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Notes on terminology

The importance of terminology comes from communication: in order to

be able of speaking about a certain field of knowledge for better
understanding every thing that is being said.
As professionals, terminology plays a key role: it’s needed in order to be
able to understand articles, books, lectures and any other kind of
communication. The knowledge of this terminology will be helpful for
students so they can have a better understanding of what is being
communicated, also, it helps experts in the field to be able to transmit
the knowledge in a more effective way.
Another important feature of terminology is the acquisition of information
when reading a text and associating the specialized words and the whole
interaction there is in that context.
The usage of resources such as word banks, glossaries, encyclopedias,
among others is key when trying to understand the formation of words.
Studying terminology is the foundation for all subject fields, it improves
the communication either internationally or nationality.
Terminology must be understood in its three main aspects:
1. As a need
2. As a practice
3. As a field of knowledge.

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