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Paul University Dumaguete

Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental Philippines

Readings in Philippines History

In Partial Fulfillment of the subject RPH

Submitted to:

Mr. Josefino Larena Jr.

Submitted by:

Jan Kevin Carimat


Date Submitted:

March 16, 2024

Second Semester
St. Paul University Dumaguete
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental Philippines

Under the Shadow of War

"Under The Shadow of War" by Augusto H. Piedad is a compelling narrative that delves into the

lives of individuals caught in the tumultuous period of Japanese occupation during World War II

in the Philippines. Through a blend of historical accuracy and poignant storytelling, Piedad

weaves a tapestry of human experiences, shedding light on the personal sacrifices, resilience, and

the profound impact of war on ordinary people. In this in-depth review, we will explore the

themes, characters, historical context, writing style, and overall impact of Piedad's work.

Augusto H. Piedad is a renowned Filipino author, historian, and educator. He is known for his

works that delve into the history and culture of the Philippines, particularly focusing on the

country's experiences during World War II and the Japanese occupation.Piedad has dedicated

much of his career to researching and writing about the events of World War II in the

Philippines, shedding light on the often-overlooked stories of individuals and communities

during this tumultuous period. His works are celebrated for their meticulous attention to

historical accuracy, vivid storytelling, and the depth with which they portray the human

experience amidst war and conflict.In addition to being an author, Piedad has also been involved

in academia, serving as a professor and lecturer. His expertise in Filipino history and literature

has contributed to a greater understanding and appreciation of the country's rich cultural

heritage.Through his writings, Piedad has made significant contributions to Filipino literature

and historical scholarship, earning acclaim for his insightful and poignant portrayals of the

Filipino people's struggles, resilience, and triumphs in the face of adversity.

St. Paul University Dumaguete
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental Philippines

The book opens with a detailed historical background, setting the stage for the Japanese

occupation of the Philippines during World War II. Piedad paints a vivid picture of the

devastation wrought upon the country and its people during this period, providing readers with a

comprehensive understanding of the historical context.

The narrative primarily follows the story of Maria, a young woman whose life is forever altered

by the war. Maria's journey serves as a microcosm of the larger societal upheaval, as she

navigates loss, displacement, and the search for meaning amidst the chaos of war. Through

Maria's eyes, we witness the struggles of ordinary Filipinos as they grapple with the harsh

realities of conflict. Alongside Maria, we meet a diverse cast of characters, each with their own

stories of survival, resilience, and hope.

"Under The Shadow of War" explores a myriad of themes that resonate throughout the narrative.

One of the central themes is the impact of war on individuals and communities. Piedad expertly

portrays the physical and emotional toll of conflict, depicting the destruction of homes,

livelihoods, and the psychological scars left behind long after the fighting has ceased. Another

prominent theme is resilience and human spirit in the face of adversity.

Despite the overwhelming challenges they face, the characters in the book demonstrate

remarkable strength and courage. They find ways to rebuild their lives, forge new connections,

and hold onto hope even in the darkest of times. Additionally, the theme of identity and cultural

heritage runs throughout the narrative.

The characters grapple with questions of identity as they navigate the complex intersections of

nationality, ethnicity, and belonging. This adds a layer of depth to the story, highlighting the

complexities of personal and national identity during times of crisis. Characters Piedad's
St. Paul University Dumaguete
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental Philippines

characters are richly developed and multi-dimensional, each with their own distinct voice and

motivations. Maria, the protagonist, undergoes a profound transformation throughout the course

of the book. From a young, naive girl to a resilient and determined survivor, Maria's journey is

both heart-wrenching and inspiring.

Supporting characters such as Maria's family members, friends, and fellow survivors also leave a

lasting impression. Piedad deftly portrays the diverse experiences of individuals affected by war,

from the stoic resistance fighters to the vulnerable children caught in the crossfire. Each

character's story adds depth and richness to the overall narrative, creating a tapestry of

interconnected lives. Historical Context One of the strengths of "Under The Shadow of War" is

its attention to historical detail. Piedad provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of

the historical backdrop against which the story unfolds.

The Japanese occupation of the Philippines is depicted with accuracy and sensitivity, capturing

the complexities of the period. Through meticulous research and vivid descriptions, Piedad

brings to life the struggles and triumphs of the Filipino people during this tumultuous time. From

the brutality of the Japanese soldiers to the resilience of the Filipino guerilla fighters, the

historical context adds a layer of authenticity to the narrative, making it both informative and


Piedad's writing style is eloquent and evocative, drawing readers into the story from the very first

page. His prose is descriptive and immersive, painting vivid images of the Philippine landscape

and the horrors of war. The author's use of imagery and symbolism enhances the storytelling,

creating a palpable sense of atmosphere throughout the book. Furthermore, Piedad's narrative
St. Paul University Dumaguete
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental Philippines

structure, which weaves together personal anecdotes, historical facts, and political analysis, is

seamless and engaging.

The alternating perspectives and timelines add depth to the story, allowing readers to gain a more

comprehensive understanding of the characters' experiences and the broader historical context.

"Under The Shadow of War" is a powerful and thought-provoking book that lingers in the mind

long after it is finished. Piedad's ability to humanize the effects of war through the experiences of

his characters is commendable. The book serves as a poignant reminder of the resilience of the

human spirit and the enduring impact of conflict on individuals and communities. Moreover,

"Under The Shadow of War" sheds light on a lesser-known chapter of history, offering readers a

deeper understanding of the Filipino experience during World War II. It is a testament to the

strength and courage of the Filipino people in the face of adversity, and a tribute to those who

endured and persevered.

In conclusion, "Under The Shadow of War" by Augusto H. Piedad is a masterfully crafted work

that combines historical accuracy with compelling storytelling. Through the eyes of its

characters, the book provides a poignant and immersive exploration of the human experience

during wartime. Piedad's vivid descriptions, well-developed characters, and profound themes

make this a must-read for anyone interested in history, literature, and the resilience of the human

spirit. "Under the Shadows of War" by Augusto Piedad is a novel that explores the impact of

World War II on the Philippines and its people. It tells the story of a Filipino family caught in the

midst of the war, highlighting the struggles, sacrifices, and resilience of the Filipino people

during this turbulent period in history.When relating this book to the subject of Readings in

Philippine History, several themes and topics may come into focus:
St. Paul University Dumaguete
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental Philippines

Japanese Occupation: The book likely delves into the Japanese occupation of the Philippines

during World War II. This period is a significant part of Philippine history, and studying it

provides insights into the challenges faced by Filipinos under foreign rule. It also explores

themes of resistance and collaboration.

Filipino Identity and Nationalism: The experiences of the characters in the novel can be used to

discuss Filipino identity and nationalism. How did the war shape their sense of nationhood? How

did they resist or adapt to the challenges brought by the occupation?

War and its Aftermath: The aftermath of World War II had a profound impact on the Philippines.

The book may discuss the physical and emotional destruction caused by the war, as well as the

efforts to rebuild and recover.

Role of Women: In many war narratives, the role of women becomes prominent. How did

Filipino women contribute to the war effort? What challenges did they face, and how did they

navigate these difficult times?

Colonial Legacy: The novel might also touch upon the colonial legacy of the Philippines,

particularly in relation to the American colonial period and how it shaped the country's position

during World War II.When studying this book in the context of Readings in Philippine History,

students can analyze the events and characters to gain a deeper understanding of the Filipino

experience during World War II. It offers a personal and human perspective to historical events,

making them more relatable and understandable.

In terms of Philippine History this book tells us more about how our culture and our history is

very important to us and how it shapes us to be a vigilant and civilized filipinoes. Why is the

readings in philippine history important? "Readings in Philippine History" refers to a collection

St. Paul University Dumaguete
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental Philippines

of texts and materials that are used to study the history of the Philippines. This subject is

typically included in the curriculum of Philippine schools and universities, especially in the

tertiary level, to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the country's past.Here

are some reasons why studying Philippine history through readings is important

:Understanding Identity: Learning about Philippine history helps individuals, especially

Filipinos, understand their identity and heritage. It provides insights into the cultural, social, and

political factors that have shaped the nation and its people.Sense of Belonging: By studying the

history of the Philippines, individuals develop a sense of belonging and connection to their

country. They can appreciate the struggles and triumphs of past generations and understand the

context of current events.

Critical Thinking and Analysis: Studying history requires critical thinking skills. Analyzing

primary sources, historical documents, and different perspectives on events encourages students

to think critically and form their own interpretations.

Awareness of Social Issues: Many social issues and challenges faced by the Philippines today

have roots in its history. Studying history provides context for understanding these issues, such

as poverty, political dynamics, and social inequalities.

Preservation of Culture: History is a way of preserving culture and traditions. Through studying

Philippine history, traditions, folklore, and customs are passed down from generation to


Appreciation of Diversity: The Philippines has a rich history of diverse cultures, languages, and

religions. Studying its history promotes an appreciation of this diversity and encourages respect

for different cultures and traditions.

St. Paul University Dumaguete
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental Philippines

National Pride: Understanding the achievements and contributions of Filipinos throughout

history can foster national pride and a sense of unity among citizens

.Prevention of Past Mistakes: Studying history allows societies to learn from past mistakes. By

understanding the consequences of certain actions in the past, individuals and policymakers can

make more informed decisions for the future.Overall, "Readings in Philippine History" is

important because it helps individuals develop a deeper understanding of the Philippines as a

nation, its people, and its place in the world. It fosters critical thinking, cultural appreciation, and

a sense of identity and pride among Filipinos.

So in terms of reviews, is the book Under the Shadows of War good or bad in terms of predicting

history? That is the question

"Under the Shadows of War" by Augusto Piedad is a work of fiction, so it's not meant to predict

history. Instead, it is a novel that explores the experiences of Filipino families during World War

II. While the events and characters in the book are fictional, they are set against the backdrop of

historical events, such as the Japanese occupation of the Philippines.

In terms of historical accuracy, it's important to remember that this is a novel, not a history book.

The author likely did research to create a realistic setting and context for the story, but the

primary purpose is to tell a compelling narrative rather than predict historical outcomes.

That said, historical fiction can still offer valuable insights into the time period it depicts. It can

provide readers with a sense of what life might have been like during that era, the challenges

people faced, and the emotions they experienced. It can also shed light on lesser-known aspects

of history or offer different perspectives on well-known events.

St. Paul University Dumaguete
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental Philippines

So, while "Under the Shadows of War" may not be "good" or "bad" in terms of predicting

history, it can be a "good" book in terms of offering readers a glimpse into the human experience

during a significant historical period. It can provoke thought and discussion about history, war,

resilience, and the impact of conflict on individuals and societies.

The book cover of "Under the Shadows of War" by Augusto Piedad is an essential part of how

the novel is presented to potential readers.

Visual Themes: Book covers often incorporate visual themes that reflect the content or setting of

the story. For a novel set during World War II in the Philippines, the cover might feature

elements such as soldiers, war-torn landscapes, or symbols related to the conflict.

Symbolism: Sometimes, book covers use symbols or imagery that represent the themes of the

story. In the case of a war novel, this might include symbols of courage, struggle, or hope amidst


Character Representation: The cover might depict characters from the novel, offering readers a

visual representation of the main characters or the types of people they will encounter in the


Emotional Tone: Book covers can convey the emotional tone of the story. For a novel about war,

the cover might use colors, textures, or images that evoke feelings of tension, fear, or resilience.

Cultural Elements: Since the novel is set in the Philippines, the cover might incorporate elements

of Filipino culture, such as traditional clothing, landscapes, or symbols that are relevant to the

St. Paul University Dumaguete
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental Philippines

Historical Accuracy: In historical fiction like "Under the Shadows of War," the cover might

strive for historical accuracy in its depiction of clothing, weapons, or settings from the time


Attracting Readers: Ultimately, the cover is designed to attract potential readers and give them a

sense of what the book is about. It should be eye-catching and intriguing, enticing readers to pick

up the book and learn more.

While discussing about the external factors of the book let us learn what really is the internal

message or the lessons we can capsulate in the book?

"Under the Shadows of War" by Augusto Piedad is a novel set during World War II in the

Philippines, focusing on a Filipino family's experiences during this tumultuous time, to many

readers it delivers different kind of messages and different take away; but here is my take away

from the book:

Resilience in Adversity: One of the central themes of the book is the resilience of the Filipino

people in the face of war and hardship. The characters in the novel face immense challenges,

including the horrors of war, loss of loved ones, and struggles for survival. Despite these

difficulties, they find ways to persevere and maintain their dignity.

Humanity in Conflict: The book portrays the impact of war on ordinary people, showing the

human side of conflict. It highlights the struggles, fears, and sacrifices of individuals caught up

in the larger events of history. This humanizes the historical narrative, reminding readers that

war affects not just soldiers but civilians as well.

Family and Community Bonds: The novel emphasizes the importance of family and community

ties during times of crisis. The characters rely on each other for support, forming close bonds to
St. Paul University Dumaguete
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental Philippines

navigate the challenges they face. This underscores the strength and resilience that comes from

unity and solidarity.

Loss and Grief: Through the characters' experiences of loss and grief, the book explores the

emotional toll of war. Readers witness how individuals cope with the pain of losing loved ones

and the struggle to find meaning amidst tragedy.

Identity and Nationalism: The novel touches on themes of identity and nationalism, particularly

in the context of the Philippines' struggle for independence during the war. Characters grapple

with questions of what it means to be Filipino and the desire for freedom and self-determination.

Historical Context: While a work of fiction, the book provides historical context about the

Japanese occupation of the Philippines during World War II. It sheds light on lesser-known

aspects of this period in Philippine history and the experiences of Filipinos during this time.

Lessons from History: "Under the Shadows of War" offers lessons from history, reminding

readers of the consequences of war and the importance of remembering the past. It encourages

reflection on how historical events shape societies and individuals.

In summary, the main point of "Under the Shadows of War" revolves around the resilience of the

Filipino people during World War II, the human impact of conflict, the importance of family and

community, and the lessons that can be learned from history. Through its characters and their

experiences, the novel invites readers to consider the themes of survival, loss, identity, and the

enduring spirit of the Filipino people in the face of adversity.

St. Paul University Dumaguete
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental Philippines

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