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Materi B.

Inggris kelas XI reguler dan unggulan


Here are some common phrases used to make offers:

 Would you like me to take you home?
 Can I help you do the homework?
 Shall I get you something to drink?
 Is there anything I can do for you?
 Do you need help?

Accepting offers Refusing offers

 That would be very kind of you.  No, thanks. Don’t bother
 Sure. I really appreciate it.  Thanks, but I can do it myself.
 Yes, please. Thank you.  No, thank you.
 Yes, please. That would be very nice of you.  No, really. I can manage
 Yes, if you wouldn’t mind.  No, don’t worry.

Dialogue 1
Willy : You look confused. What’s the matter?
Harry : I haven’t finished my English project. It’s due tomorrow.
Willy : How if we do it together? Do you mind if I help you?
Harry : That sounds great. It would be very helpful. Thank you

Dialogue 2
Jerry : I don’t understand this math homework.
Sam : Do you need help?
Jerry : Yes, can you please explain this formula to me?
Sam : Sure

Dialogue 3
Jenny : It’s hard to get a taxi at this hour. I’ll get home late.
Bobby : How if you go together? I bring a motorcycle, you can go with me if you don’t mind.
Jenny : Thanks. How nice you are.

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