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Black room then images slowly appear:

'When I was a child I loved baking, dance and I thought I was going to
be a Astro nought. To be a Astro nought I thought I had to fly one
morning before my sister was due I decided to fly down the stairs to see
if I could fly. one week later it was my birthday and I got a bike but I
couldn't ride the bike because I had broken my arm. The dream of being a
Astro nought went away when I turned 6.

I started school with 2 of my best friends and we still see each other
With the dream of baking I knew I wanted to follow it through even if it
wouldn't be my career. At 15 I baked my birthday cake but stopped
dancing. in 2021 I took my gcses taking food and photography passing
both of them.

Now I love watching the tv show RuPaul's drag race and attending the
queens shows, baking and I'm doing a media course that I enjoy and now
have a idea of wanting to do photography in the future.

In the future I would love to get married, have some children of my own.
Id love to work in media and continue to attend theatre and drag shows.
What may my grandchildren think I was like when I was a child.'

blank screen loop to start.


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