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4/4/2022 1:26:49 Prapor Pvt Increasingly violent madman#1458 Yes

Russian Ground Forces Due to my past experience of leading insurgent and

asymmetrical forces against UK forces i would like to lead Russian ground forces. I
can promise that I am an extremely dedicated and efficient commander and that I
will perform my duties well beyond what is expected of me, I have experience
leading RU special forces, Reconnaissance and infantry plus significant experience
engaging and dealing with UK forces in a variety of environments. I see the
challenge of leading the ground forces as an unparalleled way to tackle the growing
ego of UK forces and to greatly increase the efficiency of our glorious Russian
troops. In addition to this I see the opportunity to lead Russian forces as a way
to advance my personal career and the careers of those around me, growing the
Russian forces into a force that the UK army would fear. Lend all the aid I can
muster to my comrades, whether it was in the form of my commanders or my men, I
would eagerly assist and do my best to bring them back to full fighting strength
and optimal efficiency as fast as possible, even going as far as to lead them
myself if necessary. I have many years of experience, having lead Russian and
opposition forces in combat before, I was the General of Spetsnaz forces multiple
times in the past and have lead Insurgent Recognisance forces to becoming one of
the most feared regiments in the region before, in addition I have trained and lead
the enemy forces to victory against the taliban as a Paras regiment CO, a TRM LT
Col and then General and have previously served in the MOD of the Russian armed
forces, leading them to double and them quadruple in size over the course of a few
months. I would take the situation to my higher ups, presenting evidence and my
opinion to them in a manor that I see fit, making sure that my grievances with them
would not effect the rest of the army and our goals and making sure that their
reputation is not tarnished furthermore by the incident. All in all my goal is to
assure the success of RU forces and to make sure that all regiments and branches
remain in equilibrium and harmony as to allow us to fight as a cohesive and
powerful force. "I have lead a Recon squad deep into enemy territory, taking many
prisoners before returning to our front lines, during the return due to the large
amount of enemy fire we were taking and due to the large quantity of prisoners we
were mistaken for US forces and began being fired upon by Russian ground forces. I
contacted the friendly forces on radio and was assured that we weren't infact
taking fire from them, doubting this I deployed red smoke and reported my location,
when the incoming fire promptly stopped I simply asked the offending commander to
ID his targets to a better degree in future, he apologised and we continued with
out duties, later winning the battle and ransoming 4 US soldiers without incident.

After this incident my men were agitated for good reason, one man in particular a
junior NCO who was particularly hot headed started a debate with the offending
unit, this escalated to a heated argument, I cut this short by threatening
punishment for both sides of the argument and continued with my duties. This was
not adequate, My NCO once again started the debate, he began to disrespect the CO
of the other mans regiment and began threatening them with violence in response he
was cut from my regiment and blacklisted. I have no mercy for those who will not
respect my command and no quarrel in removing them from my unit if they decide to
weaken its resolve. " "Within the first month I plan to develop a solid network
of COs and NCOs within the army, increasing the recruiting rate and helping to
present the idea that good work is well rewarded with promotions and progression, I
would greatly increase the number of try outs held by adding requirements and
cutting inactive or completely insubordinate members from the ranks while showing
that RU forces were a serious force to be reckoned with by increasing our lethality
and presentation in missions.

The second month would consist of reworking and updating the armies equipment to
more versatile and modern gear, making sure that our troops are equally equipped
with their UK counterparts, this would increase recruitment and our success rate
greatly while making sure that RU forces had pride in their work and felt that they
were treated and paid attention to by their superiors, moving towards newer tactics
and more strict systems of command would also be necessary to increase the armies
success, more or less modelling ourselves after the UK army.

On the third month I would begin my work towards creating more elite units in the
army, selecting the best men for the job and creating very well equipped and very
lethal units within the army that were prepared and set to deal with the UK's
""elite squads"" and special forces, they would specialise in leading hostage
situations and making sure that the UK suffered their deserved punishment during
missions and incidents, these squads would require a performance review to be
passed and significant training in order to promote perfect performance and high
levels of competence within them, ultimately leading the UK to fear them and their
appearance on the field. " My experience, history and combat capability put me
in a unique position to oversee and assure the success of the Russian ground
forces, my drive to be the best and to prove dominance over others around me is
evident and when a force is placed under my command that drive is extended into a
need for them to succeed as well, I hope to see RU forces crush the UK in a manor
that they have not seen before and further more I wish to see the UK forces
equalled and bettered by units that are smaller than them in size. I have achieved
this before, the men I lead will attest to this and would happily serve under me
again, as friends and as comrades and those that opposed me will attest to the ease
at which I dispatched of them to achieve my goals. I am eager to grow a competent
force and am eager to shape those who may not be ready to serve well into good
soldiers and COs ultimately resulting in RU forces being more respected and feared
in the region as a whole. You will struggle to find anyone with the zeal, drive and
ability to crush their opponents quite like me and as such I fit the challenges and
trials that this role will present like no one else will.

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