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Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales

Essay of economic news that relates to what is seen in class.

Student: Gabriela Félix Rivera

ID: 2002927

April 14th 2024

“Government highlights foreign direct investment in tourism during 2023”

Foreign direct investment is a factor that has benefited Mexico in recent years, as we can see
during 2023, this exceeded 2,000 million dollars according to a report issued by SECTUR. In
addition, the tourism unit recalled that our country received 36,058 million dollars of FDI
(foreign direct investment) in the last year, this represents the highest amount ever recorded
in its history. Something really important to highlight is that the states that captured the
largest FDI in tourism from October to December in 2023 were Baja California Sur with
$116.2, Quintana Roo with $58.5 and Jalisco with $34.9 (millions of dollars) and the visits to
national attractions were made by 4 million international tourists

But how does this relate with macroeconomics? There are two main concepts that could fit in
this topic, investment and marginal propensity to consume. Reviewing the topics exposed
in class and doing some research investment is “is an asset or item acquired with the goal of
generating income or appreciation” (Hayes A., 2005) and marginal propensity to consume
refers to “the proportion of an increase in income that gets spent on consumption”
(Investopedia, 2024).

The relation of these terms with the topic reviewed this week, is that tourism is gaining an
important role in the economy of Mexico not only nationally but now, on an international
level. By perceiving these huge amounts of foreign investment the country is developing
touristic plans, new infrastructure, buying new technologies, softwares and equipment both
for the cities that foreign investors are looking for but also for some others that need
development nowadays. By making this, Mexico is seeking to give the highest quality to the
destinations already targeted but also, give a chance to other locations to bloom.
Image of the new

Staff, F. (2024, March 1). Gobierno destaca inversión extranjera directa en turismo

durante 2023. Forbes México.


Hayes, A. (2023, December 19). Investment Basics Explained With Types to Invest in.


Samuelson, P. A., & Nordhaus, W. D. (2009). Economics (9th ed.). Douglas Reiner.


Team, I. (2024, February 26). Marginal propensity to consume (MPC) in economics, with

formula. Investopedia.

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