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Writing (Fiction) on 2nd April 2024 (Tuesday) Calista

**Myth: The Story of King Midas**

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there lived a wealthy king named Midas. King
Midas had everything he could ever want: a grand palace, beautiful gardens, and vast
riches. But despite his wealth, King Midas was never satisfied. He always wanted more

One day, a stranger passing through the kingdom saw King Midas counting his gold
coins and offered him a wish as a reward for his hospitality. Without hesitation, King
Midas wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. The stranger, who was
actually the god Dionysus in disguise, granted the wish but warned King Midas to be
careful what he wished for.

Excitedly, King Midas went around touching everything in sight, turning it all into
shimmering gold. But soon, he realized the consequences of his wish. When he tried to
eat, his food turned into gold at his touch. When he tried to hug his daughter, she turned
into a golden statue. King Midas was horrified and begged the gods to take back his

The god Dionysus took pity on King Midas and instructed him to wash his hands in the
river Pactolus to undo the curse. As King Midas did so, the golden touch disappeared,
and everything returned to normal. From that day forward, King Midas learned to
appreciate the true treasures in life: love, family, and happiness, rather than the cold,
hard metal of gold.

**Character Profile: King Midas**

King Midas was a wealthy but greedy king in ancient Greece. He loved gold more than
anything else and wished for the power to turn everything he touched into gold.
However, he soon realized the consequences of his greed when he couldn't eat, drink,
or hug his loved ones without turning them into gold. Midas learned an important lesson
about the value of family and love over material wealth.

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