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Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic

Lyceum No. 52 of Osh city

15a Bekmamata Osmonov street, Osh city, tel.: +996 778‒68‒73‒28

Recommendation Letter
April 16, 2024
Dear Administration of Chanang University,
I, Kurbanbayeva Damira, the #52 Lyceum principal of Osh city am writing to you with a sincere
recommendation for our outstanding student, Mamytova Ayelida. She is not only an exemplary
student amongst her peers but also highly regarded by all faculty and administration at our school.
Ayelida demonstrates exceptional academic achievements in all subjects she studies. Her passion
for learning, dedication to self-improvement, and constant pursuit of knowledge make her one of
the most successful students in our institution. Her perseverance and determination leave no doubt
about her ability to successfully tackle any academic challenges.In addition to her academic merits,
Ayelida actively participates in various school and extracurricular activities. She initiates and
organizes projects that not only contribute to the development of social consciousness among her
peers but also attract public attention to important social issues.Equally important to note is
Ayelida's excellent communication skills and ability to work effectively in a team. Her
collaborative nature and leadership potential make her a valuable asset to any group.
I am confident that Ayelida possesses all the qualities necessary for successful studies at your
university. Her passion for learning, ability to adapt to new situations, and commitment to both
professional and personal growth will make her an outstanding student at your institution.
Thank you for considering our student. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any additional
information about Ayelida.
Kurbanbayeva Damira
the #52 lyceum principal of Osh city

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