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Athila Samuelle B.

Grade 8-Amethyst Mrs. Dina Austria

Heartbreak and its Impact

Have you ever had your first love? All the butterflies you’ve felt in your stomach
whenever you’re talking to that special person. All the nights you spent staying awake just to
talk to them instead of just sleeping. Walking home together after school hours. All the times
they made you feel special. When you felt like they’re the one you want to spend your whole
life with. And then, boom! It’s gone; in fact THEY’RE gone. When you already feel like you’re
about to lose it all and give your heart all away. After all those “kilig moments”, their efforts
disappeared like the ghosts we’ve seen on the screen. Missing the times when we’re still
wondering what will happen next, the times when we don’t even know there will be a storm
after that sunny day.

But, people have different meanings of heart break. Some people take losing a pet or
losing a thing we value as a heart break. And some people even take ‘not getting to buy what
they want’ as a heart break. We have different mindsets and level of feeling. Sometimes ‘a
unsolvable problem’ to us is a ‘small thing’ to others and vice versa. Every events that happens
in our life may hit different to us than to others.

As a teen growing up, we always get attached to things and people so quickly. We never
thought about what it will cause us when we get used to have it or them by our side and once
they leave. Some people cry about it for days, weeks, months, or even years. But some take it as
the opportunity to be the best versions of ourselves. Trying to regain ourselves after losing it.

Different people have different types of expressing our feelings and taking those
emotions. Once we experienced heartbreak, we try to distract ourselves by exploring new
things and meeting new people. But once we’re alone in a room and when the temporary
happiness is gone, it will bother our minds again. Thinking about where did everything go
wrong. Moving on is not as easy as falling in love and getting attached to things. But, changing
and improving ourselves is the first step to being the better version.

As a conclusion heart break is not always about love. But we all knew, it involves getting
our feelings hurt. But even though we know our feelings will get hurt after making that
decision, we’ll still try because it’s either we take the risk or lose the chance. Because life is
emotionally abusive, the more we get hurt, the more we learn.

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