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John: Lesson 3

Water to Wine and

Temple Cleansing
John 2

Lesson Questions
First Day: Read Lesson 2 Notes.
The notes and lecture fortify the truth of the passage for understanding and application to daily life.
1. What truths in last week’s notes or lesson discussion about John the Baptist’s witness or the disciples’ call stood
out to you? Why?

2. In what way did the lecture help inspire you to proclaim the promise and person of Jesus?

Second Day: Read John 2:1-12.

Jesus and His first disciples attended a wedding.
3. a. Describe the problem that occurred at the wedding and the possible embarrassment this could
have caused.

b. What do you think Mary intended when she approached Jesus? How did she respond after hearing Jesus’s

c. How might your intentions affect the way you approach Jesus?

d. What lessons do you draw from Jesus’s words to Mary?

4. Which attributes did Jesus reveal about Himself in His first miraculous sign of turning water into wine?

5. a. Read verse 11. Explain how Jesus revealed His glory through this sign. (You may use other
Scripture references to support your answer.)

b. In what ways does Jesus’s revelation of His glory in this passage help you?

Third Day: Read John 2:13-17.

Jesus cleared the temple courts.

Bible Study Fellowship

© BSF 1960-2023 (This material may be downloaded from and used by BSF class members in connection with their personal BSF class studies. It may
not be otherwise reproduced without BSF’s written permission.) All Scripture quotations in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW
INTERNATIONAL VERSION ® NIV ® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
6. For which Jewish festival did Jesus travel to Jerusalem? How might this celebration explain the sale of animals
and the presence of money changers? (See also Exodus 12:1-11, 24-28 and Deuteronomy 14:24-26; 16:5-7.)

7. a. How did Jesus respond to what He saw in the temple court?

b. What lessons might be learned from Jesus’s actions?

8. a. Which Messianic prophecy did Jesus’s actions cause His disciples to remember? (See also
marginal references for the Old Testament verse quoted in John 2:17.)

b. In what way did Jesus’s actions also fulfill the prophecy of Malachi 3:1-4? How does this affect your
perspective of Jesus?

Fourth Day: Read John 2:18-22.

Jesus foretold the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem.
9. a. Why would the Jews (a term John often uses to denote the Jewish religious authorities) question
the source of Jesus’s authority?

b. What do they reveal in their request for another sign?

c. Have you ever questioned, challenged, or acknowledged Jesus’s authority over you? What were the results?

10. a. How did Jesus respond to their request and what did He mean? (See also John 10:17-18.)

b. How were Jesus’s words twisted at His trial and crucifixion? (See also Matthew 26:59-61; 27:40.)

Fifth Day: Read John 2:23-25.

Jesus performed more signs and discerned the hearts of people.
11. a. What was the difference between the disciples’ belief in Jesus (John 2:11) and the “belief” of many
at Passover (John 2:23)?

b. In what way does this passage challenge your faith?

12. a. Why would Jesus not entrust Himself to people gathering around Him at Passover?

b. How does Jesus’s complete knowledge of the deepest motivations of your heart impact you?

c. Share with your group a way that God has drawn you to Himself.

Sixth Day: Review John 2.

Jesus wields transforming authority.
13. What has this chapter taught you about the transformational power and authority of Jesus?

No Passage Discovery (homiletics, word study, etc.) assigned for Group and Administrative Leaders this week

Lesson 3

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