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Attention - design, bold, language
Interest - entice largest audience to read on
Desire - what they want, e.g. adventure, self esteem, security
Action - persuade to buy

Ask yourself:
● WHO - company, gov, individual
● WHAT - product, service, their image
● MOTIVE - profit, spread of info (propaganda), public health
● TARGET MARKET - housewives, teenagers, business men
● INSTINCTS, NEEDS, DESIRES - material instinct, opposite sex, sympathy, security,
● ATTENTION CATCHER - picture, clever words, use of space
● SNAGS or OMISSIONS - fact/opinion
● clever use of LANGUAGE - figures of speech
● ACT - promotion period, prizes

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Visual elements of an Ad
● General mood
● Pictures
● Headline
● Typeface - size, shape, style of print
● Logo - sign, symbol or lettering for company or product
● Slogan
● Colour scheme - how relate
● Light

1. The products are much larger compared to everything else and contrasts with the
2. It makes clever use of language that entices the audience. The first and most
important sentence is in bold.
3. The desire for flawless, beautiful skin is offered.
4. In addition to their wants granted, the ad makes sure the audience is reassured.

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