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Vincent Van Gogh Paintings

By Zach Moye
Vincent Van Gogh sat across the street from The Café Terrace watching the hustle and
bustle of the patrons of the Café. He wondered if the people felt lonely and depressed as he was
and yet he admired the warmth of the light coming from the Café. He notices the two empty
chairs sitting in front of him as if they were an invitation to join the light and warmth. Yet he
does not accept this invitation for he feels unworthy, for he is a struggling painter who has not
sold any work even though he has tirelessly painted daily. This heartbreak leads Vincent to paint
this view with the emotions that he is feeling. He sees the light of the café as what he must show
the world bright and vibrant while in reality, he feels dark and gloomy like portrayed in the alley.
As he begins painting, Vincent wonders if the couple at the table had just met that night
or had known each other for years. Then he notices the person sitting alone and wonders if he is
going through the same loneliness as him, or if he is in heartbreak over someone he longs for.
The people walking by the café do not notice the lonely man just like they do not notice him, and
his art. Vincent notices the café lights and the stars twinkling brightly in the night and he wishes
this could be his ray of hope for his future. Lighting up the darkness of the night trying to
penetrate the darkness of the alley which he sees as his current future for he has yet to sell
anything. Vincent compares the darkness of the alley to his looming depression but his hope for a
brighter day to come is symbolized through the stars of the night sky and the lights from the

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