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Pathetic Prostate


- adj. pitiful - Affecting the emotions

- lay down flat

- v. put on top of something else


- believing easily

- n. disbelief or doubt

Curtsy Armored Scurry Assent

- n. bow of greeting as courtesy

- protected against weapons

- run quickly

- agreement

Flinch Aback

- to draw back from difficulty or danger

- adv. Backward
- n. the act of shortening


- n. the act of kidnapping

Abrade Absence

- v.t. to wear or rub away

- n. state of being absent or away - adj. plentiful , abounding


- n. the stress laid by the voice upon a particular syllable of a word


- n. one who plays an accompaniment

Accuse Ache Anoint Vodka Roused Requite Buttress

- v.t. to charge with crime , guilt or blame

- n. pain

- rub with oil

- Russian alcoholic liquor

- awakened

- repay

- structural support of a wall


- pointed tool for marking surfaces or piercing small holes


- tea kettle - disconsolate

Smite Pilgrim Abuse Lintel Alley

- strike sharply

- traveler to a shrine , holy place or devotee

- to humble

- horizontal structure oven window/door to support the weight above it

- n. narrow way or passageway

Ally Corps

- n. a person or a group unified for a common purpose

- n. organized group of armed

Corpse Statue Emigrant

- n. dead body

- n. a representation of a person or an animal as carved in stone or

wood , cast in plaster or bronze or molded in clay

- n. a person who leave one counting to settle in another

Immigrant Aisle

- n. a newly arrived in a country with intent to settle

- n. a passageway between 2 rows of seats

Isle Desert

- n. little island

- n. sandy region - v. abandon

Dessert Diary Dairy Allusion Illusion Passed

- n. sweet dish ending a meal

- n. daily records of euchts

- n. a place for processing milk

- n. indirect reference.

- n. an unreal image or appearance

- v. to undergo with success , to move along or go especially forward


- n. a former time - adj. time life etc.

Costume Custom Amount Number

Complement Compliment

- n. a style of dress

- n. frequent of habitual repetition of the same act

- n. total






dedicating how many - n. something making-up a whole - n. polite expression of phrase


- adj. frequently requested






Farther Further

- adj. at or to a great distance

- adj. additional information

- adj. politely

Respectively - adv. in the indicated

Cloth Clothe Breath

- n. material made from wool, silk, linen etc.

- n. to put clothes on

- n. air drown into and force out of the lungs

Breathe Council Counsel Adopt Adapt


- v. to draw air into the lungs and force it out






together to give advise make a laws for cities or town

- n. advice

- v. to choose and take ones family by a legal process

- v. to make something suitable for another use


- n. a strange and surprising thing or event

Wander Loss Apathy Love Lost Loosen Failure Fake

- v. to move about without any special purpose

- n. act of losing, destruction waste

- n. lack of feeling or interest

- n. a strong feeling of affection

- adj. that cannot be found or recovered

- v.i. to set or become loose ; to relax

- n. omission ; want of success

- v.t to cheat by sham qualities or looks

Loiter Lodge

- to idle ; to hang about

- n. small house in the park - meeting place of branch of a secret home

Historian Homily Volatile Walkout Lever

- n. a writer or a student of history

- n. a religious sermon

- adj. easily passing off by evaporation

- n. strike by walking out from place of employment;

- n. bar turning on a point (fulcrum)

Liberty Exempt Expert Cure Unite Neat Normal

- n. freedom ; immunity ;privilege

- to release ; to free - adj. free from some duty

- adj. skillful ; adroit - n. specialist

- n. a healing remedy

- v.t. to combine or to join together


- n. act of lawmaking ; laws made

- adj. tidy ; trim ; clean ; clever

- adj. according to rule ; regular ; perpendicular


- n. place for buying and selling merchandise - n. the act of referring ; allusion

Pursue Pyre Quadra

- to chase : to seek

- n. a funeral pile

- n. a square border or fillet of an Ionian column


- n. legal power or ability ;


Scarce Zoom

- adj. not common ; deficient ;rare

- to fly upward at a very steep angle

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