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Growing up as a South Asian kid in a place where people had different skin tones and cultures, I felt a bit

lost. I didn't like my skin color, and I wanted to be like everyone else. But my mom helped me discover
something powerful that changed everything—Kathak, an Indian dance.

At first, I didn't want to learn Kathak. I thought it was just another reminder of my culture that I wanted to
avoid. But as I started dancing to the beats of the tabla and hearing the ghungroo bells, something magical
happened. Kathak became a way for me to express myself and understand my South Asian Hindu culture.

In Kathak, I found more than just dance steps. I discovered stories from our history and traditions. It
wasn't just about moving my body; it was about understanding the rich culture I belonged to. The dance
helped me see that my South Asian Hindu background wasn't something to be embarrassed about but a
source of strength and beauty.

Kathak transformed me. It turned my dislike for my skin color into pride, and I began to embrace the
vibrant colors of my culture during festivals. My mom's decision to let me learn Kathak became a special
connection between us, a bridge between generations.

Today, when I look back, I see how Kathak helped me love and appreciate my South Asian Hindu culture.
It wasn't just about dancing; it taught me important values like discipline and dedication. Kathak became
the key that brought together the pieces of my identity, creating a beautiful picture of diversity and
cultural richness.

In the end, Kathak took me from not liking who I was to being proud of my South Asian Hindu heritage.
It wasn't just a dance—it was a journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and love for the beautiful culture
that shapes who I am.

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