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Social media is a platform where u can learn, earn, or show the world what you do in day to

day life, chat with a person, connect with a person outside your geographical location and
many more uses but it is totally upon you how you use social media and according to your
use it will impact your relationship , mental health, studies, career and many other aspect so,
social media has both good and bad effect but nowadays due to many reason it is impacted
detrimentally to relationship, mental health and more so we discuss here social media
detriment effects.
Detrimental effects on relationship :
Social media where you connect with other people but basically you forget to connect with
your family and totally live around your social media life due to this your relationship with
your mother , father, brother ,wife ,husband exacerbated by you only focus on your social
media friends and you forget your roots for example if you belong to traditional family you
hesitate to follow your ritual because of trendy social media life so due to this generation gap
like issue arise and change in thinking because you became what you show and so in general
it impacted your relation with your family member , friends or person who has relation with
Detrimental effects on mental health :
Social media impacted mental health of specially adults or children because children are in
learning phase and they learn what they show for example if children learn or show child who
belong poor family they show child from affluent family and that child has all high class
facility and all nice facility from that poor child feel inferior and second point is if child
show advertising while watching video in that video they show thing that basically not
necessary but they show like that it is very important if child family is not afford it affects
child mental health and third point is if any person show any porn video or video that contain
adult content it affects child mental health.
Conclusion :
Basically social media has detrimental effect on relationship due to this divorce, family
dividing like issue arises and also from this people make distance with their own family and it
also affects mental health buy watching adult content and show advertisement that basically
not important like vimal pan masala advertise and many more.

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