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PHD Thesis Proposal

Augmented Reality Wearables in Logistic Operations: Unlocking Potential and

Confronting Challenges

Sunil Duggal

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

Grossweg 5


April 15, 2024

Augmented Reality Wearables in Logistic Operations: Unlocking Potential and

Confronting Challenges


Augmented Reality (AR) wearables, particularly smart glasses, have emerged as a

disruptive technology with vast potential to revolutionize various industries, including
logistics. This expose aims to evaluate the role, potential, and challenges of integrating
AR wearables into logistic operations. By delving into the intricacies of this technology,
this research seeks to contribute valuable insights to the field and inform decision-
makers about its implications for logistic management.

Research Objectives:

To assess the potential benefits of AR wearables in improving eXiciency, accuracy, and

safety in logistic operations.

To identify the key challenges and barriers hindering the widespread adoption of AR
wearables in logistics.
To explore strategies for overcoming these challenges and maximizing the eXectiveness
of AR wearables in logistic environments.

Literature Review:

The literature surrounding AR wearables in logistics highlights their potential to enhance

various aspects of operations. Studies have demonstrated how these devices can
provide real-time information, facilitate hands-free interaction with data, and enable
immersive training experiences for warehouse personnel. Moreover, AR wearables have
shown promise in streamlining order picking processes, reducing errors, and optimizing
inventory management.

However, despite these potential benefits, several challenges remain prevalent.

Concerns regarding privacy and data security, technological limitations, and high
implementation costs have slowed down the adoption of AR wearables in logistics.
Additionally, resistance from employees due to unfamiliarity with the technology and
apprehensions about job displacement pose significant hurdles.


This research will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and

quantitative techniques to gather comprehensive data. Semi-structured interviews will
be conducted with logistics professionals, AR technology developers, and industry
experts to gain insights into their perspectives, experiences, and expectations regarding
AR wearables in logistic operations. Furthermore, surveys will be distributed to a diverse
sample of logistics organizations to collect quantitative data on current usage,
perceived benefits, and challenges associated with AR wearables.

Analysis and Expected Findings:

Through rigorous analysis of the collected data, this research expects to uncover the
nuanced dynamics surrounding the integration of AR wearables in logistics. It
anticipates identifying specific use cases where AR wearables demonstrate the most
significant value proposition and elucidating strategies for addressing the challenges
impeding their adoption. Moreover, this research aims to provide practical
recommendations for logistic managers and policymakers to eXectively leverage AR
wearables and capitalize on their potential benefits.

Augmented Reality wearables represent a promising frontier in logistics, oXering
opportunities to enhance operational eXiciency, accuracy, and safety. However,
realizing their full potential requires addressing various challenges and barriers inherent
in their adoption. By conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the role, potential, and
challenges of AR wearables in logistic operations, this research seeks to contribute
valuable insights to academia and industry, guiding future developments and
implementations in this domain.

This expose outlines the scope, objectives, methodology, and expected findings of a
Ph.D. research project evaluating the role, potential, and challenges of augmented
reality wearables in logistic operations. It provides a structured overview of the
research's focus and aims to demonstrate its significance and relevance to the field of
logistics management.

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