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L E S T A R I , P H E B R I ,
E Z E K I E L , S H E R E N

G R O U P 2 9 I
01 Definition
Asking permission is an expression of asking
someone for permission to do or do something.
For example, when you are at home and want to
ask your mother's permission to go to school, or
play at a friend's house.

However, not all asking of permissions actions

can be approved by other people. There are
those who agree (giving permissions), and there
are those who refuse (refusing permissions).

Rejection can occur based on their

consideration of one or two things that cannot
be avoided.
Phrase asking
02 permission
•Can I …? (Bolehkah aku …?)
•Could I …? (Bolehkah saya …?)
•Would you mind if …? (Apa Anda
keberatan jika …?)
•Would you mind if I sit here? (Apa tidak
apa-apa jika aku duduk di sini?)
•Shall I bring you a glass? (Haruskah aku
membawakanmu gelas?)
•Can I do the dishes for you? (Bisakah aku
mencuci piring untukmu?)
•Sure. (Oke/ baik)
•Please. (Silakan)
•Please do it. (Silakan lakukan saja)
•No problem.
•It’s okay. • No, sorry.
• No, you can't.
• No, please don't.
• I think you shouldn't do it.
• No, I think it's impossible.
• I am busy now. You can call me later.
Short Dialogue
A : Can i borrow your pen?
B : For what?
A : For doing my homework
B : Sure, you can

X : Could you lend me your

Y : Of course. But for what?
X : For capturing some animals
in the wild
Thank You

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