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Cortisol, 11b-Hydroxysteroid

Dehydrogenases, and Hypertension

Stan H.M. van Uum, M.D., Ph.D.,1 Jacques W.M. Lenders, M.D., Ph.D.,2
and Ad R.M.M. Hermus, M.D., Ph.D.3


Hypersecretion of cortisol is associated with hypertension. In addition, an

abnormal cortisol metabolism may play a role in the pathogenesis of hypertension. The
11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11b-HSD) isozymes catalyze interconversion of

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cortisol and cortisone and play an important role in the regulation of the effects of cortisol.
Activity of 11b-HSD type 2, converting active cortisol in inactive cortisone, is crucial in
preventing access of cortisol to the renal mineralocorticoid receptors (MRs). Decreased
activity of this isozyme in the kidney, either congenitally in Apparent Mineralocorticoid
Excess syndrome or acquired following licorice consumption, allows cortisol access to the
MRs, resulting in hypokalemic hypertension. In normotensive subjects, an association has
been demonstrated between blood pressure increase on a high-salt diet and a mild decrease
of renal 11b-HSD2 activity. In ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), plasma
cortisol levels are very high, resulting in mineralocorticoid hypertension caused by
saturation of the available renal 11b-HSD2 capacity. Activity of the 11b-HSDs has also
been demonstrated in many extrarenal sites. Several studies have demonstrated extrarenal
effects of cortisol on blood pressure, as well as a possible role for altered extrarenal 11b-
HSD activities in the pathogenesis of hypertension. More studies are needed to clarify the
role of 11b-HSDs in the pathogenesis of hypertension.

KEYWORDS: Cortisol, 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases, hypertension, licorice

Educational Objectives: Upon completion of this article, the reader should be able to (1) describe the role of 11b-hydroxysteroid
dehydrogenases in regulating access of cortisol to mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors, (2) describe and clinically recognize
the role of renal 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases in various forms of hypertension, including the AME syndrome, licorice-induced
hypertension, and hypertension in Cushing’s syndrome, and (3) discuss the possible role for 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases in
primary hypertension.

C ortisol is a steroid hormone that is produced in results in serious, and sometimes life-threatening, hy-
the adrenal cortex. It plays an important role in the potension.
regulation of blood pressure. In Cushing’s syndrome, In this article we first describe the relation be-
overproduction of cortisol results in hypertension, tween cortisol and hypertension. Next we describe the role
whereas in adrenal failure, insufficient cortisol secretion of the 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11b-HSD)

Cardiovascular Endocrinology; Editor in Chief, Jan Jacques Michiels, M.D., Ph.D.; Guest Editor, Marcel Th.B. Twickler, M.D., Ph.D. (U.U.),
Ph.D. (Paris VI). Seminars in Vascular Medicine, Volume 4, Number 2, 2004. Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Stan H.M. van Uum,
M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, St. Joseph’s Health
Centre, Room G401, 268 Grosvenor St., London, Ontario N6A 4V2, Canada. 1Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of
Medicine, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Division of General Internal Medicine, 3Division of Endocrinology,
Deptartment of Medicine, University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Copyright # 2004 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333
Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001 USA. Tel: +1(212)584-4662. 1528-9648,p;2004,04,02,121,128,ftx,en;svm00176x.

isozymes in regulating access of cortisol to glucocorticoid (149  5 mm Hg). Dexamethasone did not change
and mineralocorticoid receptors. We then discuss some blood pressure in normotensive subjects,6 and in both
of the mechanisms involved in cortisol-mediated hyper- studies, normal baseline plasma cortisol levels were
tension, including the effects of cortisol and 11b-HSDs found. These studies indicate that cortisol may play a
in the kidneys, blood vessels, and other organs. role in the pathogenesis of primary hypertension, even
when plasma cortisol levels are in the normal range.


Hypertension is a common feature of Cushing’s syn- 11b-HYDROXYSTEROID
drome. It is present in 75–90% of these patients.1 DEHYDROGENASES
Treatment of high blood pressure with antihypertensive Over the last decade, it has emerged that concentrations
drugs is mostly ineffective in these patients, and a of cortisol may vary within tissues and cells as a result of
satisfactory decrease in blood pressure can only be local metabolism of cortisol by the 11b-HSD isozymes.
obtained after the restoration of normal cortisol levels.2 These isozymes catalyze interconversion of hormonally
Cortisol also increases blood pressure in healthy subjects: active cortisol and inactive cortisone. Two distinct iso-
Oral administration of cortisol 50 mg every 6 hours for zymes have been described:7 first, in humans, 11b-
5 days increased systolic blood pressure by 10 mm Hg.3 HSD1 is present in many tissues and is most abundantly
Next, studies were performed to investigate the expressed in liver and adipose tissue.8,9 In vitro 11b-
role of cortisol in the pathogenesis of primary hyperten- HSD1 is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate

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sion. In the first study, in 1963, Vermeulen and collea- (reduced) [NADP(H)] dependent and catalyzes both
gues did not find a difference in plasma cortisol levels dehydrogenation and reduction.10,11 In the liver, 11b-
between hypertensive and normotensive subjects.4 In a HSD1 predominantly acts as a reductase, converting
more recent study, the Paris Prospective Study I, the cortisone to active cortisol (see Fig. 1).
morning plasma cortisol levels were mildly elevated in The second isozyme, 11b-HSD2, is a high-affi-
hypertensive subjects compared with normotensive con- nity NAD-dependent enzyme that is highly expressed in
trols; this difference was present at any body mass index mineralocorticoid target tissues such as renal cortex,11,12
level, but particularly in lean subjects with high systolic colon,11 salivary glands,13 and sweat glands.14 This
blood pressure.5 isozyme has mainly dehydrogenase activity and is already
In other studies, the effect of dexamethasone, active at very low cortisol concentrations. 11b-HSD2
which suppresses endogenous cortisol production, on plays a key role in regulating mineralocorticoid activity
blood pressure was investigated. In an uncontrolled of cortisol. In vitro experiments have shown that cortisol
study of hypertensive subjects, administration of dexa- and aldosterone have similar affinities for mineralocor-
methasone 0.5 mg three times daily for 8 weeks resulted ticoid receptors (MRs),15 so their functional aldosterone
in a decrease of diastolic blood pressure from 104  5 to selectivity in vivo is apparently not mediated by the
96  8 mm Hg (P < .0001), whereas systolic blood receptor structure. In vivo MRs are protected from
pressure did not change. In another study of hyperten- exposure to cortisol by the isozyme 11b-HSD2. This
sive subjects, dexamethasone 0.5 mg ante nocte for 4 isozyme rapidly metabolizes the active mineralocorticoid
weeks resulted in a systolic blood pressure of 142  3 mm cortisol to its inactive metabolite cortisone (see Fig. 2),
Hg, which was significantly lower than during placebo thus preventing stimulation of MRs by cortisol.

Figure 1 In the kidney, cortisol (F) is converted to

inactive cortisone (E) by 11b-hydroxysteroid dehy-
drogenase type 2 (11b-HSD2), and in the liver,
cortisone is converted back to cortisol by 11b-
HSD1 (interconversion of cortisol and cortisone is
indicated by dashed arrows). Activity of 11b-HSD1
had also been described in fat cells. 11b-HSD1 and
11b-HSD2 are both expressed in vascular tissue and
in many other tissues not shown in this figure.
VSM ¼ vascular smooth muscle.

Figure 2 Under physiological conditions, (a) cortisol is metabolized to cortisone by 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11b-
HSD2). As a consequence, the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) will not be exposed to relevant cortisol concentrations. When 11b-HSD2
activity is reduced, either congenitally (Apparent Mineralocorticoid Syndrome) or by inhibition by glycyrrhetinic acid, cortisol is not
completely metabolized to cortisol, and IT therefore activates the MR (b). Urinary excretion of cortisol and its tetrahydrometabolites
(THF and allo-THF) is increased, whereas excretion of cortisol and its tetrahydrometabolite THE is decreased. This results in an increased

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ratio of (THF þ allo-THF) to THE, reflecting decreased activity of 11b-HSD2. 5ared ¼ 5a-reductase; 5bred ¼ 5b-reductase. (From van
Uum SH, Hermus AR, Smits P, Thien T, Lenders JW. The role of 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in the pathogenesis of
hypertension. Cardiovasc Res 1998;38:16–24. Reprinted with permission of # European Society of Cardiology.)

Aldosterone is not metabolized by 11b-HSD2 and can demonstrated in studies in patients with the apparent
therefore bind to the MRs. mineralocorticoid excess (AME) syndrome.17,18 These
In studies on 11b-HSD activity in humans, patients were first described in the 1970s and present at a
analysis of urinary corticosteroid excretion plays an young age with severe hypertension, hypokalemia, low
important role. In the kidney, cortisol is metabolized renin activity, and low aldosterone, and they suffer from
to cortisone. In addition, cortisol is metabolized to its serious cardiovascular complications at a young age.
tetrahydrometabolites tetrahydrocortisol (THF) and Overproduction of an adrenal mineralocorticoid hor-
allo-tetrahydrocortisol (allo-THF), and cortisone is meta- mone was suspected but could not be demonstrated;
bolized to tetrahydrocortisone (THE). Therefore, de- hence the term ‘‘apparent mineralocorticoid excess.’’ The
creased 11b-HSD2 activity will result in an increased hypertension did respond to spironolactone, a MR
urinary (THF þ allo-THF)/THE ratio and an increased blocker, and the urinary (THF þ allo-THF)/THE ra-
cortisol/cortisone ratio (see Fig. 2). tios ranged from 6 to greater than 70 in AME (a normal
One concern regarding the urinary (THF þ allo- ratio is around 1). Later it was established that AME is
THF)/THE ratio is that it probably reflects the total caused by mutations in the gene coding for 11b-HSD2
11b-HSD activity within the body, which is a combina- that result in severely deficient isozyme activity, thus
tion of 11b-HSD1 activity, mainly in the liver, and 11b- enabling cortisol to access the MR.
HSD2 activity, mainly in the kidneys. Therefore, some At present, more than 30 mutations in the gene
authors have suggested that the urinary ratio of free coding for 11b-HSD2 have been described in  60
cortisol over free cortisone may more accurately reflect kindreds.19 AME is inherited as an autosomal recessive
renal 11b-HSD2 activity.16
Table 1 Renal 11b-HSD2 Activity in Several Forms
of Hypertension
AND 11b-HSDS IN HYPERTENSION Syndrome activity
Renal activity of 11b-HSD2 is altered in several hyper-
Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess ##
tensive conditions and syndromes (Table 1). In the
Glycyrrhetinic acid (licorice, chewing tobacco) #/# #
following paragraphs, some of these conditions are
Chronic renal failure #
discussed in more detail.
Salt-sensitive primary hypertension #
Primary hypertension ¼/ # ?
Cushing’s syndrome ¼/ "
Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess Syndrome
Renal 11b-HSD2 activity in syndromes or conditions in which stimu-
The physiological relevance of 11b-HSD2 for the reg- lation of the renal mineralocorticoid receptors by cortisol seems to
ulation of blood pressure and potassium balance was play a role in the pathogenesis of hypertension.

disorder. Some heterozygous parents of patients with Angiotensin-II receptor antagonists enhance renal 11b-
AME were found to be normotensive,20 and others were HSD2 activity, which may explain their natriuretic
mildly hypertensive with some evidence for mineralo- effect.29,30 In patients with proteinuria, in the absence
corticoid-based hypertension.21 of renal failure, the urinary ratio of free cortisol over free
cortisone is decreased compared with that of healthy
subjects. This indicates that renal 11b-HSD2 activity is
Licorice enhanced in these patients, and the altered 11b-HSD2
Licorice is consumed as a confectionary sweet, especially activity would therefore not contribute to sodium reten-
in Europe and New Zealand, and is also used as a tion in patients with the nephrotic syndrome.31
sweetener in chewing gum, tobacco, and some herbal
teas. When the blood pressure–increasing effect of
licorice was first discovered, it was hypothesized that it Primary Hypertension
was the result of direct stimulation of the MR by licorice. On the basis of the above findings, it was hypothesized
However, the affinity of glycyrrhetinic acid (GA), the that activity of 11b-HSD2 might also be decreased in
active constituent of licorice, for the MR is low.11 The patients with primary hypertension. The urinary ratio of
urinary ratio of (THF þ allo-THF)/THE is increased (THF þ allo-THF)/THE was increased in some stu-
after intake of licorice or GA.22,23 Later, it was demon- dies,32,33 but other groups found normal ratios.34,35
strated that GA is a potent inhibitor of 11b-HSD2 activ- Another study demonstrated an increase in the plasma
ity, allowing cortisol to bind to the MRs and resulting in half-life of cortisol in a subgroup of patients with

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hypokalemic hypertension. As little as 50 g licorice per primary hypertension, which is compatible with de-
day (corresponding to  100 mg GA) may cause hyper- creased 11b-HSD2 activity, but the decrease in isozyme
tension and signs of mineralocorticoid excess.24 activity could not be related to signs of mineralocorticoid
excess.36 A possible role for decreased 11b-HSD2 activ-
ity in familial predisposition to hypertension was also
Cushing’s Syndrome suggested by the ‘‘four-corner study,’’ in which an im-
Hypertension is present in 80% of patients with Cush- paired conversion of cortisol to inactive metabolites was
ing’s syndrome and in more than 95% of the patients found in young men with mildly increased blood
with ectopic ACTH production. This last subgroup pressure whose parents also had high blood pressure.37
frequently presents with hypokalemic alkalosis. Plasma This study indicated that the endogenous activity of
cortisol/cortisone ratios are higher in patients with 11b-HSD2 may be reduced in subgroups of patients
ectopic ACTH production than in those with other with primary hypertension.
forms of Cushing’s syndrome,25 but in most forms the Other studies focused on the effect of exogenous
mineralocorticoid excess is accompanied by increased 11b-HSD2 inhibitors on blood pressure. In healthy
(THF þ allo-THF)/THE ratio in urine, indicating in- volunteers, oral intake of 50–200 g licorice per day for
sufficient renal 11b-HSD2 activity. This insufficient 2–4 weeks, corresponding to a daily intake of 75–540 mg
11b-HSD2 activity is not caused by an absolute decrease GA, resulted in a dose-dependent increase of blood
in renal 11b-HSD2 activity or by a direct inhibitory pressure up to 14 mm Hg at the highest dose.38 Admin-
effect of ACTH on isozyme activity.26 In severe hyper- istration of GA for 4 weeks resulted in a significantly
cortisolism, the arterial supply of cortisol to the kidneys higher increase of blood pressure in patients with pri-
is so high that the available renal 11b-HSD2 activity mary hypertension than in a control group of normo-
cannot maintain adequate conversion of cortisol to tensive volunteers. Systolic blood pressure increased with
cortisone. This is known as substrate saturation and 12  5 and 6  8 mm Hg, respectively, and diastolic
results in access of cortisol to renal MRs, and thus in blood pressure increased with 9  5 and 4  6 mm Hg,
mineralocorticoid hypertension.25,27 respectively. Of note, in this study hypertensive patients
were included in whom the blood pressure was con-
trolled (SBP < 140 mm Hg and DBP < 90 mm Hg)
Chronic Renal Failure using a b-blocker or a calcium antagonist.39 We inves-
Chronic renal failure is accompanied by a decrease of tigated the plasma cortisol/cortisone ratio, a parameter
11b-HSD2 activity in the kidneys,28 and cortisol excre- reflecting 11b-HSD2 activity, in normotensive and
tion in the urine is decreased. The plasma cortisol/ hypertensive subjects both before and after administra-
cortisone ratio is increased because of a reduction of tion of GA. We did not find a difference in cortisol/
the plasma cortisone concentration,28 whereas the cortisone ratio at baseline, and there was also no differ-
plasma cortisol concentration is not increased because ence in the increase of the cortisol/cortisone ratio
of negative feedback and a resultant reduction in cortisol following GA.35 This indicates that the difference in
secretion. The decrease of renal 11b-HSD2 activity may the increase of systolic blood pressure between normo-
promote salt retention. Of interest, ACE-inhibitors and tensive and hypertensive subjects may not be caused by a

difference in the inhibitory effect of GA on 11b-HSD2 corticosterone, resulted in increased noradrenalin-

activity but, more likely, by a postreceptor mechanism. induced vasoconstriction in aortic strips from rabbit,45
Next, the relation between 11b-HSD2 activity dog,46 and rat,47 and in strips from human umbilical
and salt sensitivity was studied. Lovati et al40 recruited artery.48 Similar effects have been found in in vivo
149 normotensive young male subjects and measured studies. In pigs, administration of deoxycorticosterone
blood pressure during both a low-salt (20 mmol sodium acetate for 50 days resulted in increased arterial vaso-
per day) and a high-salt (220 mmol sodium per day) diet. constriction to noradrenaline,49 whereas blocking of
Participants were characterized as salt sensitive if the glucocorticoid receptors blunted the pressor response
difference in mean arterial blood pressure between the to noradrenalin in anesthetized rats.50
low- and high-salt diets was higher than 3 mm Hg; In humans, administration of hydrocortisone for
otherwise, the subjects were determined to be salt 5–7 days increased forearm vascular resistance in re-
resistant. The urinary (THF þ allo-THF)/THE ratio sponse to cold stimuli and intra-arterially administered
during low-salt diet was significantly higher in salt- noradrenalin,51 and it resulted in impaired forearm
sensitive subjects (median ratio, 1.56) than in salt- vasodilatation to acetylcholine.52 A follow-up study
resistant subjects (median ratio, 1.10). In addition, there demonstrated that this increase of noradrenalin-
was a positive correlation (r2 ¼ 0.51) between the salt- mediated vasoconstriction was also found after admin-
induced increase in mean arterial pressure and the istration of fludrocortisone, a mineralocorticoid receptor
urinary (THF þ allo-THF)/THE ratio. In another agonist, but not after administration of dexamethasone,
study, the effect of GA on blood pressure and urinary a glucocorticoid receptor agonist.53 This indicates that

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corticosteroids was assessed in salt-sensitive and salt- the effect of hydrocortisone on noradrenalin-mediated
resistant normotensive subjects.41 The urinary (THF þ vasoconstriction may be mediated via vascular miner-
allo-THF)/THE ratio was higher in the salt-sensitive alocorticoid receptors.
subjects at baseline, and a more pronounced increase in
this ratio on GA was observed in the salt-sensitive
subjects than in salt-resistant subjects. There was also a Vascular 11b-HSD Activity and Vascular Tone
stronger increase in office mean blood pressure in salt- 11b-HSDs are also present in the blood vessels. In 1991,
sensitive subjects than in salt-resistant subjects. In con- activity of 11b-HSD1 was described in rat smooth
trast to the studies by Lovati et al40 and Ferrari et al,41 muscle cells.54 Subsequent studies showed that admin-
Kerstens et al42 found no difference in in vivo parameters istration of carbenoxolone, an inhibitor of 11b-HSD
of 11b-HSD activity, that is, the ratios of (THF þ allo- activity, for 5 days resulted in enhanced vasoconstrictor
THE)/THE and of free cortisol/free cortisone in urine, sensitivity to noradrenalin.55 Because increased sensitiv-
between salt-sensitive and salt-resistant normotensive ity to noradrenalin is a known effect of cortisol adminis-
subjects, and there was no effect of sodium intake on tration, it was hypothesized that 11b-HSD activity
these parameters. Up until now, no data were available protected vascular glucocorticoid receptors from cortisol.
on in vivo parameters of 11b-HSD2 activity and salt Activity of 11b-HSD1 results in conversion of
sensitivity in patients with primary hypertension. cortisone to cortisol in vivo,56,57 and would, therefore, be
In summary, these studies indicate that renal 11b- predicted to enhance glucocorticoid effects on blood
HSD2 activity may be decreased in some subgroups of vessels. Activity of 11b-HSD2, which inactivates corti-
patients with primary hypertension, and in particular in sol, has also been described in human vascular smooth
those with increased salt sensitivity. In these subjects, a muscle cells.58 In 11b-HSD2 knockout mice, vascular
mild decrease in renal 11b-HSD2 activity may be caused sensitivity to noradrenalin was increased while the sen-
by polymorphisms in 11b-HSD2. In salt-resistant nor- sitivity to endothelium-derived nitric oxide was de-
motensive subjects, in contrast, renal 11b-HSD2 activity creased,59 raising the possibilities that activity of 11b-
may be increased, possibly in an attempt to increase renal HSD2 might reduce glucocorticoid effects on blood
sodium excretion. vessels and that decrease of vascular 11b-HSD2 activity
may enhance vascular effects of glucocorticoids. How-
ever, in a recent study in mouse aortas, exposure to
EXTRARENAL EFFECTS OF CORTISOL glucocorticoids in vitro altered neither endothelium-
AND 11b-HSDS IN HYPERTENSION dependent nor endothelium-independent relaxation of
mouse aortas.60 In addition, forearm vasoconstriction
Cortisol and Vascular Tone on noradrenalin was not altered when carbenoxolone
Glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids are important was administered for 2 days (S.H. van Uum, R.J. Irving,
for the maintenance of vascular tone,43 and both D.J. Webb, B.R. Walker, unpublished data, 2003).
glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors are pre- Endothelial dysfunction in 11b-HSD2 knockout mice
sent in vascular tissue.44 In in vitro studies, administra- can therefore not simply be explained by increased access
tion of corticosteroids, including hydrocortisone and of corticosterone to endothelial glucocorticoid receptors.

Further studies are needed to elucidate the role of 11b- CONCLUSION

HSD activities in blood vessels and to determine The discovery of the AME syndrome has demonstrated
whether the effect of glucocorticoids on endothelial the crucial role of the 11b-HSD2 isozymes in regulating
function may be caused by more indirect mechanisms. access of cortisol to the renal mineralocorticoid recep-
tors. The importance of insufficient renal 11b-HSD2
activity has now extended beyond this rare syndrome. It
Central Nervous System plays a role in licorice-induced hypertension and in
In rat studies, the presence of mineralocorticoid recep- hypertension in the ectopic ACTH syndrome, but its
tors has been described in the hippocampus.61 Expres- role in the pathogenesis of primary hypertension remains
sion of 11b-HSD type 2 has been demonstrated in the to be demonstrated, in particular in salt-sensitive
commissural portion of the nucleus tractus solitarius, the subjects. Several extrarenal effects of cortisol and
subcommissural organ, and the ventrolateral and ven- 11b-HSDs on blood pressure have been described.
tromedial hypothalamus62 —areas in the brain that are The importance of these pathways in primary or other
known to be involved in cardiovascular regulation. In forms of hypertension also needs further clarification.
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