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shipboard situation, informal social structures onboard

This encompasses the study and management of various human elements in the maritime
industry, including social dynamics, teamwork, and organizational behavior aboard ships. The
focus here is on the informal social structures that develop among crew members and their
impact on shipboard operations and safety.

Why do informal social structure matters?

 the importance of comprehending the implications of informal social structures for the
effective functioning of a ship. Exploring the reasons behind the formation and influence
of these structures is crucial for addressing potential challenges, improving crew
cohesion, and ensuring the overall success of maritime operations.
Where do informal social structure thrive?

 mess hall
- a communal space where crew members gather for meals—is the heart of informal
interactions. Here, over steaming bowls of soup or mugs of coffee, friendships
blossom. Conversations range from sea legends to hometown memories
 cabin
- Shared cabins—sometimes cramped, often cozy—witness laughter, late-night
confessions, and whispered advice. Bunkmates become family. The worn-out
deckhand teaches knots to the fresh-faced cadet.
Topic: Shipboard Situation and Informal Social Structures Onboard

Shipboard Situation: Refers to the dynamic environment aboard a ship, encompassing various
aspects such as crew interactions, operational challenges, and safety protocols.
Informal Social Structures: These are the unwritten, often invisible, relationships and networks
that develop among crew members beyond their formal roles and responsibilities.

Understanding shipboard situations and informal structures is crucial for effective teamwork,
safety, and mission success.
These structures impact crew morale, communication, and overall performance.

Onboard Ships: Whether it’s a cargo vessel, naval warship, or cruise liner, the shipboard
environment shapes crew behavior and interactions.

How Do Informal Social Structures Shape Shipboard Life?

Informal social structures onboard are like hidden currents beneath the surface. They’re
the whispered conversations during night watches, the shared laughter over meals, and
the unspoken understanding among crewmates.

Background: The Royal Malaysian Navy operates the Multi-Purpose Support Ship
(MPCSS) for logistics, security, and humanitarian aid. Formal structures define roles,
while informal networks influence communication and cooperation.

What Went Wrong: during a critical supply transfer, miscommunication indeed occurred
due to unclear protocols. This led to delays and posed safety risks. Imagine the tension
on the deck—the urgency to transfer essential supplies, the salt-laden wind whipping
across the vessel, and the crew members striving to execute their roles flawlessly.

Conclusion: Formal and informal structures impacted crew performance. Informal

networks facilitated adherence to SOPs but introduced communication gaps.

1. Nurture a supportive informal culture.

2. Encourage cross-departmental interactions.
3. Foster trust and open communication.
4. Conduct regular SOP training.
5. Leverage strengths of both structures.

Tips for Building Cross-Cultural Relationships:

1. Seek cultural understanding from credible sources.

2. Keep an open mind, avoiding stereotypes.
3. Start by building relationships with familiar faces.
4. Participate in multicultural events and activities.
5. Volunteer and collaborate with diverse groups.
6. Keep commitments to build trust.
7. Assume positive intent in cross-cultural interactions.

Hashim, H. K., & Nasruddin, E. B. (2018). Duality of Structure: Study of Formal and Informal
Structures On-Board the Royal Malaysian Navy Ship. International Journal of Business,
Economics, and Law, 15(5), 1-101
Soda, G., & Zaheer, A. (2012). Network Memory: The Influence of Past and Current Networks
on Performance. Academy of Management Journal, 55(2), 368-395.
McEvily, B., Soda, G., & Tortoriello, M. (2014). More Than Network Structure: How Knowledge
Heterogeneity Influences Managerial Performance and Innovativeness. Strategic Management
Journal, 35(12), 1817-1838.

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