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Quiz Report

Department Professor Year Student no. Division Name Submission date

Information Sung-woon
3 22330103 1 Bao 2024.03.05
Security Lee

■ Question
1. (1) Explain what ‘confidentiality’ is,
2. (2) Give an example of when confidentiality may not be provided, and
3. (3) Write what is a typical way to provide confidentiality.

■ Answer
1. The term ‘confidentiality’means maintain permissible restrictions on access and disclosure,
including means to protect individual privacy and proprietary information.

2. An example of when confidentiality may not be provided is Suppose a therapist is treating

a patient who reveals during a session that they have intentions to harm themselves or
others. In such a scenario, the therapist may be legally required to breach confidentiality to
protect the safety of the patient or others. This could involve notifying appropriate
authorities or taking other necessary steps to prevent harm.

3.A typical way to provide confidentiality is through the establishment of clear policies and
procedures within an organization or professional setting. Here are some common methods:

3.1 Confidentiality Agreements: Employers often require employees to sign confidentiality

agreements, outlining their obligation to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information
they encounter in the course of their work.

3.2 Secure Storage: Sensitive information should be stored securely, whether in physical or
digital format. This may involve using locked filing cabinets, password-protected computer
systems, encryption, and other security measures.

3.3 Restricted Access: Limiting access to sensitive information only to those who need it to
perform their job duties can help prevent unauthorized disclosure. This might involve
implementing access controls, such as key cards or login credentials, and conducting regular
audits to ensure compliance.

3.4 Training and Education: Providing training to employees on the importance of

confidentiality, as well as the specific policies and procedures in place to maintain it, can help
ensure that everyone understands their responsibilities.

3.5 Confidentiality Policies: Organizations should have clear, written policies outlining
expectations for maintaining confidentiality, including consequences for breaches. These
policies should be communicated to all employees and regularly reviewed and updated as

3.6 Confidential Communication Channels: Establishing secure channels for communication,

such as encrypted email or secure messaging platforms, can help ensure that sensitive
information is transmitted safely.

3.7 Legal and Ethical Standards: Adhering to relevant laws and ethical standards governing
confidentiality in specific industries or professions is essential. This might include laws such
as HIPAA in healthcare or attorney-client privilege in legal settings.

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