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Data Analysis in NVivo

Analysis commenced by importing the formatted interview transcripts into NVivo 14

from Microsoft Word documents. This allowed direct analysis within the qualitative data

analysis software.

Inductive thematic analysis was conducted by thoroughly reading the collated interview

responses and inductively identifying psychological experience patterns within the responses.

Initial codes were generated from the transcripts which were then categorized into themes and

sub-themes representing key parental --------------------------.

Hence the coding process involved recognizing recurring concepts which were tagged

with codes not defined a priori but based on interpretive synthesis of participant experiences.

Codes were attached to transcript segments encapsulating similar ideas. Codes were gradually

refined into a coding framework encompassing central themes, as more transcripts were coded in

an iterative process.

This allowed systematic data organization and interpretation of ----------------.

The comprehensive coding also formed the foundation for evaluating----------------.

Queries were run within NVivo analysis tools, to explore variations in coded content. Matrices

and models were also generated to examine participant characteristics and responses ---------.

Descriptive statistical elements of the sample were integrated with the qualitative synthesis.

In summary, the interview transcripts underwent extensive thematic evaluation facilitated

by NVivo14 qualitative data analysis software. NVivo tools coupled with systematic data

formatting, organizing and coding contained within interpretative stages of coding, categorizing,

and theme based analysis shed light on the-------------- in Pakistan. The software enabled

efficient data handling allowing for an inclusive synthesis.

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