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Page 1 - There are three core values in our institution and in most Catholic schools:

Faith, Excellence, and Service. However, this paper will mainly focus on Excellence.
Excellence is a guiding principle for us alongside with Service. Arete is an Ancient
Greek concept that refers to excellence.Philosophically, it is called moral excellence that
associated with moral virtues. Which is why excellence doesn’t mean doing your very
best academically, winning different competitions and obtaining fame. Excellence is a
guiding principle for us alongside Faith and Service. Without being driven to serve God
and others, without the faith to believe we are capable enough to do our purpose, then
we are not likely to strive and aim for excellency. Education is very important to help us
hone our abilities and skills academically but we are blessed and privileged to be in an
institution that teaches, reminds and guides us in spiritual means. They have taught us
that excellence is making the best from ourselves and constantly make the best use of
the gifts and talents that God gave us in His will. Thus, each one of us have unique
resources and using these resources give us the purpose to do our responsibilities and
to serve not just for ourselves and take advantage of it but for all humanity with
excellence that God wants us to have.

Page 2 -
1. How did she live the value?
- She live value of excellence in spiritual retreats, education and opening its
doors in dormitory. The wide radar of inclusivity in Mother Ignacia’s
Beaterio has given the young girls and women equal opportunities to build
their creativity, skills and discover their gifts. Mother Ignacia really values
work. Therefore, excellence comes forward to be committed with trust
confidence. She uses her gift in sewing to generate income and sustain
her daily needs in life. Thus, she selflessly share her talent not just in
sewing but also in household chores to the young girls. Moreover, she
also uses her leadership skills in handling the community in setting their
rules to practice it with complete disciple in order to stabilize their lifestyle.
Her dedication and inspiration to the Blessed Mother Mary made her to
inculcate an innate a great sense of leadership given by God.
2 & 3. What were her struggles in living the value? / How did she responded
her struggles in living the value?
- Mother Ignacia experienced a lot of struggles, uncertainties and
restlessness throughout her spiritual journey in living virtuously. When she
experienced extreme poverty where they beg for rice and salt to sustain
their hunger. In spite of that, their faith full of integrity to the Lord,
resiliency and resourcefulness that she and the Beatas have, they were
able to support themselves and overcome them.
Page 3 - Reflection
I have my realizations while I did my research in this specific core value–
excellence in connection to Mother Ignacia’s life. I must admit that even your excellency
in academics, talents and work wont have achievements and victories without the
guidance of the Holy Spirit and without the acknowledgement that God gave us the
talent to do better with excellence that makes us who we are today. Thus, we are living
in the temporary world and our life is borrowed and so is our talents in all aspects.
Therefore, we need to be of service for God and the humanity with the talents and skills
we have obtain by the power and will of God. Our patience, hardwork and integrity of
one self has amplified and driven ourselves to serve with confidence to God and others
with the use of our talents.

Page 4 - How will you make holy life as a happy living?

I will make my holy life as a happy living by keeping my spiritual beliefs and practices
consistently with commitment. Having great gratitude in my daily life routine makes it
easier for me to remain resilient and have unshakeable faith in God whenever there are
upcoming challenges and difficulties ahead. Thus, keeping myself close to God gives
me a sense of purpose and direction in living a happy holy life by attending a mass–
which is the highest form of prayer, being involved in any spiritual activities and events,
and being surrounded by loved ones making God as the center of the relationship.

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