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Novena to St.

Magdalene of Nagasaki

Opening Prayer: Heavenly Father, source of all grace and goodness, as we gather here on this blessed
day to begin our novena in honor of St. Magdalene of Nagasaki, we humbly seek Your presence and
guidance. We invoke the intercession of this faithful and courageous servant of Yours, who endured
great trials for the sake of her unwavering faith in Your Son, Jesus Christ.

St. Magdalene of Nagasaki, martyr of the faith, we invoke your presence among us as we embark on this
nine-day journey of prayer, reflection, and devotion. Your life serves as a shining example of faithfulness
and trust in the face of adversity, and we look to you for inspiration and guidance.

As we open our hearts to your intercession, we bring before you our intentions and petitions, both
spoken and held silently in our hearts. We entrust them to your care, confident that you will present
them before the throne of God, where our Heavenly Father's wisdom and love reign supreme.

In these moments of prayer and reflection, may we draw closer to Christ, deepening our relationship
with Him and seeking to emulate your unwavering commitment to the Gospel message. May your
presence inspire us to live our faith boldly, to trust in God's providence, and to be beacons of hope and
light in a world often shrouded in darkness.

Heavenly Father, hear our prayers, and through the intercession of St. Magdalene of Nagasaki, grant us
the graces we need to grow in faith, love, and holiness. We offer this novena and all our intentions
through the merits of Christ, Your Son, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Day 1: Devotion and Preparation

The character of the young Magdalene was forged by the historical moment of the Church in Japan.
From 1615 to 1622, expulsion of missionaries was accompanied by a systematic and cruel persecution of
Christians, followed by a destruction of the churches, crosses and every kind of Christian symbol. It was
an extremely difficult period for a newly founded Christianity of Japan.

The church is always persecuted and all places. Just like Christ, her Head and Spouse, she has to undergo
the passion that leads to the cross.


God, our Father and Lord, your martyr Saint Magdalene of Nagasaki preached the Gospel with courage
and shed her blood for your sake; grant, through her intercession, that we may be faithful witnesses of
your word, followers of her example and share with her your glory forever.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit One
God forever and ever. Amen.

(Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…)

Reflection: Contemplate St. Magdalene's life and her steadfast faith amidst persecution. How can her
example inspire your own faith journey?
Prayer Intention: Pray for the intentions of the Church, that it may continue to spread the message of
Christ with courage and devotion.

Day 2: Trust in Divine Providence

Magdalene was born of well-to-do and virtuous parents who gave her fine education. Affectionate,
sweet-faced and precocious, she loved to pray and take part in acts of worship. Her family was raised in
the fear of God and avoidance of every evil while being prepared to face the dangers of an impending

A true Christian life is an on-going battle against the lure of evil and the deceptions of the world. It is a
dying to oneself daily.


God, our Father and Lord, your martyr Saint Magdalene of Nagasaki preached the Gospel with courage
and shed her blood for your sake; grant, through her intercession, that we may be faithful witnesses of
your word, followers of her example and share with her your glory forever.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit One
God forever and ever. Amen.

(Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…)

Reflection: Reflect on moments in your life when you have witnessed God's providential care. How has
this deepened your faith?

Prayer Intention: Pray for those who are experiencing uncertainty or difficulty, that they may find
strength in God's providence.

Day 3: Be a Beacon of Hope

The feared moment came when the constables surrounded the house of Magdalene. Her father as head
of the family was made to renounce his Christian faith first. But Magdalene’s parents, brothers and
sisters were ready to give up their lives for Christ a thousand times over – with a smile and a song on
their lips. The constables left Magdalene untouched, deterred by her tender age of eleven. Now, an
orphan she desired to dedicate herself fully to Lord.

God has plan for every Christian, be it bloody martyrdom, a life of penance or selfless service to others.
We have only to long for a respond to the divine designs.


God, our Father and Lord, your martyr Saint Magdalene of Nagasaki preached the Gospel with courage
and shed her blood for your sake; grant, through her intercession, that we may be faithful witnesses of
your word, followers of her example and share with her your glory forever.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit One
God forever and ever. Amen.

(Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…)

Reflection: Consider how you can bring hope to those in need, especially in times of darkness and

Prayer Intention: Pray for the wisdom and courage to be a light to others, that they may find hope in

Day 4: Endure Trials with Grace

Alone in the world, Magdalene soon found a way of life she wanted to live. Attracted by the austerity
and zeal of the recently landed Augustinian Recollect missionaries, Fr. Francis of Jesus and Fr. Vincent of
St. Anthony, she joined in their apostolate and soon after took the habit of an Augustinian Recollect
Tertiary. No longer alone, she came into a numerous family of tertiaries on the path toward holiness.

Attentive to God’s call, we can find the means to live a fuller and more meaningful life. The Secular
Fraternity is a way of living Christian holiness in everyday world more deeply.


God, our Father and Lord, your martyr Saint Magdalene of Nagasaki preached the Gospel with courage
and shed her blood for your sake; grant, through her intercession, that we may be faithful witnesses of
your word, followers of her example and share with her your glory forever.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit One
God forever and ever. Amen.

(Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…)

Reflection: Think about the challenges you've faced and how your faith has sustained you. How can you
offer your difficulties to God with grace?

Prayer Intention: Pray for those who are suffering, that they may find comfort and strength through their
faith in Christ.

Day 5: Courage in Persecution

As a tertiary, Magdalene became an effective helper of the Recollect missionaries. She served as the
bond between the fathers and the Christians. She made rounds of the homes with her words that like
fire ignited souls and like a balm healed their wounds. All the while, as Christians, their lives were always
in danger.

The maturity of our Christian life is measured by our concern for our fellow men and women especially
the needy, whether in body or in spirit. Our service in word or deed can even cost us our very own lives.

God, our Father and Lord, your martyr Saint Magdalene of Nagasaki preached the Gospel with courage
and shed her blood for your sake; grant, through her intercession, that we may be faithful witnesses of
your word, followers of her example and share with her your glory forever.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit One
God forever and ever. Amen.

(Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…)

Reflection: Reflect on situations when you've been hesitant to speak up for your faith. How can you be
bolder in the future?

Prayer Intention: Pray for religious freedom and tolerance in the world, and for the courage to be
faithful witnesses to Christ.

Day 6: Finding Peace in God

In 1629, Fr. Francis and Fr. Vincent were discovered and seized by the constables. Filled with bitterness,
Magdalene saw them brought to be tortured in the boiling sulfuric waters of Unze, and led back to the
jails of Nagasaki where she often visited them. She was still the best tie between the Fathers and the
Christians. Finally, she witnessed her spiritual Fathers joyfully burn alive in the ‘’Mountain of Martyrs’’.
Their supreme sacrifice comforted her as she returned to the mountains to continue her mission.

Focused on Christ on the mountain of Calvary, we derive strength and courage in times of painful
difficulties. We also comfort each other by our example of prayerful patience in moments of trials.


God, our Father and Lord, your martyr Saint Magdalene of Nagasaki preached the Gospel with courage
and shed her blood for your sake; grant, through her intercession, that we may be faithful witnesses of
your word, followers of her example and share with her your glory forever.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit One
God forever and ever. Amen.

(Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…)

Reflection: Spend time in silence and prayer, seeking God's peace and guidance in your life.

Prayer Intention: Pray for inner peace and tranquility, especially for those in turmoil or conflict.

Day 7: Strengthening Our Faith

Magdalene’s grief over the loss of her spiritual Fathers was quickly alleviated by the sudden arrival of
two other Augustinian Recollect missionaries, Fr. Martin of St. Nicholas and Fr. Melchor of St. Augustine.
They met with other tertiaries in their hiding places. By night, Magdalene led the two newcomers to
other hiding posts for them to administer to the frightened Christians. Sadly, the two missionaries were
found our shortly after, and martyrdom quickly came about.

Once more Magdalene was left alone, this time forever. How she wished to turn herself to the
executioners to follow her holy mentors. But she felt the responsibility for her brothers and sisters who
were left with hardly any priest. Often, she had to act as a “woman priest” to make up for their lack.

Insurmountable problems often dampen our faith. That is the precise moment to persevere trustingly in
the Lord. That is faith – when all is lost forever.


God, our Father and Lord, your martyr Saint Magdalene of Nagasaki preached the Gospel with courage
and shed her blood for your sake; grant, through her intercession, that we may be faithful witnesses of
your word, followers of her example and share with her your glory forever.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit One
God forever and ever. Amen.

(Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…)

Reflection: Consider practices to deepen your faith, such as prayer, Scripture reading, or acts of charity.

Prayer Intention: Pray for the faith of those who are struggling or doubting, that they may find renewed
belief in God.

Day 8: Sustaining Hope

Persecution was becoming increasingly harsh around Nagasaki many Christians, even missionaries, had
renounced the faith. Magdalene thought that a victim was needed to serve as an example and witness to
restore fortitude to fearful Christians. One fine day, in 1634, dressed with the tertiary habit and a small
pack of books on her hand, she presented herself directly to the judges.

The authorities were more interested in making her apostatize than in putting her to death they hoped
to break her faith by applying to her the tortures that already broke the wills of so many. Instead, friends
who came to visit her in the cage of her prison found her “praising the Lord, full of joy over her

Real faith leads to a personal witnessing. Our daily lives carry myriad of moments to express our faith in
Jesus, the God who is in us.


God, our Father and Lord, your martyr Saint Magdalene of Nagasaki preached the Gospel with courage
and shed her blood for your sake; grant, through her intercession, that we may be faithful witnesses of
your word, followers of her example and share with her your glory forever.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit One
God forever and ever. Amen.
(Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…)

Reflection: Think about times when hope has carried you through difficult circumstances. Offer a prayer
of gratitude for the gift of hope.

Prayer Intention: Pray for those who have lost hope and need God's grace and consolation.

Day 9: Conclusion of the Novena

At the beginning of October 1634, Magdalene was sentenced to die by the dreaded torment of the
gallows and pit. In her black habit and cincture of the Augustinian Recollect Tertiary, she headed the
group of Christians towards the place of torture. On her shoulders hung a sign which read: “She has been
condemned to die for not choosing to renounce the law of Christ.” Tied up-side-down from the gallows,
her body was lowered halfway into the well up to her waist.

Magdalene endured this ordeal for thirteen days when a heavy rainstorm flooded the pit and drowned
her. The soldiers burned her body and scattered her ashes over the sea to prevent Christians from
keeping it as a scared treasured. Magdalene’s death left a deep impression not only to Nagasaki’s
Christians but to pagan onlookers as well. Simple heroism that resembles martyrdom has a place in every
Christian’s life. It is an act of choosing Christ in every circumstance of everyday living. Christ’s heroic
passion and death is our sole example and source of strength.


God, our Father and Lord, your martyr Saint Magdalene of Nagasaki preached the Gospel with courage
and shed her blood for your sake; grant, through her intercession, that we may be faithful witnesses of
your word, followers of her example and share with her your glory forever.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit One
God forever and ever. Amen.

(Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…)

Reflection: Contemplate the ways this novena has deepened your relationship with St. Magdalene and
your faith in Christ.

Prayer Intention: Offer your personal intentions and the intentions of the Church as we conclude this

Closing Prayer: (To be prayed at the end of the 9th day Novena in Honor of St. Magdalene of Nagasaki)

Heavenly Father, as we conclude this extended novena in honor of St. Magdalene of Nagasaki, we come
before Your throne of grace with hearts filled with gratitude and reverence. Throughout these nine days
of reflection, prayer, and petition, we have sought the intercession and guidance of this courageous and
faithful servant of Yours. We have delved deep into the wellspring of her life, her unwavering devotion to
You, and her steadfast love for Your Son, Jesus Christ.
St. Magdalene of Nagasaki, martyr of the faith, we thank you for your exemplary life, for the inspiration
you have provided us, and for the powerful intercession you have offered on our behalf during this
novena. Your unwavering commitment to the Gospel message, even in the face of unimaginable
persecution, continues to inspire and challenge us. Through your witness, we have been reminded of the
profound truth that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.

As we close this novena, we ask for your continued presence in our lives. Help us to carry the lessons we
have learned from your life forward with us. May we be emboldened by your example to stand firm in
our faith, to trust in God's providence, and to be beacons of hope and light in a world often shrouded in

Heavenly Father, grant us the grace to persevere in faith, even when trials and tribulations assail us. May
we find solace and strength in the peace that comes from knowing You intimately, just as St. Magdalene
did. May our faith deepen day by day, and may it be an unshakeable foundation upon which we build our

We offer our heartfelt intentions, both those we have voiced and those held silently in the depths of our
hearts. We entrust them to Your loving care, confident that You hear and respond to our prayers
according to Your divine wisdom and plan.

St. Magdalene of Nagasaki, as we bid farewell to this novena, we ask for your continued intercession. Be
our companion on this journey of faith and guide us in our pursuit of holiness and virtue. We thank you
for your heavenly assistance and your loving presence among us.

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