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Des Écoles Élitistes

Regardons la vidéo: “Grandes écoles: France’s elite-making machines”. Repondez aux questions avec
l’information vous entendez.
1. What is a faculté? And what kind of facultés exist? What is a shortened version of the word?

2. Anyone who does all 3 years at a French high school will graduate with a BAC (baccalauréat)?

3. True or False, anyone who gets their BAC (baccalauréat) in France will automatically be accepted into
public university?

4. What majors are taught at the Grandes Écoles in France?

5. How many Grandes Écoles are there in France? Are they private or public? Name one US university that
is similar to a “Grande École.”

6. Does the BAC (baccalauréat) guarantee automatic entry to les Grandes Écoles?

7. Name some of the Grandes Écoles:

8. A 2013 survey found that _______% of top executives in France’s ______ biggest companies graduated
from just _____ Grandes Écoles.

9. Students who attend the ENA get paid to go to school there? ___________ How many years of service
do they owe once they have graduated?

10. What is one or two criticisms of les Grandes Écoles?

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