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Project success is attributed to well-defined objectives, thorough planning, stakeholder

engagement, a capable and motivated team, sufficient resources, and proactive risk management.
Fast risk areas include outdated technology and infrastructure, inadequate risk identification,
poor quality assurance, poor change management, untrustworthy vendors or suppliers, and legal
and regulatory compliance. Clear goals create direction and understanding of project tasks, while
thorough planning helps identify dependencies, allocate resources, and establish a project
execution roadmap. Effective communication and collaboration with stakeholders ensure their
needs and expectations are understood. A capable and motivated team with the necessary skills,
expertise, and experience is essential for successful project execution. Inadequate risk
identification can lead to delays, cost overruns, or project failure.


Kerzner, H. (2022, March 2). Project Management. Wiley.

Walker, A. (2015, April 20). Project Management in Construction. John Wiley & Sons.

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