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Junior High School

Grade 8



Fourth Quarter – MELC 6

Deliver a Self- Composed


Development Team of English Learning Kit

Writer: Jhona Lyn C. Casono

Illustrators: Armand Glenn S. Lapor Mark T. Dasa

Layout Artists: Lilibeth E. Larupay Armand Glenn S. Lapor

Leopoldo P. Quiñon Jr.

Division Quality Assurance Team:

Lilibeth E. Larupay Dr. Eugenio L. Mallorca
Armand Glenn S. Lapor Leopoldo P. Quiñon Jr.
Ana Liza P. Suycano

Management Team: Dr. Roel F. Bermejo Dr. Novelyn M. Vilchez

Dr. Ferdinand S. Sy Dr. Azucena T. Falales
Ruben S. Libutaque Dr. Eugenio L. Mallorca
Lilibeth E. Larupay

Grade 8 – English
Competency: Deliver a self-composed speech using all the needed speech conventions
Grade 8 – English 1
Competency: Deliver a self-composed speech using all the needed speech conventions
English 8 - Learning Activity Sheet No.6

Name of Learner: ____________________________________________________

Grade and Section: ______________________________ Date: ______________

Deliver a Self- Composed Speech

I. Learning Competency with Code

Competency: Deliver a self-composed speech using all the needed speech


II. Background Information for Learner


In the context of public speaking, delivery refers to the presentation of the
speech you have researched, organized, outlined, and practiced. Delivery is
important, of course, because it is what is most immediate to the audience. Delivery
relies on both verbal communication and nonverbal communication.

Delivery can communicate your confidence and preparedness to your audience.

Effective delivery shows your audience that you have researched your topic and
understand what you are speaking about. An effective delivery allows you to pull it all
together—to showcase your work and to speak with confidence during your delivery.

Conventions of Speech

• Structure
1. Introduction
- introducing the topic
- get the audience’s attention

The opening is the most important part:

- make your first words count

- interesting
- make the audience want to listen
- every word should be in the speech for a reason

Example of a Great Opening

Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You
-John F. Kennedy

Grade 8 – English 2
Competency: Deliver a self-composed speech using all the needed speech conventions
2. Middle
- main points
- to persuade the audience

3. Conclusion
- summarize ideas and make a conclusion
- always link back to the opening theme

• The Bulk of Your Speech Should Be Points:

- organized
- points should be memorable
- develop each point completely
• Persuasion
- most speeches are made to persuade people
- persuasive techniques
• Support Your Arguments
- anecdotes
- humor
- facts and stats
• Presentation
- use hand gestures
- voice projection1

8 Things You Should Be Doing When Delivering a Speech

1. Sound Conversational
In order to be believable and to win the attention of your audience, it is important to
speak in a conversational style. To sound conversational, pretend as if you are
delivering your speech to only one person such as your grandmother or a respected
friend. Instead of reading to your audience word for word what’s on your script, try to
simply talk to them. Connect with them in the same way you would telling a story
about an event in your day to a close friend.

2. Project Your Voice

You must attempt to project your voice and sustain this projection throughout your
presentation. Some people have a naturally soft voice. Others have been
conditioned to speak in very low tones. However, persons at the back of the room
should still be able to hear you even without a microphone. Projecting your voice is
not the same as shouting. The voice is produced by the control of breath from the
diaphragm. This breath allows the voice volume and the ability to carry in a large
room. Resist the temptation to sink into a low tone. Projecting your voice gives force
to your speech, shows your personality and makes you appear more confident.

3. Make Eye Contact

It is incredibly important to connect with the people who are talking to. The most
effective way is at first to make eye contact with them. Do not stare at one person,

1“Conventions of a Speech.” Accessed July

08, 2020.

Grade 8 – English 3
Competency: Deliver a self-composed speech using all the needed speech conventions
but make your eyes wander around the room as you speak. A good technique which
I have used is to focus my eyes on the left of the room (left focus), then right of the
room (right focus) and then to the middle of the room (centre focus). My most
important points and the beginning and end of my speech are usually centre
focus. Eye contact says you are confident, you know what you are talking about,
you are aiming to connect and engage with audience.

4. Pace Yourself
Some folks speak way too fast. Others speak in a slow pedantic fashion which is
likely to bore their audience. Pace yourself. This means try not to speak too fast or
too slow. For naturally fast speakers, slow down and ensure that the audience hears
and understand what you saying. For slower speakers, my advice is to pick up the
pace a bit. Show your personality; be animated and the audience will become
engaged with you as well.

5. Gesticulate
It is important to use your hands, in the same way you would when having a normal
conversation. With a podium, some people simply hang on to it and forget to use
their hands. To gesticulate offers naturalness; it makes you seem more comfortable
and you will appear more confident to your audience. Resist the urge to hug the
podium. Let go.

6. Have Good Posture

Posture and body language are essential to good speech delivery. Stand straight,
imagine that each vertebrae in your spine sitting on top of each other and your head
on top of the last vertebrae. Try not to slouch, or to dance. This will be distracting to
your audience. Aim for an erect, confident posture.

7. Be Confident
Confidence is the core element of effective speech delivery. Watch some speech
samples on Youtube and pay attention to what great speakers have in common.
They are usually confident and engaging. If you are not naturally confident, pretend
that you are. Fake it til you make it. The more you project, exhibit a confident air, the
more it will become like second nature to you. Go ahead, try it, and tell me the

8. Speak Passionately
Finally, invest your speech with passion. Be excited about your topic; show your
enthusiasm, Do not be afraid to laugh, smile, become animated while delivering your
speech. Be yourself. I promise the audience will connect more with you than if you
stand there stiff reading from a script. They have come to hear you and to engage
with the person you are. Show them.2


Grade 8 – English 4
Competency: Deliver a self-composed speech using all the needed speech conventions
III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Site

“DepEd Grade 8 English Learning Guide Quarter 4.”


IV. Activity Proper


Directions: It’s about time to showcase how well you have learned the lessons by
applying the skills which you have acquired. You will deliver your self-
composed speech. You are rated with these following rubrics:

(2 Points) (3 Points) (4 Points) (5 Points)

Eye Contact Student reads Student looks up The student The student
their speech from their makes eye uses eye
and never speech a few contact with all contact to
looks at the times, generally sides of the communicate a
audience or making contact room and clearer
hides behind with only one looks up message by
their speech. area of the repeatedly. looking at
room. audience
directly to
highlight a

Voice Volume It is difficult the Once or twice, The audience The speaker
and Clarity audience to the audience can always uses the
make out cannot hear the volume of his
important understand an speaker or her voice to
details insignificant clearly. emphasize
because the detail because points and to
speaker the speaker add meaning
speaks quietly speaks too to the
or mumbles. quietly or presentation.

Grade 8 – English 5
Competency: Deliver a self-composed speech using all the needed speech conventions
Rate of The speaker The speaker The rate of The speaker
Speaking rate of maintains a speaking of varies the rate
speaking good rate of the speaker is of speaking in
makes difficult speaking that easy to follow, order to
to understand may be a not too but may not emphasize
the speech slow or too fast, vary. points and add
because it is but may not very meaning.
too fast. understandable.
to the audience.

Poise The speaker The student While the Due to practice

seems makes student may and familiarity
unprepared pronunciation stumble, he or with the
because he or errors or she continues speech, the
she stumbles become on in a speaker makes
over many befuddled at professional only the
words, cannot one point. May manner. smallest of
read the use words like errors like an
words, or has “um” or “like”. unnecessary
a conversation hesitation.
with him or
herself in front
of the class.
Body The speaker’s The speaker’s The speaker’s The speaker’s
Language gestures are appearance may appearance is appearance is
distracting. lack formality professional in professional in
The speaker because he or dress, stance, dress, stance,
looks she is fidgeting, and gestures. and gestures.
depressed or not standing up The speaker
troubled. straight, or uses his or her
seems insecure. body to
points or add

Voice The speech is The speaker The speech is The speech is

Intonation delivered in a sounds delivered with delivered with
monotone. uninterested in enthusiasm. enthusiasm
what he or she and the
is presenting. speaker uses
intonation in
order to
points and add

Grade 8 – English 6
Competency: Deliver a self-composed speech using all the needed speech conventions
The learner will record their performance and submit it through messenger or email it
to their English teacher.

V. Reflection

Directions: Accomplish the infographic. Write your answers in your English notebook.
How are you doing so far?

1 thing I really do not understand

2 things I want to ask
3 things I have learned

Grade 8 – English 7
Competency: Deliver a self-composed speech using all the needed speech conventions
VI. Answer Key

Answers may vary


Answers may vary

Activity Proper.

Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all Time

Grade 8 – English 8
Competency: Deliver a self-composed speech using all the needed speech conventions

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