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7 Where's my passport? SE | READING & LISTENING a Read the title and the introduction to a story. Which of the four things do you think is the worst to lose when you're on holiday? b_ Read the story sent by a reader to an online magazine. What did Stuart lose? Did he find it? © Read the story again. Then cover it and correct the bold information. 1 Stuart went to the Alps with his family 2 One day, they went cycling. 3 It took three hours to get to the top of the mountain. 4 They had a snack at the top of the mountain. 5 The view wasn't very good. 6 Stuart wanted to take another photo, but he couldn't find his camera 7. He went back up the mountain with one of his friends. 8 They spent an hour looking for the phone. 9 It started to get warmer. 10. He found his phone in his bag, 11 His friends were angry about it. d_ @2.1 Listen to a recording sent to the magazine. What did Marta lose? Did she find it? @ Listen to Marta's story again. Answer the questions. 1. When did it happen? 2 Where did Marta want to go on holiday? Why? 3 Why did she fly to Brussels? 4 What happened at the gate in Brussels airport? 5 How did she feel? 6 What did the policeman say? 7. Where did she fly in the end? What happened there? Have you ever lost anything important on holiday? What was it? What happened? ‘Passport, tickets, money, phone? It’s the mantra we always say to ourselves when we go on holiday to make sure we haven't forgotten anything. But what happens when one of those things is suddenly missing? Email us your stories or send usa recording... Last year, | went on holiday to the Alps with a group of friends. One day, we climbed a mountain ~ well itwasn't really a climb, but it was a long walk - and it took about two hours to get to the top. When we got there, we had lunch. The view was amazing - we could see the sea in the distance. We took photos and just sat inthe sun fora while, Then we went down again, and when we got back to the car, | wanted to take another photo, but I couldn't find my phone - it wasn’t in my bag. | thought ‘Oh no! It's probably at the top of the mountain, where we had lunch’ I decided the only thing to do was to go back up the mountain to get it, Because | didn't want to leave my phone up there. My friends said ‘OK, but you can't {go on your own, so in the end we all went up again, ‘which was another two hours. When we got to the top we spent about half an hour looking for the phone, but we couldn't find it anywhere. Then it started to get colder - it was now late afternoon = so | took my jacket out of my bag, and... my phone was in my jacket pocket! Ifelt terrible, and really stupid My friends were very nice about it, but they never let me forget it! ‘Stuart, from Exeter, UK 2 GRAMMAR past simple: regular and 4 irregular verbs a Write the past simple form of these verbs. Are they regular or irregular? Check in Stuart's story. go get climb want be 1 think decide take soy b have spend can start sit feel 5 b Complete the negative verbs. Then check in Stuart's story. a att really a climb, but it was a long walk. 2 wanted to take another photo, but | find my phone. 31 want to leave my phone up there. € How do you make []and [Jin the past simple...? ‘© with was/ were * with could * with other verbs d- @p-128 Grammar Bank 2A 3 PRONUNCIATION -ed endings a @2.3 Listen to three sentences from Marta’s story in 1. What regular verb do you hear in each sentence? b 2.4 Listen and repeat the sounds and sentences. booked a hotel We missed our flight. | arrived at the airport. We phoned our friends. She invited us to stay. Ineeded a new passport. D Regular past simple verbs The -ed ending is usually pronounced i/o i, e.g. booked, arrived. ‘We only pronounce the en -ed when there is @t ora d before it, e.g. wanted, ended, -ed = © Say the past simple of these verbs. In which ones is -ed pronounced /id/? e ask call start check decide happen live rent stop thank want d_ @25 Listen and check. VOCABULARY holidays In one minute, write down five things you like doing when you're on holiday, e.g. walking in the mountains, exploring a city, going to museums. Then compare with a partner. @p.152 Vocabulary Bank Holidays SPEAKING 2.9 Listen to four conversations. Complete the phrases that B uses to show that he / she is interested in what A saying, ‘DB Useful language for showing interest 1A Lent to New York last week. B 1 Didyou lke it? 2 A The weather was terrible ~it rained every day. B Oh !What a !What did you do? 3. A We went to show in the West End 8 ! What show was it? 4 A Lost my phone on the frst day B 7 How ! How did you lose it? sten again and repeat. Copy B's ‘interested! intonation. Look at Your last holiday. What are the questions? Your last holPay 1 Where / go? What / do during 2 When / go? the day? 3 Who / go with? 7 What / do in the evening? 4 Where / stay? What / like? 5 What / the weather lke? 8 /have a good time? 9 / have any problems? Think about your answers to the questions. Work in pairs. Ask your partner about his / her last holiday. Show interest in what he / she says, and try to ask more questions. Then swap roles. ‘Adapted from the British press 2% READING Look at the photo by the famous French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson, and answer the questions. Say why. 1. What decade do you think it's from? 2 What time of year do you think iis? 3 What do you think the couple are looking at? 4 What does the woman havein er pocket? What do you think it's for? b_ Read the article. Were your answers in a right? ‘The Guardian newspaper has a weekly feature called That's me in the picture, where people describe famous photos they were in. This photo was sent in by Jane Rangeley. 7.2972, [was living in London. I was in my early twenties, and [isswotingranatesing agency Tat unre estona ‘camping holiday with my parents in the south of France. One night, Iwent toa nightclub on the beach and meta young Frenchman, and ‘we fell in ove. When I got home, I immediately started looking for ajob in Paris, He was at university there—he was studying medicine. Inthe end, [found ajob asa secretary with UNESCO, and I went to live there, We lived together for six years. On Sundays, we often went fora ‘walk, and one of our favourite places was the botanical gardens. It had ‘200, and loften put some bread in my pocket to give to the animals. ‘We were walking in the gardens one Sunday in auturnn when we stopped because alot of noise was coming from one of the trees, There ‘was an owl there, maybe escaped from the zoo, and some little birds ‘were attacking it. also noticed a man with a camera. When we started ‘walking again, Isaid'Why was that man taking photographs of us? Inow know that Cartier Bresson often waited in parks in Paris forthe perfect photo opportunity. The following year, one of my boyfriend's friends saw the photo in a magazine. Before I returned toLondon, Iphoned the magazine and I got Cartier Bresson's phone snumber. was very shy, but I called him. He was very friendly, and he sent mea copy. Years ater methim andhe signed the photo for me. love this picture. It wasa happy time for me, And although my French boyfriend and I broke up in the end, we'e still in touch. ¢ Read the article again and answer the questions. 1. What was Jane's situation at the beginning of the story? 2 Where did she meet the Frenchman and how did this change her life? 3 What did they often do on Sundays? 4 Why did they stop in the gardens and what did they see? 5 How did Jane get a copy of the photo? 6 Whyis this photo important to her? d_ Is there a photo with you in it that you really love? Describe it. Why do you like it so much? We were What | walking in were you | the park, ‘doing? VOCABULARY at, in, on a Look at the sentences from the article. Complete them with at, in, or on. 11972, Iwas living __ London. 2 He was university there —he was studying medicine 3 __ Sundays we often went for a walk. 4 We were walking the gardens one Sunday autumn, b @p.153 Vocabulary Bank Prepo: Do Part 1. © @ Communication at, in, on A p.103 B p.109 ‘Answer the questions with a preposition and atime or place. 3 GRAMMAR past continuous ‘a Read two sentences about the article in 1. In 1972, Jane was living in London and she was working for an advertising agency. When Cartier-Bresson took the photo, Jane and her boyfriend were looking at an owl in a tree. Look at the highlighted verbs. Which verbs describe. ..? 1 an action in progress at a specific moment in the past 2 the situation at the beginning of the story b @p.128 Grammar Bank 2B © @2.13 In pairs, listen to the sounds and write a sentence using the past continuous and the past simple. (They were plying tennis when started rain 4 PRONUNCIATION & LISTENING weak forms: was, were a Look at six photos from Anya’s Instagram page. Which person do you think is Anya? Who do you think the other people are? b @2.14 Listen to six sentences, and complete the missing words. 1 iy first term at university. 21 with him in the Easter holidays. 3 We ‘a musie course. 4 at school together. 5. She took this when we the Colosseum. 6 We all the hard work! champagne, and Roz 256 posts 131 followers 187 following Glossary ppunt 0 and v along, fat Boat, which is popular in Oxford and Cambridge ¢ Listen again. Are was and were stressed or unstressed? d- @2.15 Listen to Anya talking about the photos. Label the photos 1-6 in the order she describes them. @ Listen again and check. What else can you remember about each photo? 5 SPEAKING & WRITING ‘a Talk to a partner. Give more information if you can, 1 Do you post photos on social media sites like Instagram or Facebook? What kind of photos do you post? If not, how do you share photos with friends and family? 2 Do you have a photo as a background on your phone, tablet, or computer? Who or what is it of? What's the story behind it? 3 Do you have any photos you really like on your phone? Show them to your partner. What was happening at the time? 4. Do you have a favourite photo of yourself asa child? Who took it? What were you wearing? Is there a story behind it? b @p.114 Writing Describing a photo Write a description of your favourite photo. Because Why | he wanted didthe toseeher DJ wait for again, Hemnah? Wl GRAMMAR time sequencers and connectors a You're going to read a story called One dark October evening. Look at the photos. What do you think the story is about? b Read the story once. Then complete it with a word or phrase from the list. Listen to the story and check. After that One evening in October nly The next day Two minutes later When I eeruier eeaiaresennesisiae areal and she and her fiends went to club. They wanted to dance but they dln like the music, so Hannah went to speak to the DJ This music is awful, she said, ‘Could you play something else?” The J looked at her and said, ‘Don’t worry, I have the perfect song for you, he said, “The next song is by Pink. It’s called Gat the Pa pink dress’ Hannah knew that he was playing the song fr he Ha for her at the door Started and it’s for a beautiful girl over there who's wearing, nah and her fiends left the club, the 'm Jamie’ he said to Hannah, in?” So Hannah gave him her phone number DJ was waitin ‘Can Isee you a 2 Jamie phoned Hannah and invited her to dinner. He took her to a very romantic French restaurant and they talked all evening. Although the food wasn't very good, they had 3 Jamie and Hannah saw each other every day, Every evening when Hannah finished work they met at 5.30 in ‘coffee bar in the high strect. They were madly in love ‘ Hannah was at work. As usual she was going to meet Jamie at 5.30, It was dark and it was raining, She Tooked at her watch, It was 5.20! She was going to be late! She ran to her car and got in. At5.25 she was driving along the high street. She was going very fast because she was in a hurry. § a man ran across the road. He was wearing a dark coat, so Hannah didn't see him at first. Quickly, she put her foot on the brake © With a partner, read the story again and answer 3 the questions. Why did Hannah go and speak to Jamie? Why did Jamie play Get the Party Started? a What happened when Hannah left the club? What was the restaurant like? Where did they go every evening after that? What was the weather like that evening in October? Why was Hannah driving fast? Why didn’t she see the man? From memory, complete the sentences from the story with so, because, or although. Then check in the story. 1 She was going very fast. she was in a hurry 2 the food wasn't very good, they had a great time. 3 He was wearing a dark coat, didn’t see him at first. Hannah e @p.128 Grammar Bank 2C b f Complete the sentences in your own words. Then compare with a partner. c 1 We fellin love on our first date. Two months later 2. Iwent to bed early last night because. 3. The weather was beautiful, so we decided 4 It was really cold last night, and when I woke up this, 5 Although we didn't play well in the final 6 Iwas driving along the high street listening to the radio, Suddenly PRONUNCIATION word stress Approximately 80% of two-syllable words are stressed on the first syllable, a Most two-syllable nouns, adjectives, and adverbs are stressed on the first syllable, e.g. mother, happy, madly. However, many two-syllable verbs and prepositions or connectors are stressed on the second syllable, e.g. ative, behind, before. Underline the stressed syllable in these words b from the story. alcross after allong although awful birthiday evelning invite perfect quickly aigain 2.20 Listen and check. Practise saying the words. With a partner, invent a sentence using two or more of the words in a. (After dinner, we walked home across the park P Stress in two-syllable words 4 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING verb phrases Make verb phrases with a verb from list 1 and a phrase from list 2. All the phrases are from the story. 1 invite 2 along the high street have somebody your phone number drive song meet across the road give in a hurry take ina coffee bar wait for somebody be the club (very late) play somebody to dinner leave somebody to a restaurant run a great time Cover list 1. Try to remember the verb for each phrase. @2.16 Listen to the story of Hannah and Jamie again, ‘Work in pairs and use photos 1-6 in 1 to re-tell the story. Try to use connectors and the verb phrases in 3. A You're Jamie — tell the story for photos 1-3. B You're Hannah - tell the story for photos 4-6 (i ‘met Hannah last summer. It was her birthday, {and she came to the club with some friends. eV eo VIDEO LISTENING There are two different endings to the story. Have a class vote. Do you want to know the happy ending or the sad ending? 2.21 /2.22 ‘What do you think happens in the ending you have chosen? Watch or listen once and check. Then watch or listen again. © Communication If you chose the happy ending, answer the questions in Happy ending p.103. If you chose the sad ending, answer the questions in Sad ending p.109. ur Revise and Check GRAMMAR Circlea, b, orc. 1 ___ any brothers or sisters? ‘@ Have you b Doyou ¢ Doyouhave 2 __last night? Where you went b Where did you go ¢ Where you did go 3 Mybrother football a doesn'tlike b don'tlike ¢ doesn't likes 4 Her parents _a small business. ahas b haves ¢ have 5 |__ to music when I'm working. a neverlisten b don't never listen ¢ listen never 6 nthe picture the woman a blue skirt. a wears b wearing ¢ is wearing 7 A What __?B I'm looking for my keys. a you are doing b doyoudo ¢ are you doing 8 She's at university. She __ history. a ‘studing ‘studying ¢ studying 9 We to Malta last August. ‘awere b went ¢ did go 10 | saw the film, but |__ it. a didn't iked b don’tliked ¢ didn't like ‘11. When | got home, my parents __ on the sofa. a were sitting b wassitting ¢ were siting 12 What __ at 11 pm.? You didr't answer my call. a youwere doing b you was doing ¢ were you doing 13. She couldn't see him because she ___her glasses. a wasn't wearing b didn't wear ¢ didn't wearing 414 We had lunch in a restaurant. __ we decided to go for a walk @ After b Then ¢ When 15 Wehad a great time, __ the weather wasn't very good. aso b because ¢ although VOCABULARY 2 Complete the phrases with a verb from the list. book do drive 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 invite leave look play stay take wear ‘A What do you 2 ‘A What does she She doesn’t usually A Did you A Where did you Did you B I'ma doctor. like? B She's tall and slim, jewellery, only her wedding ring. any photos? B No, | didn't, 2B Inasmall hotel your fight online? A Let's your parents to dinner. ‘A Are you going to there? B No, we're going to get the train. A Go on! Ask the DJ to. ‘A What time do we need to B About 6.00. Our fight is at 9.00. B Good idea. oursong! B OK. home tomorrow? b Complete with at, in, or on. 1 The meeting is 13th March, 2A Where's Mum? B She's the kitchen. 3. He was born 1989. 4 A Where's the dictionary? Bis the shelf in my room. 5. Mark's not back yet - he’s still school 6 Isa very quiet town, especially right. 7 We went on holiday to Iceland 2017 ¢ Circléithe word that is different. straight long curly beard kind lazy generous funny clever mean unfriendly unkind dress shirt tie jacket socks gloves trainers sandals. necklace bracelet ring scarf windy foggy noisy sunny basic dirty luxurious uncomfortable PRONUNCIATION a Practise the words and sounds. ecu QP ie astra ons Sea ® snake zebra dog tie b @p.166-7 Sound Bank Say more words for each sound. ¢ What sound in a do the pink letters have in these words? 1 quiet 3 booked 5 noisy 2 skiing 4 listened d_ Underline the stressed syllable. 1 extrovert 4 online 2 overweight 5. comfortajble 3 bracellet CAN YOU understand this text? Read the article once. Match the headings to the tips. A Take more thanone 8 Startearly C Zoom in Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false) 1 The best time to take photos is early evening, The writer prefers taking photos with people in them. Try to make your photos different from other people's. Your own photos are always better than postcards. The writer went to the Louvre to see the paintings. He was sorry that he only had his small camera, © CAN YOU understand these people? 2.23 Watch or listen and answer the questions. = Sam Lewis Susie Shosanna 1. Lewis looks like a hisfather b his mother ¢ his mother and his father 2 In the Dali painting that Susie likes there are some dripping a clocks b rocks c socks 3 Shosanna went to Guyana because she wanted to learn 2 about the animals and plants there b about her family history ¢ the language 4 Susan doesn't put photos of __ on Instagram. fa gardens b flowers ¢ her family 5 Sam only likes watching a films with a sad ending films with a happy ending © good films CAN YOU say this in English? Tick (V) the box if you can do these things. Can you...? 1 [ll ask and answer six questions about your home and family, work/ studies, and free time activities 2 Il describe the appearance and personality of a person you know well 3 [ll describe a picture in this book and say what is happening, what the people are wearing, ete. 4 Ml ask and answer three questions about a holiday 5 Il describe a favourite photo and say what was happening when you took it 6 I say three true sentences using the connectors s0, because, and although How to take better holiday photos Holiday time is the one time we all take photos. We're in, a strange new place, the sun is shining, and we want to record our surroundings and happy memories. So how do we take the perfect holiday photos? Here are three useful tips. 1 I took this photo in Bruges in Belgium. | got up and, when my friends were having breakfast, | went for a walk with my camera This gave me three advantages: — The sun was low in the sky and the light was beautiful and warm, = There were no people around. ~ My friends didn’t need to wait patiently when | was taking photos. The light in the evening is also good, but there are a lot ‘more people around. There are times, in the local market, for example, when having lots of people in the photo can be ‘a good thing, but most of the time I prefer my photos to be less crowded. 2 | took these two photos of the Forbidden City in Beijing, and I think the picture on the right is much better. Try not to take exactly the same picture as millions of other people ~ look for little details that other photographers haven't seen. Although lam a very enthusiastic photographer, | often buy anice postcard of the places | visit - much better than going home with pictures that aren't very good, 3 These are the gardens outside the Louvre in Paris. We spent all day looking at the paintings, and we were walking back to the hotel when we saw someone feeding the birds. 1 only had my little camera with me, but it was all Ineeded. | quickly took maybe 30 photos from different angles, and this cone isthe best. 2 GRAMMAR BANK 2A past simple: regular and irregular verbs irregular went to Turkey twice last regular We stayed at a hotel last summer. FE] He didn’t stay with friends. [1 __Didyou stay for the weekend? Yes, tai WhI]_ Where did you stay? She didn’t go to France. Did you go to Madrid? No, we didn't Why did you go? ‘+ We use the past simple to talk about finished actions that happened ‘once oF more than once in the past. ‘+ The form of the past simple is the same forall persons. ‘+ To make the past simple &]of regular verbs add -ed. See the spelling rules in the chart. ‘+ Many common verbs are irregular in @ipast simple, 2.9. go went, see — saw. See Irregular verbs p.164. 22 + We use didn’t + infinitive for negatives and Did... + subject + infinitive for questions. * Use ASI and QuaSI to remember word order in questions, See 1A p.126. ‘polling rules for regular verbs year, Infinitive past spelling work worked: sty stayed Uke he ade dif ver finishes in study studied y+ iedaftera consonant if verb finishes in consonant= stop stopped _vowel-consonant, double the final consonant 2B past continuous: was / were + verb + -ing ‘Ax 8.45 last Saturday | was walking in the park The birds were singing. It wasn’t raining ‘A Was it raining when you got up?_B No, it wasn't. ‘A What were you doing at 11 o'clock lastnight? B | was watching TV. O2n past simple or past continuous? ‘We were walking in the gardens when he took a photo of us. My sister arrived when I was having lunch. @2:2 * We often use the past continuous and the past I/He/She/ Wt was working. You/ We They _ were workin ga al 22 simple together in the same sentence. We use Tl liste sherk weantworking. |You/We/They weren'twerking. the past continuous to talk about a longer action ee Se Sao TE that was happening in the background when the ama ei shorter past simple action happened, Wire they working? ‘Yes, they were, / No, they were “+ We use the past continuous to describe an action in progress at a specific moment in the past. “+ We often use the past continuous to describe the situation at the beginning of a story, e.g In 1972 | was living in London. 2C€ time sequencers (On their frst date they went to a restaurant. After that they started meeting every day. (On Thursday I had an argument with my boss. The next day | decided to look for a new job. We sat down to eat. Two minutes later my phone rang When I came out of the club, he was wating for me. The accident happened when | was crossing the road. O27 ‘+ We use time sequencers to say when or in what order things happen. ‘+ We use when as.a time sequencer and also to join two actions. | was watching TV when the phone rang. (two verbs joined by when) D then, after thet “The most common way of linking consecutive ations iswith then or ater tha, but NOT afte eg. {got up and {ot dressed. Then /Aftor that | made a cup of coos. NOT After! mades-cup-ofeottee: connectors: because, so, but, although because and so ‘She was driving fast because she was ina hurry. ‘She was ina hurry, 50 she was driving fast 218 1+ We use because to express a reason. + We use soto express a result. but and although ‘She tried to stop the car, but she hit the man Although she tried to stop the car, she hit the man, ‘She was very tred, but she couldn't sleep. ‘She couldn't sleep, although she was very tired. 219 *+ We use but and although to show a contrast. * Although can go at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence. 2A Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple. Complete the questions in the past simple. Two summers ago we had_ (have) a holiday in Scotland. Where did you go_ on holiday last year? We" (drive) there from London, but our car ‘We went to Vancouver 2 {break} down on the motorway and we 1 Wow! ‘a good time? : (spend) the first night in Birmingham. When crises aa SEES : wet (get) to Edinburgh we & (g0) a. ane to our hotel, but they # (not can) find our reservation, and they 7 (be) full. We | went with my family {not know) what to do, but in the end we 3 2 (find) a Bed and Breakfast and we We stayed in a hotel = (stay) there for the week. We " 4 the plane tickets (see) the castle and (ouy) a lot of souvenirs. 2 We ® (want) to go to Loch Ness, but we They cost about £2,000. 7 {fot have) much time and it ® 5 the weather like? (be) quite far away. The weather (not be) Rivas borond very good ~ it” (start) raining on the day aici eeabe - we ® (leave) London, and it never ” Oe nnd {stop ‘We usually went out for dinner. ae 2B a Complete the sentences with the verb in the past but the verbs into the past simple or past continuous. continuous. | wes eating dinner, so didn't answer the phone. (eat) She arived_when we were having. dinner. 1 I took this photo when we fertive, have) in Greece. (travel) a1 my arm when | football 2 He met his wife when he (break, play) in Japan. (live) 2 you fast when the police nr a coat ‘you? (drive, stop) when she went out? (wear 3 it when we the pub. 4 The sun when I went to work. (snow, leave) (shine) at the match because | 5 What you at 7.30 lastnight? (do) (not see, work) 61_________when you gave the 5 When you me, tomy instructions. (not listen) boss. (call, talk) 7 They TV when | arrived. 6 We in Cambridge when we (not watch) (study, meet) 8 Itstarted torainwhen we in 7 they__in Rome when they the park. (run) their first baby? (lve, have) 17 2c a Put the sentences in the correct order. A [ll He explained that he was looking fora thief, and then he got on the bus. 8B Ill Then another man tried to do the same. C Of Last week | was waiting for a bus. D 1 The next day, saw the story on a local news website. E [ll When | asked the second man what he was doing, he told me that he was a policeman. F [ll A few seconds later, he got off the bus with the thief G [ll The bus arrived, but suddenly @ man ran in front of me and got on. H Ill After that, a police car came and took the thief away. Complete the sentences with so, because, but, or although. We couldn't find a taxi, so_ we walked home. it was very cold, she wasn't wearing a coat. | woke up in the night there was a noise I called him, his mobile was turned off she's very nice, she doesn't have many friends. There was nothing on TV, went to bed. All the cafés wore full it was a public holiday. She wanted to be a doctor she failed her exams. The garden looked very beautiful, Itook photograph. the team played well, they didn’t win, Or» 129 2B AT, IN, ON Student A Ask B your questions. 6 7 8 What month do you usually go on holiday? Where do you usually have breakfast? What time do you usually have lunch? What days of the week do you usually go ut in the evening? What time of day do you usually do your English homework? Where do you usually buy clothes? ‘Where do you normaly isten to music? When's your birthday? b Answer B's questions using at, in, or on. ‘Ask What about you? for each question. 2c HAPPY ENDING ‘Work with a partner. Think about the video you watched and answer the questions from memory. 1 3A ‘Why didn’t Hannah see the man who was crossing the road? Who was the man? Why did he cross without looking? Where did they go after that? What did they order? Why was Jamie in the High Street? ‘What and when was the concert? What was special about the day? WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS? Student A a Ask B your questions using going to. Ask for more information. What / you / do after class? What time / you / go to bed tonight? Where / you / have lunch tomorrow? What / you / do on Saturday night? Where / you / go for your next holiday? / you / study English next year? b Answer B's questions. Give more information. 3B HOW ORGANIZED ARE YOU? Students A+B How to score: | Question! Question? Question3 Question4 Question 5 2points fora 2 points tora 2pointstora 1 pointiora 3 points fora ‘pointforb Spoinis for 3 points orb 3 points for’ 2 points for poinis fore 1 point fore ‘pointfore 2points fore 1 pointfore Is your score between 12 and 15? Congratulations. You are extremely organized. Are you maybe too organized? How good are you at adapting ‘when your plans change? Try to be tolerant with other people who are not {8 organized as you are, Is your score between 9 and 11? You are organized in some aspects of fe, bt less in others. Maybe you need to make some small changes. Look at your answers again. Did you score 1 for ay of the questions? Are you happy with those answers? Is your score between 5 and 8? You are extremely disorganized. Do you know what day itis? Do you know what year itis? Sometimes it's {900d to be spontaneous, but you definitly need to be more organized! 3C SPLIT CROSSWORD Student A a Look at your crossword and make sure you know the meaning of all the words you have. b Ask Bto define one of your missing words for you. Ask, for example, What's 1 down? Listen to B's definition and write the word in your crossword. ¢ Now Buwill ask you to define one of his / her missing words. d_ Compare your completed crosswords. Did you spell all the words correctly? Holidays VOCABULARY BANK 1 PHRASES WITH GO 2 OTHER HOLIDAY PHRASES a Match the phrases and photos. a Complete the verb phrases. € book buy have hire hata’ rent spend stay sunbathe /sanbeid! take stay. ina hotel / ata ‘money (or time) ‘campsite / with friends an apartment photos a bicycle (r skis) souverits sunt a fight online on the beach (era hote) a good time b @2.7 Listen and check. D rent or hire? Rent and hire mean the same but we normally use rent for @ longer period of time, e.g. you rent a flat or an apartment, and hire for a short time, e.g. you hire skis, a bike, a boat, etc. With a car you can use hire or rent. ¢ Test yourself. Cover the verbs. Remember the phrases. 3 ADJECTIVES a Match the questions and answers. 1. What was the weather like? It was. 2. What was the hotel like? It was. 3 What was the town like? It was. 4. What were the people like? They were. comfortable, luxurious Elbasic, ditty, uncomfortable riendly, helpful luniriendly, unhelpful beautiful, lovely Elnoisy, crowded warm, sunny Elvery windy, foggy, cloudy b @2.8 Listen and check. D General postive and negative adjectives © rea, ovely, wonderful fantastic go abroad ‘sbraxd go away for the weekend go by bus (or car, plane, train) @ 0K not bad, al right 0 camping @ awh horible,terible go for a walk 0 on holiday Soauvarhighe ACTIVATION Talk to a partner. Which do you prefer? Why? ¥ go sightseeing "sass + going abroad or going on holiday in your country 90 skiing (or walking, cycling) + going by car, bus, plane, or tain 4g0 swimming (or sailing, surfing, fishing) + going to the beach or going to a city : + staying in @ hotel (or apartment) or going camping Bix essen and ene + sunbathing, going sightseeing, or going for walks * hot, sunny weather or cool, cloudy weather * going on holiday with friends or going with your family Opis © Cover the phrases and look at the photos. Test yourself or a partner. Prepositions 1 AT/IN/ ON a Complete the chart with at, in, or on. VOCABULARY BANK 2 VERBS + PREPOSITIONS a Complete the Prepositions column with a word from the list. buildings a shop, a museum closed spaces a park,, times of day the morning, the afternoon, the & acer evening 2 transport dates bike, abus, a train | 1st March apareente! | days Suesday, New Yeor's Day, Valentine's Day a surface the floor, a table, a shelf, the balcony, the roof, the wall 3 | places times Echool, home, work, | ‘lock, tniversity half past two, the airport, the | uarterto eight station, abus stop | right the weekend festival periods Christmas, Easter 4 b @2.10 Listen and check. ACTIVATION Look at the chart for a few minutes. Then test a partner. A Say a place or time word, 49. Madrid, Tuesday. B Close your books. Say the preposition (at, in, or on). Swap roles. Opis 2 3 18 Pla Time about (3) at fori) in(k2) of on(x2)_t003) with 1 | countries and cities | months Spain, Madrid | February, June Prepositions rooms seasons 1 | artived | Paris on Friday night. in the kitchen (the) winter ao | was very tired when | arrived |" the hotel. hate we ing | people who are late. ‘A What are you going to do at the weekend? B I don't know. It depends — the weather. {'m sorry, but | really don’t agree [il you. \ asked lil a chicken sandwich, but this is tuna! Please listen [ll what mm saying! Who's going to pay ll the meal? | need to speak (talk, write) I") Martin the meeting. | don’t spend much money li! food. Don't worry 1 the exam. It isn’t very hard. Do you believe |") ghosts? Youre not lster 3! What are you think ‘A What do you think "this painting? B | really lke it. think it's beautiful. Who does this bag belong |? DB artive in or arrive at? ‘We use arrive in + cities or countries and arrive at + buildings, stations, ete. b @: '3.7 Listen and check. ACTIVATION a Cover the Prepositions column. Say the sentences. b Ask and answer the que: ns with a partner. Use the correct prepositions. 1 Do you spend more _ clothes or technology? Why? 2 Ifyou're worried ___ something, who do you normally talk _? 5 6 Do you believe love at first sight? Why (not)? Do you belong any clubs or organizations? Which ones? How long are you prepared to wait friends when you've arranged to meet? Who do you think should pay ___the meal on a first date? Op.24 1 GRAMMAR post simple regula iroglarverbe co ros) Igoe omar Os owe! Where's my passport? "Sais EE a «copper THE HOLIDAY THAT WASN'T 2 PRONUNCIATION -<< endings 25 eee Then pan Ry: me in the picture! saga —— 4 tach gat eB GRAMMAR pst continuous | prmutag ep pay cpp pear hohe epaae 1 et oor N BY One dark October evening A _ holiday rr Irregular verbs Present Past simple |Past participle Present Past simple |Past par bei was been iin tay tid ie lid wet We learn js:n learnt (nt learnt become /brkam/ | became /bvkeim/ | become [also learned) [also learned) begin ‘brain began bigen begun ‘biaan leave fis left /eft left Break bck’ [Broke uk) [broken sk’ tend en Tent ci tent bring vw’ [Brought iow | brought tet ie tet let build ia) [lle built owe i Tost nt lost buy ‘bar bought box bought make ‘imeik: made ‘meu! made can ik could fod : meetin’ _[metincl met catch kil ‘caught 1 ‘caught pay (per paid pow paid choote ii [ehose isi chosen is put put ut ome ks ian! come toad il tead i read i coat hot cost cost ting rang i rung eat a eat cut tun in ran ‘un do i id done tin say ssid so ssid dreary (iiss deame Gon | dreamt ron see sw seen Ai eee 010 creamecd sell el sold sul sold dink ook’ drank reall | drunk rok a = dive aw) @owe is’ | even vn oat cae _ _— eens allen sit sat set sat fool tl isons eis sleep ‘sli:p’ slept slept slept find Tana’ found onal | found > oe fly fav flew flu flown foun a eae forget uci [forget iui | forgotten Stang etood sar stood Sines ota get steal (sti: stole sioul stolen /'siouloni sie seve het panied swim sin _[awaem Sor swum So = Seon = take ‘eik! took uk: taken "icikon! Stones Sieeisa ore eae teach iit) taught 00 taught hae (eae pease is tell tcl) told ‘io0ld/ told Mell eae) think ink ‘thought |) ‘thought bat a throw (rou! threw (rus thrown \rovn sep ete ker iste bene understand understood understood ow knew i known sn rds wake vik’ [woke suk | woken Fk wet wrote a written Appendix have got I've got a brother and two sisters. 724 Ihaven't got ary pets She's got a beautiful house He hasi’t got mary fiends Have they got any children? No, they haven't. Has the hotel gota swimming pool Ys, it has. fulform contraction negative Ihave oot Ye oot Ihaven'tgot Youhavegot —Youvegot_ You haven got He/She/Ithas got He/She’ k's got He/She Ithesn'tgot Wehere are We've got We haven't got ae Youhave got You'vegot_ —_Youhvert got Theyhoveget _Theyvegot __Theyhavent got a Hove oot hove Ihave Have you got youhave. youbavent Hashe/she/itaot uy yg, e/ahe/ithas. yj, he/she / hasnt steered coats ood neerel ee iteoxpase ioe ee Have they Got theyhave they hover. a Write =}, [=], and (2) sentences with the correct form of have got. ey / big house They'v i 1 she / any brothers 1 fp ene you / big flat fel = Se Sema oS we /a lot of work today fof es en your sister / a boyfriend @ Roger and Val / a beautiful garden | really good teacher My brother /a job at the moment = ey / the same colour eyes, we / a meeting today @ he / many friends at work [cee air ety 10 You can use have got instead of have for possession in the present. I've got a bike, = | have a bike. Have you got a car? = Do you have a cat? We also use have got to talk about family and illnesses, and ta describe people. I've got two sisters. He's got a cold, She's got long brown hair have gotis not used in the past. For past possession use had. Thad a pet cat when I was a child, Did you have a pet? I've got... / Have you got...?s common in the UK especialy in conversation, but Thave.../ Do you have...7is also common. b_ Complete the sentences with the correct form of have got. They love animals. They've got two dogs and five cats, hope it doesn’t rain= | my umbrella today. your phone a good camera? ' anew iPad. Do you want to see it? Sorry kids, | ‘enough money to buy sweets. Jane 50 pairs of shoes ~ ccan you believe it? can't call him now a signal on my phone. you your keys? | can't find mine, Matia’s so lucky ~ she lovely curly hair. (One more question, Mr Jones. ‘any qualifications? ia We might have problems getting there because we omep Ora 165 rr Vowel sounds SOUND BANK usual spelling | but also usual spelling | but also 7 thin slim |Eglsh_woren a change wake | break. took R | history hse | busy. deck fi trainers fall | great overweight if since repeat gym ay away pay they grey al ap | ele nein 2 pen hope | ow the [$3] om tasch risen | key lace ont so. | although o> sani | eee es coat goa oe ie acim, |eareae Ze) Bock catch Sar vty [htt cory roeh mths = ie |e leh walaes led ort far coon Ces - a fast pass crowded down after oo it = 1] wR ret FE] cecx |” sete trong [tem becouse toy ey hot box eae anor | ep of beige eon hee water |e versa [at ak ball | bougie thought Deora sarigs te teal tow [acre re sion sate [tek te © pul ph [would shold fa hae |e aa g bull 00 football book woman square careful Iook good 0 school choose u use polluted ew few knew computer inyentor agree person verb dirty. shirt curly turn spell lend west send very red 99 sunny mustn't funny run - lucky cut [=] | eel (@)) (a * especially before consonant + | Many different spellings. fis always unstressed. clever nervous arrive police do suit juice shoe lose ‘through earn work world worse friendly weather sweater any said come does enough young touch fi ful tourist D1 short vowels Not a very common sound, Europe furious sure plural ‘A sound between ii! and Consonant + y at the end of words is pronounced /i happy angry thirsty ‘An unusual sound. education usually situation tong vowels] diphthongs Consonant sounds SOUND BANK DAvoiced D] umvoicea usual spelling | but also usual spelling | but also P promise possible th thing. throw FE] parrot copy tliplops [ad thumb | healthy south PP opposite appearance maths. both b belt body th neither the ig | bs probably job cab & mother! clothes. sunbathe bbb rabbit rubbish that with camping across | chemist’s ch chicken child ke skirt kind stomach beach account (+ ure) picture future 9 grow goat g gid forget begin j jacket just generous 99. foggy leogings & jase | Journey enjoy | teenager find afraid safe | enough ee 265] toner ph clophent nephew — | Inugh Tite Toss Hoff cifferent j leg plan incredible will trolley Vv video visit of ¥ vase lovely invent really rest written ver ivr [@] precise wy | wrang rr borrow married tty tell walked [ey] « ware text w webite wins [one nee te beter ating [AP] wovied win wh why which whale d did dead loved | os hard told tired eet dd adress. middle x young yoga ABS | vet | before u cal 5 stops faster science etal \Ginform S| snake [ss miss. message cele place circle m mountain. modern as monkey) remember email 2 200 lazy freezing rm summer swimming APA) zebra |s:50 reason lose has toes n need necklace | know knock a shut shows ae TN ae washing finish sure es ti(¢ vowel) machine ng angry ring think thank shower |e en ifomaton | mustache [sp] singer |°9 ioeg thing cite bring going 2 ee ee hat hate who whose sieon) caval [B,J soe ahead perhaps | whole GBB) soeson)'evon hire helpful confusion

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