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MODULE 5: Water Resources and Water Pollution

Activity #1 Choose the LETTER of the best answer.
E 1. The following are types of microorganisms that can be pathogenic in drinking water:
A. Bacteria C. Viruses
B. Protozoa D. A and C only
E. all of the above

C 2. Which of the following is the primary source of freshwater in the Philippines?

A. River C. Groundwater
B. Lakes D. Rainfall

A 3. What is the main cause of water pollution in our country?

A. Industrial waste C. agriculture run-off
B. Oil spills D. Domestic sewage

B 4. Eutrophication means
A. Overfishing in rivers
B. Excessive growth of algae in bodies of water
C. Depletion of groundwater reserves
D. Salinization of coastal areas

C 5. Main source of water pollution during typhoons and heavy rainfalls.

A. Land erosion C. Sewage overflow
B. Chemical spills D. agricultural run-off

A 6. Main water pollutant from mining industry?

A. Heavy metals C. Pesticides
B. Oil and grease D. Sediments, silt, and sand

E 7. True about coliform bacteria

A. Usually causes disease
B. Respond to water treatment differently than do most pathogens
C. Grow in the intestines of people and warm-blooded animals
D. Exist only in water that contains pathogens.
E. All of the above

A 8. Government agency responsible for the management and protection of water resources in the

B 9. The major river system in the Philippines

A. Pasig river C. Agusan River
B. Cagayan river D. Pampanga River
B 10. Water quality indicator which measures the amount of dissolved oxygen consumed by
microorganisms to decompose organic waste.
A. Dissolved Oxygen, DO C. pH
B. Biochemical Oxygen Demand, BOD D. Microbiological testing

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