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Fantastic Four - Women’s Center

Executive Report

Throughout the semester our group has been working with the Kent State University
Women’s Center to give them a better presence on their social media pages to draw in
and attract more attention to their organization.


The Women’s Center needed clear communication between social media student
worker because these can change as often as every semester. They also needed some
assistance with creating a better presence on their social media pages to draw a larger
audience. They lacked some basic social media and visual communication knowledge,
along with a lack of branding awareness that is required by Kent State’s University
Communications and Marketing.


Our solution was to create a social media guide that could be used to tailor their pages
themselves and being able to communicate their needs with current and future student
workers. This manual includes the university policy on social media for university
organizations, what platforms are the best to use and how to use them, a branding
guide, and some expectations for the social media content which will enhance their
communication processes with the student and that will then have an affect on their


We believe our group has really put the Kent State University Women’s Center on the
right track to having a better social media presence and overall make them a more
popular organization throughout the university community. Our social media guide will
really put their social media presence to the next level. This will also allow the student
to have a more confident experience because they will have a reference point for
creating posts. When the student worker is more confident, the staff at the Women’s
Center can concentrate on creating programs and putting on events without answering
repetitive questions. These can all now be answered in one place and the guide can be
built upon in the future.


During the semester, Coronavirus was our biggest obstacle. During this project, we
were required to switch all of our communication to a virtual version. Our
communication with the Women's Center was nearly non-existent as they did not
respond to our outreach. It was certainly more difficult to do a group project when you
cannot actually meet with your group members. With the help of our professor and the
use of Blackboard Collaborate Ultra we pulled things together very nicely and developed
a valuable product for the Women’s Center.

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