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In this edition of the Hansen Herald, We share about Digital Ministry and its
impact on the college campus. We also share about a Focus Group that I was a
part of to help equip different ministries within Cru with their digital strategies.
Lastly we wanted to a share a few photos of the kids. They are getting so big!


In todays fast-paced digital age, Cru ministries around the
country are embracing technology to reach and engage with
their communities like never before. The growing trend of
digital ministry is transforming traditional approaches to
community engagement and the way we enter into gospel
conversations daily.

For example, today the average Gen. Z college student

spends 4-5 hours on their phone and are not as willing to
engage face-to-face. Although studies have shown that they
are into activism and making a change in the world, they
would rather do it from behind a keyboard. Getting students
engaged and keeping them engaged has become one of the
greatest challenges. Working as a Digital Marketing
Specialist for the last 6 months, I have seen the massive
need to help build on digital strategies to equip the staff
and students in the field.

One of those tactics is represented in the photo to the right.

The team I serve on presented over a 2-day period about
ways that ministry leaders can improve the way they reach
the unreached through digital means. Some of those things
included email strategy, brand strategy, and knowing how to
create quality content that will reach more people with the
hope of Jesus online.

As we enter the final stretch of our internship at the world head

quarters for Cru, we ask that you pray for us as we discern our
next steps. Lastly, we would like to take a moment to encourage
you to send us an email ( with any current
prayer requests you have, so we can be praying for you!

Sincerely, Daniel and Brittany Hansen

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