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(Note: your reflection paper must have an introduction, body and conclusion)

1.Read the Topic 3 in IFP2 GoogleSite and Write 1 page reflection paper with these guide questions in mind:

- What attitudes or characteristics of Mother Ignacia do I need imbibe in order to carry out my mission as a
Believer of God?

- As a student, how do I respond to the missionary invitation of God like Mo. Ignacia?  

2. You can use ms word/google docs/pdf in doing this activity.

Mother Ignacia Del Espiritu Santo's attributes or attitude are those of inventiveness and
fearlessness, which I need to embrace as a Christian nurse today. Be a creative student so that
I may make new things out of the impossible. Be brave enough to face any challenges life may
throw at you. I also require humility to completely absorb what my parents have taught me.
Humble enough to recognize that everyone is equal in God's eyes and that there is no need to
boast about our successes because all we have done has been done for His greater glory.
Mother Ignacia has always impressed me with her devotion beyond all things. I want to devote
my life to helping the greater good. I'm doing this course because I want to be a community
volunteer where I can share my knowledge and abilities in caring for one another's health and
counseling those who are unhealthy with the support of the community so that we may have a
peaceful, healthy, and expanding society.

However to bring this aspect in myself, as a student nurse of UIC, I must be a genuine
learner, responsible, and listen to others, as well as cultivate relationships. A student prioritizes
his or her education by studying and learning from the teacher. For me, accountability is the
cornerstone of all development and learning. It is essential, though, since it offers a feeling of
purpose while also creating resilience in the face of hardship on an individual and social level. I
can show stewardship by avoiding tarnishing the school's image in the eyes of others, and I
have specifically demonstrated my obligations as a student. The school's rules and regulations
are being obeyed, and an Ignacian Marian mentality is being practiced and exhibited. In
addition, I was able to give and practice excellence, faith, and service to better myself as a
person and as a student.

Indeed being a student nurse, I will accept God's call to go on a mission by leading a
good life with purpose and constantly obeying my parents. I am a youth member and a DYA in
our town, and I choose to be an active member not to gain attention from many people but to
respect and serve God. In this constantly changing environment, I felt as though I had a task to
complete and a reason for living.

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