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1. MNMA is planning to make the Institution to be the leading Academy in East Africa
despite of having a lot of competitors. Evaluate the MNMA by using SWOC / SWOT

2. Peter has been a computer analyst for five years. In his spare time has developed a power
point program that is more comprehensive and powerful than any other in the market. Since he
does not have a great deal of money , Peter believe that the first step in producing and marketing
this product should be to get the necessary venture capital. Inorder to achieve this Peter decide
to prepare a business plan for this business. He presented the plan to investors and failed to get
the fund.
(a) What do you think were the reason for his failure?
(b) Suppose Peter has improve his plan and he is getting ready for presenting a business plan
for second time. Advice him in terms of how to make his presentation to be effective.

3. Business Plan is not that much important for the success of a business. This is because many
individuals have succeded without any business plan . Briefly with vivid examples comment
on this quotation. Five Point

4. Idear generation is a very important step in the business development. How would you come
up with business idea? Screen your business idea by using Feasibility study.

5. Using examples from Tanzania Environment explain souces of financing for a new business.

6. Many enterprenuers in Tanzania find difficult to prepare business plan, so they decide to
start a business without preparing a business plan. With vivid examples what do you comment
about starting a business without preparing a business plan. Five points

7. The Dar es Salaam Intitute of Technology (DIT) has invited you to address a group of its
graduates who are interested in starting and running their own businesses. They have been
invited to participate in business planning Copetititon organized by the Small Business Project
( being implemented under Tanzania Private Sector Foundation). The winning business plans
will be funded to the tune of Tshs 2,000,000/=. You have been informed that most of the
graduates have multiple business ideas and they need to beoriented on how to assess and select
the most promising ones, for which they will develop business plan. Explain key points you
would include in your business plan.

8. With reference to the business plan which your developing , discuss the relevance of the
marketing plan. Five Points.

9. Effective of Marketing Plan development is a pross. Being a process it is considered

following a particular path during its preparation. Cleary explain the process involved in its

10.SWOT analysis is an important process to be perfomed by a person preparing a business

idea. To what extent is this true? Five points

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