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April 14, 2024

To whom it may concern:

I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Kelly Monroe. Kelly is a Lower Elementary Montessori teacher at
Denison Montessori, and she is a valued member of our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) team.

Kelly and I began working together when I joined Denison Montessori in August 2022 as a Senior Team Lead leading the
MTSS team. As a colleague, Kelly brings such great insight to the MTSS process, specifically around data, research-based
interventions and empathy for the families we work with.

Kelly has both been a member of our MTSS team and referred her own students to the team. She leads by example when
implementing research-based interventions for both academics and behavior as well as progress monitoring data
collection. For example, in the 2023-2024 school year, Kelly referred a student to MTSS for support with reading fluency.
With the help of the team, she chose to move forward with the intervention of repeated readings. To progress monitor this
intervention, she has worked with an intervention paraprofessional to support the student in graphing his number of words
read correctly over the course of a week.

She has extended this vast knowledge as a member of the MTSS team as well. For example, when a fellow teacher
brought a student to the MTSS team for support with anxiety, the team suggested explicitly teaching one or two coping
strategies. When that teacher was initially dismissive of the idea, Kelly spoke from her own experience. Kelly shared that
she has utilized individualized visual representations of coping strategies for students in the past that has been a successful
intervention for them. She also offered to share the materials she used. The referring teacher was then open to attempting
the intervention with their own student. This is one example of many that Kelly has supported her fellow colleagues and
their students through the MTSS process.

Additionally, Kelly puts empathy for the families of the students at the forefront of our conversations. She has provided a
great deal of ideas about how the team could involve families more in the MTSS process in a way that makes them feel
comfortable. The team has implemented several of these ideas. For example, our goal as a MTSS team was to invite
families to more of the meetings this year. Kelly shared that when the parents or guardians of students are invited, we
should meet as a smaller team to make the families more comfortable (i.e. in a group of three to four team members rather
than a group of eight to nine team members). This change in our MTSS process has been critical for encouraging families
to be a partner in their child’s education with the school.

Kelly Monroe is a knowledgeable, empathetic individual to work with, and I feel lucky to have her as part of our MTSS

Should you have any questions about Kelly, please feel free to reach me at or 586-206-3257.

Thank you,

Tori Cadle
Senior Team Lead

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