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Ohrlee Jay O. Pangan BSN 2C Feb.

1, 2024
Procedure Definition Purpose Rationale Nursing Responsibilities

Blood Transfusion A procedure that enables the patient to Replenish the blood loss due to injury, To make up for the loss of blood and blood 1. Verify doctor’s order for the
receive blood and/or blood products via IV. surgery, or illness. components, and prevent hypovolemic procedure.
shock. 2. Ensure compatibility by
cross-matching and typing
3. Do not bypass the aseptic technique.
4. Make sure that the blood is at room
temperature to prevent chills.
5. Use 18g or 19g needle for smoother
blood flow.
6. Monitor patient’s vital signs and
discern for any adverse reactions.

ABG An arterial blood gas analysis (ABG) analyzes To determine ventilation, gas exchange, and To determine if the lungs process oxygen 1. Decipher the results for any
the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in acid-base balance in the blood. properly and if it does expel carbon dioxide abnormality and report it to the
your blood to determine how well your lungs as it should to assess for any abnormality of appropriate personnel to rule out the
function. the lungs and its respiration. Also, to prevent orders.
metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis
that could lead to further complications.

24H Urine Sampling A common diagnostic test by collecting your Used to examine the kidneys’ function and To assess the components of the urine 1. Instruct the patient or collect all void
urine in a particular container for a complete hormonal imbalances. sample, the kidney function, and any pee during the 24-hour collection
24-hour period to determine what’s in your hormonal imbalances that could potentially period and place it in the collection
urine. explain the patient's current health status container. The collection should be
and/or help for the treatment plan of the completed exactly 24 hours after it
patient. began, by having the patient empty
his or her bladder or catheter bag
and putting the specimen to the
collection container.

Bathing the Baby A procedure to help the baby for To protect and prevent the infants from To keep the infants clean from unnecessary 1. Verify the doctor’s order for any
thermoregulation and keep their hygiene at harboring harmful microorganisms and help microbes that could potentially raise the risk precautionary actions or
best by bathing the baby. in thermoregulation. of them getting ill and infection and to contraindications.
prevent infant hypothermia or hyperthermia. 2. Assess the infant and their need for
the procedure.
3. Check the water’s temperature to
prevent burning or hypothermia.
References: ATH%3A&text=%EF%83%BC%20Check%20the%20physician's%20or
cess/what-happens-to-donated-blood/blood-transfusions.html#:~:t ders,in%20the%20previous%20one%20hour.

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