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1. The following are hazard prevention and control EXCEPT:

2. Which of the following is TRUE about Poached Egg?
 Answer: Poached eggs are cooked by gently simmering eggs in water
without their shells until the whites are set but the yolks remain runny.
3. The following are ingredients in preparing reduction for Hollandaise Sauce
4. This refers to the process of reducing bacteria to a safe level by applying a
solution of one tablespoon of bleach and one gallon of warm water to
reduce harmful bacteria is called:
 Answer: This process is called sanitizing.
5. Which of the following sauce used as an egg-based recipe?
 Answer: Hollandaise sauce is an example of an egg-based sauce.
6. A culinary term used in coating of a glossy, often sweet, sometimes savoury,
substance applied to food typically by dipping, or with a brush is called:
 Answer: This is called "glaze."
7. Which of the following sauces use as a binding ingredient for vegetable or
mushroom filling or for croquettes?
 Answer: Bechamel sauce is often used as a binding agent.
8. A roux is a mixture of what ingredients?
 Answer: A roux is a mixture of flour and fat (usually butter) used as a
thickening agent in sauces.
9. Which of the following is NOT a thickening agent?
 Answer: Water is not a thickening agent; it is a liquid used in various
10. A sachet bag is an herbs and spices and is highly needed in the preparation
of stocks.
 Answer: This statement is true. A sachet bag is a small bag containing
herbs and spices used to flavor stocks.
11. It refers to a liquid flavoring base for soups and a sauce is called?
 Answer: This is called a "stock."
12. Which of the following methods of cooking egg is cooked in hot oil with the
use of a frying pan?
 Answer: This method is called "frying" or "pan-frying."
13. It refers to a small dish of food or a drink taken before a meal or the main
course of a meal to stimulate one’s appetite is called _______.
 Answer: This is called an "appetizer" or "amuse-bouche."
14. The following are the basic elements of plating the dish EXCEPT:
15. This refers to concerned with injury-causing situations hazards to humans
resulting from sudden severe condition is called ____.
 Answer: This is referred to as an "emergency."
16. It deals with the protection of individuals against risk such as thieves and
dishonest people is a term called ____.
 Answer: This is referred to as "security."
17. What is the other term for baked egg?
 Answer: The other term for baked eggs is "shirred eggs."
18. Which of the following is TRUE about seasonings?
19. The following are workplace hygiene procedures EXCEPT:
20. A sauce for salads typically one consisting of oil and vinegar mixed together
with herbs or other flavoring is called _____.
 Answer: This is called "vinaigrette."
21. It refers to a uniform combination of two liquids which are unmixable, such
as water and oil is called _____.
 Answer: This is called an "emulsion."
22. A kind of dressing that is simple and comes from the classic French dressing
comprising of oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper is called ____.
 Answer: This is called a "French dressing."
23. The following are prevention from chemical contamination EXCEPT:
24. This refers a dish consisting of a mixture of small pieces of food usually
vegetables or fruits is called _____.
 Answer: This is called a "salad."
25. The basic elements in plating that ensure there is the correct amount of
ingredients and the plate complements the dish, not too small or too big is
called ___.
26. A food handler has finished trimming raw chicken on a cutting board and
needs it to prep Vegetables. What must be done to the cutting board? It
must be ________.
 Answer: The cutting board must be sanitized or washed with hot, soapy
water before use with vegetables.
27. The following are some of the biological hazards EXCEPT:
28. It refers to the art and science that deals with the prevention and control of
filth-related communicable diseases by eliminating the environmental
 Answer: This refers to "sanitation."
29. The three categories of food safety hazards are biological, physical, and
 Answer: The third category is "chemical."
30. A good rule to remember about contaminated food is ______.
 Answer: "When in doubt, throw it out."
31. Most accidents that occur in the professional kitchen are caused by _____.
32. To minimize meat shrinkage and retain much of its nutritive value, the best
cooking temperature is?
 Answer: Cooking meat at a low temperature helps minimize shrinkage and
retain nutrients. However, the specific temperature depends on the type of
33. A condition or combination of conditions that, if left uncorrected, might
lead to an accident, illness, or property damage is called ___.
 Answer: This is called a "hazard."
34. Diana is cooking eggs for breakfast. She breaks the eggs one at a time into a
dish and slides them into hot water for about 3 to 5 minutes or until the
whites are coagulated and yolks are still soft. What procedure in cooking
eggs does she apply?
 Answer: Diana is poaching the eggs.
35. Every chef knows that "mise en place" is the first step to a successful food
preparation. This French term which means putting everything in place
applies to ________.
 Answer: "Mise en place" refers to the preparation and organization of
ingredients before starting to cook.
36. **Mixed vegetables are best when cooked very briefly by dipping the food into
boiling water until they are crisp

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