dostoevsky

Curie Dostoevsky
10 Marie Curie 10 Jane Austen
Curie Dostoevsky
2 John Von Neumann 2 Michelangelo
Galileo Michelangelo
15 Astronomers play-in 15 Charles Dickens

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