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Topic: Electromagnetic Spectrum

The electromagnetic spectrum is the collective name for all types of

radiation. Radiation is energy that travels around in waves. The
electromagnetic spectrum goes from the waves with the lowest energy to
those with the highest energy. Electromagnetic spectrum is a list of the most
possible range of electromagnetic radiation around us. their many different
electromagnetic radiations in the world. For example we got radio radiation, sun 's
radiation, microwaves radiation, etc. many of these radiations have different level of
wavelength, energy, frequency, and also different classes. The way the
electromagnetic spectrum works is by wavelength. The bigger the wave length the
smaller power it has. The small wavelength is the most power it has.

The Light and Electromagnetic Spectrum both fall in the same category. It
contains an array of electromagnetic waves of different frequencies but is unseen to
human with naked eyes. In our daily life we are surrounded by these waves as
everyone is exposed to electric and magnetic fields, both at home and at work, from
the generation and transmission of electricity, domestic appliances and industrial
equipment, to telecommunications and broadcasting. But there are types of
electromagnetic radiations which have their effects on human body as well as
medical usage of these radiations for the treatment of various diseases. The long
term effects that are commonly seen are irreversible hearing problems, damaging of
embryonic development, risk of miscarriage increase, sperms count decrease, brain
tissue damage, cardiovascular disease, memory loss, lymphoma and DNA
(Deoxyribose Nuclic Acid) damage. So risk assessment of Electromagnetic
spectrum is necessary for prevention from Electromagnetic field to minimize the risk.

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