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Predict a Dream Q4_W1


Accomplish the graphic organizer.


Sequencing Events is the process of arranging the events in a plot of a story, play or movie that has been
watched or read. This is done using your deductive skill as a reader.
Arrange the events according to how they happened in the play. Number them 1-9.

A. Willy yells at Biff. Happy tries to change the topic by suggesting that he and Biff enter the sporting goods
business. Willy likes the idea and gives Biff tips on how to be successful at it.
B. Tired from an unsuccessful sales trip, Willy Loman returned to his home one night.
C. Willy has the habit of talking to himself in the kitchen. While he was doing this, Biff and his younger brother
Happy who happens to be also visiting, remember their growing up years together. They talk about their father’s
babbling too which always lead to Willy’s dissatisfaction over what happened to Biff’s life career.
D. Willy talks about a successful sales trip but Linda makes him admit that his trip was not successful. As Linda
consoles him, Willy engages in yet another daydream, he hears the laughter of his mistress whom he has given
brand new stockings.
E. He continues with his flashback, this time with Linda in the kitchen mending her stockings. This angers Willy and
orders Linda to throw her stockings away.
F. The daydream ends but Willy continues to whisper to himself. Happy tries to quiet him. But Willy shouts his
regrets for not going to Alaska with his brother Ben.
G. Charley comes in having heard the noise. They play cards together with Charley offering him a job. Willy calls
Charley Ben several times which agitates him. Charley leaves.
H. In yet another flashback, young Linda enters and meets Ben who talks about his travels and his fortune in Alaska.
Willy continues the daydream with Charley and Bernard telling him that Biff and Happy have stolen lumber. Ben
leaves but Willy continues to talk to him.
I. Reality sets in, Linda finds Willy outside. Mother and sons discuss Willy’s condition, scolds Biff for arguing with
his father. Biff tells her Willy is a fake but does not explain why. Linda tells them that Willy has tried to kill
himself. Happy rebukes Biff for not making it big in the business world.

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