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Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Department

Machine Learning / Even Sem 2023-24 / Experiment 06

Name: Abhishek Class/Roll No.: Grade:

Pattanayak D11AD / 48

Title of Experiment:
Implementation of Hebbian Learning (Logic Gates)

Objective of Experiment:
To develop Neural Network based learning models

Outcome of Experiment:
1. Implement various machine learning models
2. Apply suitable machine learning models for a given problem

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Department

Machine Learning / Even Sem 2023-24 / Experiment 06

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Department

Machine Learning / Even Sem 2023-24 / Experiment 06

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Department

Machine Learning / Even Sem 2023-24 / Experiment 06

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Department

Machine Learning / Even Sem 2023-24 / Experiment 06


import numpy as np

# initial values
INPUTS = np.array([[1, 1], [1, -1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1]])

# step function (activation function)

def step_function(sum):
if sum >= 0:
return 1
return -1

# calculating output
def calculate_output(weights, instance, bias):
sum = + bias
return step_function(sum)

# Hebb Algorithm
def hebb(outputs, weights, bias):
for i in range(4):

weights[0] = weights[0] + (INPUTS[i][0] * outputs[i])

weights[1] = weights[1] + (INPUTS[i][1] * outputs[i])
bias = bias + (1 * outputs[i])

print("Weight updated: " + str(weights[0]))

print("Weight updated: " + str(weights[1]))
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Department

Machine Learning / Even Sem 2023-24 / Experiment 06

print("Bias updated: " + str(bias))


return weights, bias


Please, enter which gate do you want? (and, or) (0 for

exit): and
Weight updated: 1.0
Weight updated: 1.0
Bias updated: 1
Weight updated: 0.0
Weight updated: 2.0
Bias updated: 0
Weight updated: 1.0
Weight updated: 1.0
Bias updated: -1
Weight updated: 2.0
Weight updated: 2.0
Bias updated: -2
prediction for [1, 1]: 1
prediction for [1, -1]: -1
prediction for [-1, 1]: -1
prediction for [-1, -1]: -1
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Department

Machine Learning / Even Sem 2023-24 / Experiment 06

Please, enter which gate do you want? (and, or) (0 for

exit): or
Weight updated: 3.0
Weight updated: 3.0
Bias updated: 1
Weight updated: 4.0
Weight updated: 2.0
Bias updated: 2
Weight updated: 3.0
Weight updated: 3.0
Bias updated: 3
Weight updated: 4.0
Weight updated: 4.0
Bias updated: 2
prediction for [1, 1]: 1
prediction for [1, -1]: 1
prediction for [-1, 1]: 1
prediction for [-1, -1]: -1

Results and Discussions:

Successfully learnt and implemented Hebbian Learning for Logic
Gates in Python.


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