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Republic of the Philippines

Don Honorio Ventura State University - Candaba Campus

Pasig, Candaba Pampanga, 2013


Name: Jackielyn G. Mercado

Course and Program: BSed English 3A
Date: April 1, 2023


1. “The Sick Rose by William Blake”

I. The Author and the Language

A. Who is the Author?

William Blake was an English poet, painter, and printmaker and was born on
November 28, 1757 and died on August 12, 1827 in London. His parents were James Blake
and Catherine Wright Armitage Blake. His poetic vision and distinctive artistic approach, which
fused deep meaning with elaborate graphics, are what made him most famous. Blake
frequently addressed spirituality, mysticism, and the nature of existence in his writings. Blake's
unconventional approach to art and poetry was not widely appreciated during his lifetime, but
he has since become recognized as one of the greatest figures in English literature and art.
Some of his most famous works include " Songs of Innocence and Experience," "The Marriage
of Heaven and Hell," and "The Tyger." and also he is the writer of the Poem Entitled The Sick

B. What is the Language used by the Author?

The Sick Rose was originally published in 1794, that’s why you will noticed it is written
in old English. Many western writer like William Blake and Shakespeare used this form of
writing back then. You can see on the poem “ The Sick Rose” that Blake used ‘ thou’ instead of
‘you’ and ‘thy’ instead of ‘your’. This Old English form of writing a literature like poems and
noble is use by many writers back then. This form give extra savor when the readers reading
their poems and noble.

C. How is the language used?

William Blake used Figure of speech in writing his poem the sick rose, For example in
the first line O Rose thou art sick. It is Apostrophe because he used [O] on the start of the
poem as a sign of his pity to the rose. Also you can notice That the Invisible worm on the
second line is a personification of a man portraying as a worm.

DHVSU envisions of becoming one of the lead universities in the DHVSU commits itself to provide an environment for the holistic

ASEAN Region in producing globally competitive professionals development of students to become globally competitive
who are capable of creating, applying and transferring professionals through quality instruction and services; innovation
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the humanity and society.
Republic of the Philippines
Don Honorio Ventura State University - Candaba Campus
Pasig, Candaba Pampanga, 2013
Also for us to understand the poem we need to think connotatively to unlocked the meaning of
the poem, because some part of the poem has a deep meaning and you need to used critical
thinking in order to understand the poem.

D. How does the author communicate to his/her reader using the language?

As a reader I notice that Blake communicate to me while reading his poem. The way
the poem is written is like we’re only talking to each other. He let me feel that I’m one of the
character he introduced on his poem. Upon analyzing his poem, his idea give image to me and
make me think if I was a Rose who is pure or I am a worm who destroy those who treasure to
me .

II. Dissecting And Prose form of the Poem

A. Dissecting the poem

DHVSU envisions of becoming one of the lead universities in the DHVSU commits itself to provide an environment for the holistic

ASEAN Region in producing globally competitive professionals development of students to become globally competitive
who are capable of creating, applying and transferring professionals through quality instruction and services; innovation
knowledge and technology for the sustainable development of and research towards the sustainable development of society.
the humanity and society.
Republic of the Philippines
Don Honorio Ventura State University - Candaba Campus
Pasig, Candaba Pampanga, 2013

B. Prose Form

As I remember, last time I saw my rose in the garden its flower is so beautiful and the
branches are very strong and have green leaves. Then suddenly one day, I saw a worm eating
every leaves of my rose. The flower starter to withered because of the lack of nutrients.

But the worm is very selfish and greedy. He eats every leaves he saw and don’t think
about what will happen to my rose. And because this rose can’t talk she can’t ask the worm to
stop eating her leaves. Day by day my red beautiful rose became dried and after a week the
rose fall on the ground.

III. Analysis and Interpretation

The Sick Rose is one of the poem of William Blake, there are many analysis done to
unlock the meaning of this poem. Based on my analysis, there are two character involved in this
poem. First is the Rose symbolized the purity, beauty and innocence. And the second is the Worm
who destroy the purity of the Rose.

‘O Rose thou art sick’

On the first line of the poem, you will noticed Blake used the word ‘ O Rose’ as a sign of
pity to the the rose who said to be sick. ‘O’ is a figure of speech Apostrophe. You will also noticed
the word “Rose’ is capitalized maybe because it is not only referring to a flower but it is also a
name. On my opinion the writer is speaking to someone who is literally sick or not in good

‘ The invisible worm’

The second character introduce on the second line of the poem as an invisible worm.
Blake used the word ‘invisible’ for us to know that the second character is mysterious or still
mystery. He also use personification on this part because the ‘worm’ is portraying to someone. We
can say that the invisible worm means someone who is mysterious or still mystery.

‘ That flies in the night

in the howling storm’

On the last two line of the first stanza of the poem. Blake introduce the setting of the story
in the poem. As written on the lines the rose met the worm in the night of howling storm.
Connotatively speaking the word ‘night’ symbolized time of darkness and ‘howling storm’ means
time of trial. As my conclusion they met in time of trial theirs lives and they use each other as a

DHVSU envisions of becoming one of the lead universities in the DHVSU commits itself to provide an environment for the holistic

ASEAN Region in producing globally competitive professionals development of students to become globally competitive
who are capable of creating, applying and transferring professionals through quality instruction and services; innovation
knowledge and technology for the sustainable development of and research towards the sustainable development of society.
the humanity and society.
Republic of the Philippines
Don Honorio Ventura State University - Candaba Campus
Pasig, Candaba Pampanga, 2013

‘Has found out thy bed

O crimson joy’

In the first two lines of the second stanza of the poem. Blake answer the question why the
worm stayed on the side of the rose. ‘ Crimson joy’ because it means beautiful red color and the
deep meaning of this part is the worm stayed because he wants and enjoyed the purity, innocence
and beauty of the rose. On the part of the rose it is only about the attraction of the worm but there
is negative reason why the worm. The worm only wants is the purity and the innocence of the rose.

‘ And his dark secret love

Does thy life destroy’

On the last two part of the poem Blake explain the effect of the greediness and selfishness
of the worm. You will also notice that the gender identity of the worm is given on the third line,
Blake use ‘ his’ when describing the love of the worm. Because of this we can say that the worm is
portraying the image of a man and the rose is portraying the image of a innocent women. Dark
secret love means the selfishness of the worm and his greediness that even though he see that the
rose is dying because of him he’s still stay. The worm think only about his desire and the effect of
this fake love is pain to the rose. After giving his branches and leaves the worm the worm doesn’t
think about her. The effect of this is destruction of her own life.

IV. Conclusion

After analyzing and dissecting the part of the poem. The Sick Rose by William Blake for
me is a poem about a women who lost everything to her after loving mysterious man who give
false hope and love to her. She let that man take everything to her because of her love. The man is
a selfish and greedy man who only think about his self.

V. Organization and Transition

As I connect it to the reality, sometimes we are like the rose. We became blind because of
our love to someone. We forget our own, we give everything we have and in the end those people
leave us and forget us.

DHVSU envisions of becoming one of the lead universities in the DHVSU commits itself to provide an environment for the holistic

ASEAN Region in producing globally competitive professionals development of students to become globally competitive
who are capable of creating, applying and transferring professionals through quality instruction and services; innovation
knowledge and technology for the sustainable development of and research towards the sustainable development of society.
the humanity and society.
Republic of the Philippines
Don Honorio Ventura State University - Candaba Campus
Pasig, Candaba Pampanga, 2013

First Literary Piece: The Sick Rose by William Blake


2. "Isang Dipang langit"

I. The Author and the Language

A. Who is the Author?

Amado V. Hernandez a famous Filipino poet, Author, and labor organizer. was born in
September 13, 1903 and Died on March 24, 1970. He is well known for his literary works,
many of which addressed social issues and the struggles that the Filipino working class faces.
Hernandez was a major proponent of social justice and workers' rights in the Philippine labor
movement. "Mga Ibong Mandaragit" (The Birds of Prey) and "Luha ng Buwaya" (Tears of the
Crocodile) are two of his works that are still important in Philippine literature and social
discourse. Hernandez was a political activist during the Marcos administration and spent
several years in prison as a result of his beliefs.

B. What is the Language used by the Author?

The language used in the poem “ Isang Dipang Langit” is Filipino, it is the national
language used in the Philippines. Many poet use this language to create different literature like
poem and novels. Amado V Hernandez who is born in Bulacan use tagalog because this is the
native language of the Bulacano.

C. How is the language used?

Isang Dipang Langit of Amado V Hernandez is written with different imagery. Hernandez
poem is full of description on what is happening inside the prison and what is his experience
there. By using different types of Figure of Speech, Hernandez poem became powerful and full
of meaning.

D. How does the author communicate to his/her reader using the language?

DHVSU envisions of becoming one of the lead universities in the DHVSU commits itself to provide an environment for the holistic

ASEAN Region in producing globally competitive professionals development of students to become globally competitive
who are capable of creating, applying and transferring professionals through quality instruction and services; innovation
knowledge and technology for the sustainable development of and research towards the sustainable development of society.
the humanity and society.
Republic of the Philippines
Don Honorio Ventura State University - Candaba Campus
Pasig, Candaba Pampanga, 2013
Because Hernandez is an activist an prisoner because of being a labor activist leader. He
wrote the poem Isang Dipang Langit for his supporter for them to not lose their hope. He used
his writing to still give strength to his supporter to continue on what they’ re fighting for. And it
also give hope to his supporter that one day the sun will again for them. It is also give strength
to us as his reader to not lose hope and dream that our dream will come true someday.

II. Analysis and Interpretation

While in prison, Amado V. Hernandez wrote the poem "Isan Dipang Langit". If we examine
the first stanza of the poem, Hernandez shows his experience of being imprisoned. He narrated the
hardships and pains of a prisoner in his era. He wrote Isang Dipang Langit because of the bitter
experiences of an ordinary citizen during the American occupation. We can see in the first stanza
of the poem how the guards mistreat the prisoners.

"Ako’y ipiniit ng linsil na puno

hangad palibhasang diwa ko’y piitin,
katawang marupok, aniya’y pagsuko,
damdami’y supil na’t mithiin ay supilo,
ikinulong ako sa kutang malupit:
Bato, bakal, punlo, balasik ng bantay;
lubos na tiwalag sa buong daigdig
at inaring kahit buhay man ay patay"

As you notice in the First line of the poem, Amado pointed out that he was imprisoned by
the leader of the country and that is Elpidio Quirino. Because that time President Quirino is the
president of the Philippines. Upon researching I learned that, he was imprisoned for alleged pro-
communist contacts but the real reason was that Amado V. Hernandez was a leader of the
Congress of Labor Organization known as the largest, most militant, and most patriotic of all unions
during Hernandez's time. The persona in the poem is Hernandez, but it refers to the working
people who are oppressed and mistreated by those who have power, who have a high level in
society, and who have a high level of education. Ordinary people have no fight.

"Sa munting dungawan, tanging abot-malas

ay sandipang langit na puno ng luha,
maramot na birang ng pusong may sugat,
watawat ng aking pagkapariwara”.

In the third stanza he expressed the suffering of the prisoners to be separated from their
loved ones. No matter how many tears the earth will drop from sad eyes because of bereavement,
it is still not enough for the mistakes they have made because of their broken lives. Here, Amado
V. Hernandez recounts the bitterness he sees every day in his fellow prisoners.

DHVSU envisions of becoming one of the lead universities in the DHVSU commits itself to provide an environment for the holistic

ASEAN Region in producing globally competitive professionals development of students to become globally competitive
who are capable of creating, applying and transferring professionals through quality instruction and services; innovation
knowledge and technology for the sustainable development of and research towards the sustainable development of society.
the humanity and society.
Republic of the Philippines
Don Honorio Ventura State University - Candaba Campus
Pasig, Candaba Pampanga, 2013

“Sintalim ng kidlat ang mata ng tanod,

sa pintong may susi’t walang makalapit;
sigaw ng bilanggo sa katabing moog,
anaki’y atungal ng hayop sa yungib”.

In the fourth stanza of the poem, Hernandez expresses how much and how a prisoner is
treated like an animal by the guards who seem to want to be petted alive, in the dungeon where no
one can come close to scream and ask of help, it seems that there is no one who is like the dumb,
deaf, and blind so as not to empathize with those who are being mistreated.

Ang maghapo’y tila isang tanikala

na kalakaladkad ng paanang madugo,
ang buong magdamag ay kulambong luksa
ng kabaong waring lungga ng bilanggo."

On this stanza, Amado show how every prisoner survive their daily lives in the cell. He use
"tanikala" to show that the prisoners are not free. You can also notice on the last two lines in this
Stanza, Amado tell us that night in the jail is not easy, He use " Kabaong" to describe what is cell
for him

"Kung minsa’y magdaan ang payak na yabag,

kawil ng kadena ang kumakalanding;
sa maputlang araw saglit ibibilad,
sanlibong aninong inilwa ng dilim."

On the Fifth stanza, Amado tell some of the daily routine happening in the jail. He said, the
guard let them go outside their cell for awhile. This scenario show little freedom to every prisoner.

"Kung minsan, ang gabi’y biglang magulantang

sa hudyat--may takas!--at asod ng punlo;
kung minsa’y tumangis ang limang batingaw,
sa bitayang muog, may naghihingalo"

In this stanza, Amado describe happening on his one night in the cell, base on her
description their are some prisoner who tried to escape on their cell. Sadly according to him after
hearing some gunshot noise those prisoner is dying.

DHVSU envisions of becoming one of the lead universities in the DHVSU commits itself to provide an environment for the holistic

ASEAN Region in producing globally competitive professionals development of students to become globally competitive
who are capable of creating, applying and transferring professionals through quality instruction and services; innovation
knowledge and technology for the sustainable development of and research towards the sustainable development of society.
the humanity and society.
Republic of the Philippines
Don Honorio Ventura State University - Candaba Campus
Pasig, Candaba Pampanga, 2013

"At ito ang tanging daigdig ko ngayon--

bilangguang mandi’y libingan ng buhay;
sampu, dalawampu, at lahat ng taon
ng buong buhay ko’y dito mapipigtal.
Nguni’t yaring diwa’y walang takot-hirap
at batitis pa rin itong aking puso:
piita’y bahagi ng pakikilamas,
mapiit ay tanda ng hindi pagsuko."

Amado, on this lines describe that maybe he will live in jail for several years or maybe
even on time of his death he will stay inside the cell. But he is not afraid even though his life in cell
is not good. And at the last line you will notice, Amado said " Mapiit ay tanda ng Hindi pagsuko".
For him being a prisoner is part of his journey fighting what is right for him. If he lose hope inside
the cell everything what he is fighting for will end to nothing that is why he's showing that even
thought he was in jail his fight is still continue.

Ang tao’t Bathala ay di natutulog

at di habang araw ang api ay api,
tanang paniniil ay may pagtutuos,
habang may Bastilya’y may bayang gaganti.
At bukas, diyan din, aking matatanaw
sa sandipang langit na wala nang luha,
sisikat ang gintong araw ng tagumpay . "

On the last verse of his poem, Amado showing his undying hope that someday he will be
freed again, and everything will going to end. He also said " Di habang araw ang api ay api" this
line telling that maybe one day those who is judge and imprison because of fighting what is right
will be freed again. And he end his poem by saying " Sisikat ang Gintong araw ng tagumpay" as a
sign of his undying hope.

Second literary Piece: Isang Dipang Langit Ni Amado V. Hernandez


DHVSU envisions of becoming one of the lead universities in the DHVSU commits itself to provide an environment for the holistic

ASEAN Region in producing globally competitive professionals development of students to become globally competitive
who are capable of creating, applying and transferring professionals through quality instruction and services; innovation
knowledge and technology for the sustainable development of and research towards the sustainable development of society.
the humanity and society.
Republic of the Philippines
Don Honorio Ventura State University - Candaba Campus
Pasig, Candaba Pampanga, 2013

3. "Y Miss Pathuphats"

I. The Author and the Language

A. Who is the Author?

Juan Crisóstomo Soto also known as "Crissot" The father of kapampangan/Pampango

Literature. was born on January 27, 1867 in Santa Ines, Bacolor, Pampanga and Died on July
12, 1918. was a prominent figure in the late 19th and early 20th century Philippine
independence movement was the Filipino lawyer, journalist, and politician. During the
American colonial era, he gained fame for his activities opposing Spanish colonial control and,
subsequently, for his efforts to advance Filipino interests. Soto was a well-known character in
the media as well, utilizing it as a forum to express his nationalist views. He was a member of
the Malolos Congress, which wrote Asia's first republican constitution, the Malolos Constitution.
Because of his persistent commitment to independence and self-determination, as well as his
loyalty to the Filipino cause, Soto is recognized for his contributions to Philippine history

B. What is the Language used by the Author?

“ I Binibining Phatuphats” by Juan Crisostomo Sotto is written in mother tounge or

‘sinusong dila’ of the Kapampangan. Sotto used his native language in writing to show how
much he love the kapampangan language and how proud he is to be a Kapampangan.
Kpampangan according to history is a Austronesian languange and one of the eight major
dialect in the Philippines. Kapampangan is also known as ‘ Amanung Sisuan’ in Major part of
Pampanga, tarlac and some part of Nueva Ecija.

C. How is the language used?

Because the short story ‘ I Binibining Phatupats’ is written in Kapampangan you will notice
that the characters in the story is a mirror of a real kapampangan. The dialogue is showing
how the kapampangan speaking that even though they are also speaking to each other they
are like fighting to each other. And Sotto show how Kapampangan is speaking sometimes they
miss the letter ‘H’ on there word.

DHVSU envisions of becoming one of the lead universities in the DHVSU commits itself to provide an environment for the holistic

ASEAN Region in producing globally competitive professionals development of students to become globally competitive
who are capable of creating, applying and transferring professionals through quality instruction and services; innovation
knowledge and technology for the sustainable development of and research towards the sustainable development of society.
the humanity and society.
Republic of the Philippines
Don Honorio Ventura State University - Candaba Campus
Pasig, Candaba Pampanga, 2013

D. How does the author communicate to his/her reader using the language?

Sotto communincate to his reader by knocking on there door. He introduce as Yeyeng a

women who learned how to speak in english then suddenlly change everything to her. Yeyeng
started to change how she dress and how shes speak and even change her name from
Yeyeng to Phatupats Sotto characters represent us, sometimes we forget where we belong
and how we start. The moral lesson of the story is the one that Sotto wanted us to learn. We
are all Yeyeng and we can be Phatupats but a better version.

II. Analysis and Interpretation

The story is deriding in nature, comedian in any case outstandingly practical in its sharp
parody of the colonial demeanor of Filipinos.

Yeyeng turned Miss Phathupats truly symbolizes what the Filipinos have finished up
after our history of colonization: a people, culture, and tongue seeking after a losing war against
Western acculturation.

The horrifying mishap of neighborhood values and social bequest has been woefully
despised by various history masters and supporters to no extraordinary benefit. Composing like
YMiss Phathupats calls for a clearing social rebuilding but like various others, it has been
entrusted to the back racks of libraries and bookshops overpowered by farther titles and books.
It takes time to influence and modify another culture like inside the case of our country
underneath a long history of colonialist affect and so it would as well take time to revive a
adolescent Filipino culture.

The story highlights a caricature of Filipino retention to Western culture, Miss

Phathupats with her thick kolorete may be a spoof character, a Pinay tolerating the appear of
American predominance by camouflaging her brown skin underneath layers of brightening

Third Literary Piece: Y Miss Phathupats neng Juan Crisostomo Sotto


DHVSU envisions of becoming one of the lead universities in the DHVSU commits itself to provide an environment for the holistic

ASEAN Region in producing globally competitive professionals development of students to become globally competitive
who are capable of creating, applying and transferring professionals through quality instruction and services; innovation
knowledge and technology for the sustainable development of and research towards the sustainable development of society.
the humanity and society.
Republic of the Philippines
Don Honorio Ventura State University - Candaba Campus
Pasig, Candaba Pampanga, 2013

DHVSU envisions of becoming one of the lead universities in the DHVSU commits itself to provide an environment for the holistic

ASEAN Region in producing globally competitive professionals development of students to become globally competitive
who are capable of creating, applying and transferring professionals through quality instruction and services; innovation
knowledge and technology for the sustainable development of and research towards the sustainable development of society.
the humanity and society.

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