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In this final part of our presentation, i will give y some effective solution to

reduce air pollution. I suppoesed that it dêpnd mostly on 2 main factors

1. Government’s impact
Zoning Factories In Non-Residential Areas
Zoning is a crucial part of city planning and can be used to organize city in a
way that benefits all community members. This keeping will not only protect
citizens from breathing in harsh or intense chemicals but also decrese the
amount of êmisson in our air quality .
Furthermore making environmentally friensly in transport infrustructure also
play a part
Government have to encorage people to pioritized use to electric vihecle which
are eco-friendly for our airspace instead of commuting by cars or motorbike.
Cuz When accounting for harmful emissions, research shows that an electric
vehicle is responsible for lower levels of greenhouse gasses than average
gasoline onces,

Beside the impact of goverment, the individual responsibility also play a vital
role2.Individual: raise awareness of protecting our air quality
Firsly, people need to impletment to solution which proposed by goverment.
At the same time Plant more trees
Particles, odors and pollutant gases such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide settle
on the leaves of a tree.
\ Trees absorb these toxic chemicals through their stomata, and , effectively
filtering these chemicals from the air.
Trees also mitigate the greenhouse gas effect by trapping heat, reduce ozone
levels and release life-giving oxygen
 Balance our eco-system and also provide good conditions for animal’s
Moreover, in daily life No to plastic bags
The use of plastic products could be very harmful to the environment as they
take a very long time to decompose, due to their material made up of oil.
The use of paper bags instead is a better alternative as they decompose easily
and are recyclable.

Use of fans instead of Air Conditioner is also a good way(limit the

frequency of using air conditioner)
The usage of AC’s takes a lot of energy and emits a lot of heat which is bad for
the environment. AC’s also take a lot of power and energy to work as compared
to fans.
In conclusion, we make sure that you can see clearly from our presentation. The various
negative impact, and cause influeneces directly on the environment which results in air
pollution. The eco-system, the animal and even human living from VN have to suffer
from this phenimenom. So every one need to raize awreness of it and joind a hand to
presever our air quality cuz out planet, our atsmosphere, our environment
Hi everyone, i really elated to be here wit our group to share with you guys a
hot issue: how to reduce our impact on environment. My group have 3
member... so, at the begging i show you about some ways goverment to be more
environmentally friendly. 2 main crucial aspect First of all, in industry aspect,
goverment should zone Factories In Non-Residential Areas. Emmisions and
harsh are release from industrial area directly influence on our atmosphre. So,
Zoning is a crucial part of city planning and can be used to strategically
organize city in a way that will not only protect citizens from breathing in harsh
and intense chemicals but also decrese the amount of pollute in our environ
Another societ is Making Environmentally Friendly Changes in
transportation. Government have to encorage people to use electric vihecle or
footer which are eco-friendly for our airspace instead of commuting by cars or
motorbike. Cuz When accounting for harmful emissions, research shows that an
electric vehicle is responsible for lower levels of greenhouse gasses than
average gasoline cars

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