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Argumentative Essay

Attendance List Number : 24

NIM : 20230040222
Full Name : Nabiel Fauzan ibrahim
Class : TI23F
Lecturer : Ms. Ulia Rahmah, M.Pd
Due date : Sunday, December 24th, 2023 (at 23.59 pm)

Censorship in the Age of Social Media: To what extent should social media platforms
engage in content moderation and censorship to prevent the spread of misinformation and
hate speech?

The Benefits of Censorship

Censorship is a major controversial topic in our society and brings up many political and moral
arguments. The main debate that everyone argues and discusses on is whether censorship is
morally and politically correct. Because of our current society and culture, people around the
world are constantly being exposed to inappropriate and potentially harmful content. Due to this
major issue, it is necessary to censor these events for the well being of upcoming future

To begin with, it is necessary to understand the definition of censorship in order to make any
arguments or assumptions. “Without proper understanding of the word” it can potentially be
harmful for society (Wilson para.1). First one must understand the two different types of
censorships present. It is stated that when a newspaper decides not to run a particular picture it is
called editing, but when a school district pulls a book from a library it is called censoring. The
understanding if this difference is crucial to the understanding of censorship.

First and foremost, it is our society’s duty to shield children from viewing inappropriate and
malicious content. Children are like sponges and they absorb everything around them with no
filter. When a sponge gets too wet it is not needed and discarded. In the same way children with
too much useless information can be detrimental to society and will eventually be, in a way,
thrown away. Inappropriate content can constantly be found online, in the media, art and other
sources of entertainment. These sources contains information that brainwash children’s minds
and once they are exposed to such content it can never be erase.

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