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March 8, 2024 MEDIA ALERT

Foundations Technologies: Poker Night Event to Launch New Product on March 20th

Introductory paragraph
Foundations Technologies is hosting a charity centralized non-profit poker event on March 20th.
The company event is for the launch of our new ShaftSpacer Rebar Wheel that will be hitting the
shelves just 3 days after the event (3/23/2024). The company is giving all of the proceedings and
winnings to charities of the winner’s choice.

What: Foundations Technologies is hosting a non-profit poker night to announce the

release of their new ShaftSpacer Rebar Wheel that is expected to be released for
construction organizations/companies shortly after the event.

When: The event is starting at 6:00 pm Eastern time on March 8, 2024.

Where: The event will take place in the corporate meeting room in the Foundations
Technologies Inc. headquarters at 1400 Progress Industrial Blvd in Lawrenceville,

Who: Present clients and potential future clients of Foundations Technologies and their
families are all welcome at the event, and of course the Foundations Tech.
employees and their families as well. The event will also be opened up to
construction publications and general news for the press release and product
launch presentation.

Why: The purpose of this event is to display the new ShaftSpacer Rebar Wheel product
while also giving clients the opportunity to make new connections and experience
the new product firsthand. The event also allows media to get an insight on
Foundation Technologies and what we do, as well as view the new product
releasing on March 23rd.

Contact: Cameron Mallare


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