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On Monday , I alaways work in the morning , I alaway have class at , I usually have lunch at

12.30, I do homwoek at six pm Exercise

On Saturday i never work ,I usually psen time with my family, i sometime go dancing , y
aalways have class from 2.00 pm to 6:pm

On Sundays i aalways spen my family , sometimes visit mjy Friends , and usually wacth tve

Hello my name is Janisse, my dream hoouse has five rooms. The first room is the living
room,there is a sofa and cofee table.There is a large TV. There are no lamps.The next room is
the kitchen.There is a stove , a sink, a chair , a microwave , and a refrigarator.There is no
toaster.The dining room is next to the kitchen. There is a table , a chair and a picture. There is
no chandelier. I also have a bathroom, there is a shower , a toilet and a sink , there is no
bathtub.The last room is the bedroom, there is a closet, a bed and a mirror. There is no a

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