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"The internet has transformed lives and economies, but it is turning the world into a global

village. Soon, everybody will think and behave in the same way. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?"

Different ways to write the general statement for the introduction:

1. Historical Context:
"In the era of rapid globalization and technological advancements, the internet has
emerged as a transformative force, bridging geographical gaps and bringing the
world closer together."
2. Statistic:
"With over 4.9 billion internet users worldwide as of 2021, the internet has
undoubtedly reshaped human lives and economies, fostering a sense of
3. Quotation:
"As Marshall McLuhan once said, 'The new electronic interdependence recreates the
world in the image of a global village.' This thought-provoking statement reflects the
profound impact of the internet on our modern world."
4. Definition and Explanation:
"The concept of a 'global village,' popularized by Marshall McLuhan, refers to a world
where distances between people and cultures have virtually disappeared due to the
5. Contrasting Views:
"In an age when the internet is hailed as both a global unifier and a harbinger of
cultural uniformity, the question arises: to what extent is our world truly becoming a
global village, and how does this impact our individuality?"
6. Problem-Solution Approach:
"The internet, while offering a solution to many of our communication and economic
challenges, has also raised concerns about the potential loss of cultural diversity and
the homogenization of human behavior."

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