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English comprehension Jayden Pillay

1. His intentions were to emphasize that a birth certificate is important as they are
required for a lot of things in life. Using the example of the two siblings shows this
right away.
2. They will be affected by the court judgement because an ID is required for writing
matric exams. The government could suspect ID fraud and the sisters would not be
able to go on school trips as well as participate in school sports.
3. It will infringe on their rights to a name, nationality and identity. The children would
face a significant risk of being excluded from receiving social grants and attending
school. It would prevent the access of studying at a university as well as writing
matric exams which is needed for tertiary education.
4. The satire in the image is that the two old people on the left say that the situation is
worse than they thought in the case that people literally come/organize the purchasing
of fake IDs.
5. The cartoon does not fully explain what is going on in the text as the text speaks about
the requirements of an ID for children and how important birth certificates are, the
cartoon explains the “purchasing” of fake IDs, therefore the cartoon is minorly
6. A) The irony in text 2 is the man after perhaps reading the text is daring someone to
steal his ID. The irony in text 3 is that people nowadays are so untrustworthy that
even “scammers” are getting scammed by stealing fake IDs.
B) The tone of the character in text 2 is a very firm/angry tone as the word “dare” is in
all caps which adds an extra bit of emphasis to the word and gives the reader a good
sense of tone.
7. A white-collar crime is illegally stealing money from a worker without them knowing.
8. The boy is referring to the fact that everybody dressed the same which means they did
not understand identity theft. Identity theft is the stealing of somebody’s ID and
claiming it as yours by changing the photo, name or date of birth.
9. It can attract attention because of the choice of imagery. By putting an image of a
small child, it makes the reader a bit more attached in supporting the topic.

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