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Isabella Golden



Prof Diehl

Reading Response #3 (300-500 Words) - Due

For this Reading Response, you should CHOOSE ONE Van Gogh painting from class discussion:
(available under Content--UNIT 4--Vincent Van Gogh Paintings + Letters (For February 14th-19th)) and
discuss what story you imagine Vincent has depicted in the painting. Who are the characters? Are any
of them broken-hearted? What do you think might have broken this character's heart? Finally, is
Vincent a participant or an observer in this painting? Why do you think this is the case?

As always, you can react to the painting (yes, you may use first person!). What specific element stands
out most to you and why?

300-500 Words.

I will be choosing to talk about the painting “Sunflowers” January 1889 by Vincent Van Gogh. The story
that I imagine is that Vincent Van Gogh is viewing a vase of sunflowers, and what he feels emotionally is
what he sees in the sunflowers. I think the characters are the individual sunflowers themselves and
perhaps the many “faces” of Vincent. Some of the sunflowers are facing the viewer while others have
their “faces” turned away from the viewer. Some sunflowers are standing tall but have missing or no
pedals, while other “faces” are turned downward, toward the base of the painting. This may represent
how his moods may shift from positive to negative rather quickly. I believe there is broken heartedness
in this painting because sunflowers are traditionally known to be associated with happiness, and initially
from first glance, it does look that way. But as you look closer into the details of the painting and each
individual sunflower, a lot of the sunflowers are distorted and off looking. Also, sunflowers are usually a
bright yellow, but this painting uses a dull, dreary looking yellow. Once you look at the individual details
of the painting it appears to look like a dying bouquet of sunflowers. This is what makes the painting
give off the feeling of broken heartedness. It may be representative of when someone is struggling with
mental health; they may appear to be doing well, but if you look closer, they are struggling. Something
that may indicate what broke Vincent's heart can be seen in letter 565. The letter is from a month prior
to the creation of this painting and speaks about how the day after he wrote the letter, Vincent had cut
a piece of his ear off and gave it to a woman at a brothel. So, he may have felt isolated and alone after
doing something so drastic to his appearance. And may be experiencing regret from his impulsive
behavior, or “in a state of terrible excitement and high fever” as the letter says. The painting appears to
be alluding to the feeling of hopefulness to feel happiness but struggling with his own mental health
pushes him back. I believe Vincent observed the sunflowers; because it seems he is looking at them
from his point of view, and projecting what he is feeling and seeing it in the sunflowers.

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