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Skimming Texts on GED RLA

• Welcome to the presentation on how to skim texts on the GED

Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA) section.
• Skimming is a valuable reading strategy that helps you quickly gather
important information from a text.
• Skimming is particularly useful on the reading section, which requires
you to read and analyze multiple texts within a limited time.
What is Skimming?
• Skimming is a rapid reading technique used to get an overview of a
• It involves quickly glancing through the text to identify key points,
main ideas, headings, and subheadings.
• Skimming helps you understand the structure and organization of a
text without reading every word.
Step 1 - Preview the Text
• Before you start skimming, take a moment to preview the text.
• Look at the title, headings, subheadings, and any visual aids such as
charts or diagrams.
• Previewing the text gives you a general idea of what it's about and
prepares you for the skimming process.
Step 2 - Read the First and Last Paragraphs
• Begin by reading the first and last paragraphs of the text.
• The first paragraph often provides an introduction or overview, while
the last paragraph may summarize the main points.
• By reading these paragraphs, you can quickly grasp the main idea and
key points of the text.
Step 3 - Scan for Keywords
• Scan the text for important keywords and phrases.
• Look for bold or italicized words, as they often indicate significant
• Pay attention to words or phrases that are repeated or emphasized.
• Underline or highlight these keywords to help you remember them.
Step 4 - Read the Headings and Subheadings
• Focus on the headings and subheadings within the text.
• Headings and subheadings provide a roadmap of the text's
• They help you identify the main sections and subtopics.
• Read the headings and subheadings to get an overview of the content
covered in each section.
Step 5 - Skim the Main Body of the Text
• Now, it's time to skim through the main body of the text.
• Read the first sentence of each paragraph, as it usually contains the
topic sentence or main idea.
• Pay attention to any bullet points or numbered lists, as they often
highlight important information.
• Skim through the rest of the sentences, focusing on the first few
words and the last few words of each line.
Step 6 - Review the Conclusion or Summary
• Finally, read the conclusion or summary of the text, if available.
• The conclusion often restates the main points and provides a concise
• If there is no conclusion, review the last paragraph again to reinforce
your understanding.
Practice Tips
• Practice skimming regularly to improve your speed and accuracy.
• Set a timer and challenge yourself to skim a text within a specific time
• Use practice materials specifically designed for the GED RLA section to
familiarize yourself with the types of texts you'll encounter.
Skimming Exercise
• Let's practice skimming together!
• "In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the use of
renewable energy sources worldwide. Countries are shifting their focus
from traditional fossil fuels to cleaner alternatives such as solar, wind,
and hydropower. This shift is driven by concerns over climate change, the
need for energy independence, and the desire to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. Renewable energy offers numerous benefits, including a
reduced environmental footprint and long-term sustainability.
Governments and organizations are implementing policies and incentives
to promote the adoption of renewable energy technologies.“
What is the main idea of this passage?
Another one!
• "Social media platforms have become an integral part of our daily
lives. People use platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
to connect with friends and family, share updates, and express their
opinions. These platforms have also become important tools for
businesses and organizations to engage with their audience, advertise
their products or services, and gather customer feedback. However,
the excessive use of social media can have negative effects on mental
health, leading to increased feelings of loneliness, depression, and
anxiety. It is essential to strike a balance and use social media
What is the main point the author is making about social media?
Last one!!!
• "The Industrial Revolution, which began in the 18th century, marked a
significant shift in manufacturing processes. It brought about the
transition from hand production methods to machine-based
production, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. Key
innovations during this period included the steam engine, mechanized
textile production, and the development of railroads. The Industrial
Revolution had far-reaching impacts on society, transforming the
economy, urbanizing cities, and shaping social and labor conditions.“
What was the primary impact of the Industrial Revolution mentioned in
the text?
• Skimming is an essential skill for the GED RLA section.
• By previewing, scanning for keywords, reading headings, and
skimming the main body of the text, you can quickly gather important
• Remember to practice regularly to hone your skimming skills and
improve your performance on the GED RLA exam.

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