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Lecture Notes: Introduction to Physics (Class 12)

What is Physics?

• Physics is the study of matter, energy, and the forces that interact with them.
• It’s like trying to figure out the rules of the game that nature plays!

Mechanics: The Motion of Objects

• Mechanics is all about how and why things move.

• Newton’s Laws explain motion:
o First Law: An object will stay still or keep moving at the same speed unless a force acts on it.
o Second Law: Force equals mass times acceleration (F=m×a).
o Third Law: For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction.

Electromagnetism: Electricity and Magnetism

• Electromagnetism shows how electric charges and magnets work.

• It’s why lights turn on and compass needles point north!

Thermodynamics: Heat and Energy

• Thermodynamics deals with heat, energy, and work.

• It tells us why engines can do work and why hot coffee cools down.

Waves and Optics: Light and Sound

• Waves carry energy from one place to another.

• Optics is the study of light, lenses, and how we see.

Modern Physics: Quantum Mechanics and Relativity

• Quantum Mechanics is the physics of the very small, like atoms and photons.
• Relativity explains how time and space aren’t the same for everyone, especially at high speeds or strong

Practical Applications

• Physics isn’t just theory; it’s in everything from smartphones to space travel.
• Understanding physics helps us solve real-world problems and innovate new technologies.

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