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rT » do tach downto _tueruouow —y 100. % SOTUNiAs srt open. Pindeousn wads wpasite & pnoul INDICE GLOBAL: Luuno ce Qn macdion& fay Beleruunos gaukrcd pr & INICIALES, SCREENING: RANDOMIZADO:. 7S. olplois» ENFERMEDAD DE PARKINSON —————— (PDQ 39) Bob au gasnluodoty 0.- NUNCA de Oa loo 1,- OCASIONALMENTE 2.- ALGUNAS VECES 3.- FRECUENTEMENTE 4.- SIEMPRE O INCAPAZ DE HACERLO ( SI ES APLICABLE). Aco Hovilinad C10) 1.- Dificultad para realizar las actividades de ocio que le gustariahacer. 0 123 4 2.- Dificultad para realizar tareas de la casa (p.ej, reparaciones, cociner, limpieza, etc) . 01234 3.- Dificultad para cargar con paquetes o bolsas del mercado. 01234 4.- Problemas para caminar una distancia de unos 750 metros. 01234 5.- Problemas para caminar unos 100 metros. 01234 6.- Problemas para dar una vuelta alrededor de casa con tanta facilidad como le gustaria. 01234 7. Problemas para moverse en sitios publicos. 01234 8.- Necesidad de que alguien le acompafie cuando sale a la calle, 01234 9.~ Sensacién de miedo o preocupacién por si se cae en publico. 01234 10.- Permanecer confinado en casa mas tiempo del que usted desearia. 0123 4 40 Wd 6) 1L.- Dificultades para su aseo personal. 01234 12.- Dificultades para vestirse solo. 01234 13.- Problemas para abotonarse la ropa o atarse los cordones de Jos zapatos. 01234 14.- Problemas para escribir con claridad. 01234 15.- Dificultad para cortar los alimentos. 01234 16.- Dificultades para sostener un vaso o una taza sin derramar el contenido. 01234 BREE EC 17.- Sensacién de depresion. 01234 18.- Sensacién de soledad y aislamiento. 01234 19.- Sensacién de estar lloroso 0 con ganas de lorar 01234 20.- Sensaci6n de enfado 0 amargura. 01234 21.- Sensacién de ansiedad y nerviosismo. 01234 22. Preocupacién acerca de su futuro. » } 01234 24 Tendencia a dcultar su enfermedad la gente. 01234 24,.- Evitar situaciones que impliquen comer o beber en piblico. 01234 25.- Sentimiento de vergitenza en piblico debido a tener la Enfermedad de Parkinson, 01234 26.- Sentimiento de preocupacién por la reaccién de otras, personas hacia usted 01234 \é SI Hrosletia en las relaciones personales con las personas intimas. 01234 28.- No ha recibido apoyo de su esposo/a pareja de la manera que usted necesitaba. 01234 28 No ha recibido avo de as familiares o amigos intimos sa lela manera que usted necesitaba. 012 2 “TOES 30.- Quedarse inesperadamente dormido durante el dia. 01234 — 31.- Problemas para concentrarse (p.¢j., cuando lee o ve la TV) 01234 32,- Sensacién de que su memoria funciona mal. 01234 33.- Alucinaciones o pesadillas inquietantes 01234 ~——~34.- Dificultad al hablar 01234 35.- Incapacidad para comunicarse adecuadamente con la gente. 01234 36.- Sensacién de que la gente le ignora 01234 (2 SOT c wD Calambres musculares 0 espasmos dolorosos. 01234 38.- Molestias o dolores en las articulaciones o en el cuerpo. 01234 39.-Sensaciones desagradables de calor o frio. 01234 wy 12 poa-sa ; Racoption que hewn for geamales she oie pad ct & adlouedad e4 box cbs GA camtseuseuticue CUBS _WAIS-WV Modes NRL359; Ho. of Pages 10 Proyecto NEURONORMA jévenes: normas para el ROCF y el FCSRT a Aner recccccce rrr cocceccc] --recccecccc] 040 1 2 OM 46 A 4B 38 7 36 35 BoM eccceccccer Edad 2 a =i Pe 3t a x =) zi 2 6 7 w 2% 3 2 Bu 19 2 2 18 Tabla 6 _ Tabla de ajustes por edad y escolaridad correspondientes al test de ROCF-memoria diferida ‘Como citar este articuto: Palomo R, et al. Estudios normativos espafoles en pablacin adulta joven (proyecto NEURONORMA Sévenes): normas para las pruebas Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (copia y memoria) y Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test. Neurologia. 2012. doi:10.1016/ .nrt.2012.03.008 ‘sumer cecargact oe npn eaves a ez. Lope pr US person Spent a vais 9 ale heen fr cea MaD9 oom Vos P pi) L. Calvo et al Tabla t__Puntuaciones escalares y percentiles correspondientes alos tests VOSP y JLO me Rango de VosP HO percentiles siluetas Discriminacion Localizacion objeto Progresivas de la det nimero pesicion 2 umeto oegho oe pin daw MULT, Lap pre post oie tareson eet oem por cue Rao oa 197 Tabla 2 Coeficientes de correlacion (r) y determinacion (R*) de las puntuaciones escalares con la edad, (a escolaridad y el sénero Edad (ahs) Escolaridad (afios) ‘Genero i # r k r @ vose a Decision de objeto 9,041 000 9.070 -——0,005 0,066 0,004 Siluetas progresivas =0,141 002 9,023 0,001 0218 0,047 Discriminacion de la posicion 0,066 0,004 0,066 0,008 0,032 0,001 Locatizacion det ndmero =0,.002 0000 = otaz (0.015 O14 0.013 0 ~0,027 0,001 0,260" 0,068" 0,298 0,089» \VOSP: Visual Object and Space Perception Battery; JLO: Judgment of Line Orentation * Correlacion significativa al nivel 0,04 (bilateral © RE 0,05, Tabla 3_ Tabla de ajustes por escolaridad correspondientes al test JLO para hombres y mujeres Escolaridad™ 8 CREST an a Ee SE A NOS) Hombres +1 +f 0 SS e0) 10 sO Sp ae eee] Walesa oS a3 eaves eatiioe sh ies) at 0 ‘NO: Judgment of Line Orientation. © 0,264. pa2,t64. No se hallo ningin efecto significativo de la edad sobre el rendimiento en ninguno de los subtests de la bateria. Estos resultados no coincidirian con los resultados hallados ten estudios normativos previos*’-®, en los cuales se apunta hhacia una influencia negativa de la edad sobre el rendi- rmiento en este test. Estas divergencias se podrian explicar Por ta diferencia en el rango de edad de la muestra del pre Fespecto al resto de trabajos, to que indicaria ue (os sujetos adultos jovenes se ven libres del dective en el rendimiento propio det envejecimiento que tiene lugar de la mediana edad en adelante. En cuanto a la variable género, no se hallé influencia sig- nificativa sobre las puntuaciones obtenidas en los subtest de la VOSP estudiados. Estos resultados estarian de acuerdo ‘con los estudios que concluyen una ausencia de efecto del ‘género sobre estos subtest” y en desacuerdo con el tra- bajo que evidencié diferencias en cinco de tos 8 subtest de la VosP?, En relacién con otros trabajos con una muestra eespafola’"?, no se confirma la influencia de la edad sobre el rendimiento en los tests, probablemente como conse: ‘cuencia de la diferencia en los rangos de edad entre las ‘muestras estudiadas y ta ausencia det impacto propio det envejecimiento en el presente estudio. Respecto de la escolaridad, no se corroboran tas diferencias halladas por Herrera-Guzmén et al.” en el subtest de decision del objeto, Respecto de los resultados obtenidos en la muestra de mayores de 49 afos del estudio NN*, se hallaron diferen- clas en cuanto a {a influencia de la edad sobre el subtest, de siluetas progresivas. Los rendimientos en esta variable sufrieron el efecto del envejecimiento en sujetos de la muestra de mayores y no en la de jévenes. Este hallazgo Podria explicarse por las caracteristicas de la prueba que, ‘aunque explora habilidad visuoperceptiva, es una tarea en la que también se exige rotacion espacial. Algunos autores indican que estas habilidades serian sensibles al proceso de envejecimiento”. En un estudio reciente se han descrito correlaciones de hasta un 70% entre la edad y un test de {imagenes no prototipicas en el que la habilidad para rotar, {imagenes es fundamental para realizar la tarea requerida**, ‘También se encontraron diferencias respecto de la influencia de la escolaridad sobre los rendimientos en el mismo sub- test, probablemente una vez mas por la ausencia del grupo de suetos con escolaridad menor a 8 aos en la muestra de jévenes. Judgment of line orientation Los resultados muestran un discreto efecto de la escolaridad sobre las puntuaciones en el JLO. Este hallazgo concuerda ‘con lo que describen la mayoria de estudios previos de nor- malizacién, que apuntan hacia una influencia positiva de la escolarizacion sobre la ejecucién en esta prueba’, El mayor impacto de la educacion sobre el JLO que sobre los subtest de percepcién espacial de la VOSP estaria en relacién con la mayor exigencia de las tareas del primero fen relacién con el segundo. Estos datos darian soporte a luna mayor sensibilidad del JLO en ta deteccién de deficits visuoespaciales' No se hallé influencia de ta edad sobre los rendimien- tos en el test. Este resultado no iria en consonancia con los datos obtenidos en la mayoria de los estudios norma tivos precedentes que evidencian un impacto de la edad sobre las puntuaciones en este test”, Estas diferencias odrian explicarse también por la hipétesis del declive en el BOMWNiAL + Claws Ke smodicn do tack downed a wy posaate & gaieullole - S NICE GLOBAL: Eine do Qo medions tay Bcenmudoy gathed ga & INICIALES: SCREENING: RANDOMIZADO.......... 2S. olpteuin ENFERMEDAD DE PARKINSON PDQ 39 (PDQ 39) bob au gaurlucdon 0.- NUNCA de Oa too! 1.- OCASIONALMENTE 2.- ALGUNAS VECES 3.- FRECUENTEMENTE se SIEMPRE 0 INCAPAZ DE HACERLO (SLES APLICABLE). 100). wird C10) 1. Dificultad para realizar las actividades de ocjo que le gustaria hacer. 0123 4 2.- Dificultad para realizar tareas de la casa (p.ej, reparaciones, cocinar, limpieza, ete) : 01234 3.- Dificultad para cargar con paquetes o bolsas del mercado. 01234 4.- Problemas para caminar una distancia de unos 750 metros. 01234 5. Problemas para caminar unos 100 metros. 01234 6.- Problemas para dar una vuelta alrededor de casa con tanta, facilidad como le gustaria 01234 7.- Problemas para moverse en sitios piblicos. 01234 8.- Necesidad de que alguien le acompafie cuando sale a la calle. 01234 9. Sensacién de miedo 0 preocupacién por si se cae en piblico. 01234 10.- Permanecer confinado en casa més tiempo del que usted desearfa. 01234 40 6) 11.- Dificultades para su aseo personal. 01234 12.- Dificultades para vestirse solo. 01234 13. Problemas para abotonarse la ropa o atarse los cordones de los zapatos. 01234 14.- Problemas para escribir con claridad. 01234 15.- Dificultad para cortar los alimentos. 01234 16.- Dificultades para sostener un vaso o una taza sin derramar el contenido. 01234 Sy 17.- Sensacién de depresion. 01234 18.- Sensacién de soledad y aislamiento. 01234 19.- Sensaci6n de estar Iloreso o con ganas de Ilorar . 01234 * 20.- Sensacién de enfado o amargura. 01234 21. Sensacién de ansiedad y nerviosismo. 01234 22.- Preocupacién acerca de su futuro. 2 * 01234 24 SOR Conc Tutu su enfermnodad ala gente 01234 24.- Evitar situaciones que impliquen comer o beber en piblico. 01234 25.- Sentimiento de vergiienza en publico debido a tener Ja Enfermedad de Parkinson. 01234 26.- Sentimiento de preocupacién por la reaccién de otras personas hacia usted 01234 ut \é6 Mose Shab en las relaciones personales con ls personas intimas. 01234 28.- No ha recibido apoyo de su esposo/a pareja de la manera ue usted necesitaba. 01234 29.-.No ha recibido apoyo de sus familiares o amigos intimos dela manera que usted necesitaba. 01234 2 vo COT Saas ingepeadamente dormido durante el dia. 01234 31.- Problemas para concentrarse (P.¢j., cuando lee o ve la TV) 01234 32,- Sensacién de que su memoria funciona mal. 01234 33.- Alucinaciones o pesadillas inquietantes 01234 nax_\6 34. Dificultad al hablar 01234 35.- Incapacidad para comunicarse adecuadamente con la gente. 01234 36.- Sensaci6n de que la gente le ignora 01234 (iz SORTS T Cambres musculareso espaamas doloross. 01234 38.- Molestias o dolores en las articulaciones o en el cuerpo. 01234 39.-Sensaciones desagradables de calor o frio. 01234 ray |2 OBA + (Rncopasa ape hevow Gs goaeales slo dia foci & & sosmedod eu sus vcs a caneureuiar 780- _]200- |250- ]35;0- |450- |650- | 70:0- )60.0- | 85.0- aot |2at|3at1_|aaat [5411 [6oc11 |7ortt _|aata 89-11 1 —jo16 [ors [0-16 [0-12 [o40 0-5 2 oO 2 47-20 (17-20 [17-21 [1318 [14-15 (6-8 3 1 3 21-22 [21-23 22-24 |19-21 (16-17 [9-10 [4 2 4 23-24 2425 (26-26 [22-23 [18-20 [11-13 [57 [34 5 25-28 |26-29 (27-31 [24-28 [21-25 [1417 [8-11 ‘(5 6 2932/3033 |32-35 (29-32 [26.29 [18-21 [12-14 6-7 7 3334 [34-35 (36-97 [33-35 |30-32 (22.25 [15-18 [8-10 8 35.40 [36-41 [38-43 [36-39 [33-36 [26-28 | 19-20 | 11-12 9 41-45 |42-45 (44-47 140-43 (37-40 [29-32 [24-23 [13-46 10 46-50 [46-50 (48-51 444s [4t-a5 [33-36 [24.27 [17-20 4 51-54 [51-54 (52-56 (49-62 [4649 [37-40 [28-31 21-22 12 55-57 (65-57 [57-58 [53-65 [50-51 [41-43 [32-34 [23-26 13 56-60 |58-60 [59-61 (56-58 [52-55 [4447 |36-38 [27-30 44 61 [61 62 [so [56-57 [asso [39-43 [31-34 15 6262 63 6061 [58-59 [51-63 [44-47 [35.38 16 63 (63 64/62 e061 [54-56 48-50 | 39-43 7 e464 65. 63-64 [62-63 [57-50 [51-54 [44-47 18 6565 ss j6s__|ea-e5 [e061 |s5-57 (48-51 19 6666 = [66 66 62-66 [58-66 | 52-66 so. 6 er wr sir sor ei zer ser outs aydures (OO LL) HLL P8-HL Is-1L BL-89— SL-SD TL 69S DS ED ES = OD-OS aftues oy wus wus Sw ose 1 os www 6 6 66 “a SM = was Sasa 86 srs SS ta 16-56 a is $6-06 a see Ish ISG? THIS STIS HES SES SHES eet li-9b Srey OsG>OSm6r «TEU ESTUS STS ESTE SES a) ee os-le Geol ee MEY SPRY Shh RSP OFSh Sh BSP OOF ore ae-St Pukey ty Ehiee eee peer Ser oh sc-61 He-ee OF ORE OBE OY HHGETHGE TSE CHOY ee str TIE SCTE SEVE | LE“BE GENTLE SEES REDE HEE ETH ors = ie UIE SEK OEE MERE SEE OEE OE =e eS wz eee eee use z ——_— = «of = eo Hi 6c 67> 6t> ore ofS oE> or 1e> 1c ee I> (swat) aduvy ay aduey aInueormg 109g pores, ING 24) 10} (“SSN) $2109 VINONOUNAN PeIsnipe-28y -¢ aqu, ‘0000°0 6000'0~ eesvo ce0s0 +1910 loro 19) uDyL, 8000 e600 68620 190510 100 48020- aso) SurPu uoHsOg, PLUTO = 124M (ZI — uoNEOMpA) ed) — YSEN = PF¥SQN :eImuLIO} SuIMo}]O} em SuL<|dde woUNSnfpe UONeINpy 1 9 ot OT etek Eko ot Lessee sist St StF eee css tst ese viol vl ek SE SE ST Tt etc cts el et el et plo plo SESE ST SE aot tl tlt ELLY ST ST Sh Stoo Woo oh th tee got obLtESTST ST oto 6 of Of of Or om ah thks eet eect tS 8 6 6 6 6 OO Of Oo Mm Mm um uw oa ow oa om oa oe tot OF 6 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 Of O OF O TM MW oN Wm aaa oa oa 9 6 kL b£ £ 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 OH OF OF OF NW oT mM oa oz S$ 9 9 9 9 t £ £ 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 Of O oO nN ros gs gs gs 9 9 9 LL L£ 4 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 oF oF L EF b FP F S S$ 6 9 9 9 9 4£ 2 £ 4 8 8 8 6 6 9 @ £ € € £ F F FP S FS FS F¢ 9 9 9 9 4b £ eB 8 s 1 ce & & £ £€ € F bP F F FS GF § 5 9 9 9 4 y 0 rorotopog ot t € € € £ FF F F F § 5 5 G9 9 € ooo oO OF tt tt lh lg z ool gs et ot Stet ttt ti 29 Ss + € @ 1 oO (s1eag) woneanpg 189) uowog *s qu, Burpuodsaxioo oy 04 sajar Apuonbasqns pur ‘Vggn s,iuaned ay) puy ‘oreanpe Jo sieak s juoned axp 07 Supuodsaxioo utuNjoo aweuidosdde ay) rajas ‘sajqr) ey osn OJ, ‘saSueys Aressaoou ayp ayeu uerorurpo ayp djoy o1 (9 pur ¢ sajqey) so{qer Juaunsnipe pojonnsuos aavy am “BIep IS WONT “(LL JO} 1$h67'0 = J PUP LNE 40} 9PLL7'0 = ) 2®¥SSN aiw{no[e9 01 pasn azom oejnUt ~105 jouoHEMduO ZuAINses OY, "SUOHDAI09 UONLONp 40y siseq oUf1 Se posn a1OM sisé[eUL SIM WOIy s}UDTIYJa0a HoISsaIT2y patidde oq pinoo suorssexar mauy] Yoryar UO UORNgLNSIp poztfeULsOU v paonposd VEEN 01 sa1098 Ate Jo UOTTPULIOFSHEN 3. (L070 = -4 “19SCh'O = 4) LL 30} %L"0Z 01 n 40g pure (C170 = -4 S750 =) LNA 40 %HE"LZ 0 dn J0y :sase9 yyog wt aouRLEA aroos-1s91 paisnfpe-o 10g Kuvoytusis yunodde 0} SentiNUOD ‘soxdMoy ‘NoNvONPA “CLL 10} /8810°0 = -4 ‘SELELO = 4 pur INT rs Cuestionario Autoaplicado de Beck (Beck, 1978) Nombre: Varén [Mujer [ ] Fecha: F. nacimiento: Edad: Estudios/Profesién: NEE Observaciones: 1. A.No me siento triste. B. Me siento triste. C. Siempre me siento triste 0 afligido/a y no puedo evitarlo. D. Me siento tan triste o afligido/a que no puedo soportarlo. 2. A. No me siento especialmente desanimado/a ante el futuro. B. Me siento desanimado/a ante el futuro. C. No hay nada que me haga ilusién. D. Creo que las cosas no pueden mejorar y no tengo ninguna esperanza en el futuro. 3. A.Nome siento fracasado/a. B, Me siento més fracasado/a que la mayorfa de la gente. C. Cuando recuerdo mi pasado sdlo veo fracasos. D. Creo que soy un fracasado/a total como persona. 4. A. Me siento tan satisfecho/a como antes. B. Ya no me gustan tanto las cosas como antes. C. Ya no me satisfaré nunca nada. D. Estoy insatisfecho/a 0 aburrido/a de todo. 5. A. No me siento especialmente culpable. B. A veces me siento culpable. C. La mayor parte del tiempo me siento bastante culpable. D. Continuamente me siento culpable. 6. A.No me siento maltratado/a, B. Tengo la sensacién que me pueden maltratar. C. Creo que me maltrataran. D. Tengo la sensacién que me estan maltratando. 7. A.No me siento decepcionado/a de mi mismo. B. Estoy decepcionado/a de mi mismo/a. C. Estoy asqueado/a de mi mismo/a. D. Me odio. 10. ll 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. A. No creo que sea peor que otros/as B. Soy critico/a conmigo mismo por mis debilidades o errores. C. Me culpo continuamente por mis equivocaciones. D. Me culpo continuamente de todo lo que va mal. ‘A.No tengo pensamientos de matarme. B. Tengo pensamientos de matarme, pero no los harfa realidad. C. Me gustaria matarme. D. Me mataria si tuviese la oportunidad. A.No Horo mas de lo que es normal. B, Lloro ms que antes. Ahora lloro siempre. . Antes acostumbraba a llorar, pero ahora ya no puedo aunque quiera. Cc. D. A.No estoy mis irritado/a que antes. B. Me preocupo o me irrito més facilmente que antes. C. Me siento irritado/a continuamente. D. Ya no me irritan en absoluto las cosas que antes me irritaban. A.No he perdido el interés per la gente. B. Estoy menos interesado/a por la gente que antes. C. He perdido gran parte del interés por la gente. D. He perdido todo el interés por otras personas. A. Tomo decisiones tan bien como siempre. B. Retraso las decisiones mas que antes. C. Me cuesta tomar las decisiones més que antes. D. Ya no puedo tomar ninguna decisién nunca mas. A B. . No creo que tenga un aspecto peor que antes. . Me preocupa tener un aspecto envejecido 0 poco atractivo/a. C. Creo que hay cambios permanentes en mi apariencia que me dan un specto poco atractivo/a, D. Creo que parezco feo/a. A. Puedo trabajar tan bien como antes. B. Me supone un esfuerzo extra comenzar alguna cosa. C. He de esforzarme muchisimo para hacer cualquier cosa. D. No puedo hacer ningin tipo de trabajo. A. Puedo dormir tan bien como antes. B. No duermo tan bien com antes. C. Me despierto una o dos horas mas temprano que antes y me cuesta volver a dormir. D. Me despierto diversas horas més temprano que antes y no puedo volver a dormir. 17. 18. 19. A. No me canso més que antes. B. Me canso mds ficilmente que antes C. Me canso de hacer casi cualquier cosa. D. Estoy demasiado cansado/a para hacer nada. A. No tengo menos hambre que antes. B. No tengo tanta hambre como antes. C. Actualmente tengo mucha menos hambre. D. Ya nunca tengo hambre. ‘A. No he perdido peso, o casi nada, tiltimamente. B. He perdido més de 2,5 kg. C. He perdido mas de 5kg. D. He perdido mas de 7 kg. 20. A. Mi-salud me preocupa més que antes. B. Estoy preocupado/a por molestias fisicas, como dolores, o bien molestias gastricas, o bien estrefiimiento. C. Estoy muy preocupado/a por molestias fisicas y me es dificil pensar en otras cosas. D. Estoy tan preocupado/a por molestias fisicas que no puedo pensar en nada mas. 21. A. No he notado ningiin cambio reciente en mi interés por el sexo. B. Estoy menos interesado/a por el sexo que antes. C. Estoy bastante menos interesado por el sexo actualmente. D. He perdido totalmente el interés por el sexo. Clave de comeesiin Pontuacin media A Opuntos 10 puntos. depresin ausente Bi 18 depres eve c2 2s epresibn moderada D3 30 epresin grave 2.09.(1999) DIGIT SIMROL Ni (G8 sone rare sitar Dist ‘Tabla 27. Baremos de las formas escrita y oral de la muestra infantil por edad (N=1.249) __PUNTUACION _ ] Baja mal Alta [ 19-21 3637-110 22-25 | 26-40 41-110 < [25-29 30-47 48-110 | z 31-34 35-52 53-110 | 3 [26-32 | 33-60 61-110 1 4 < 35-39 40-60 61-110 10,31 | 124 g 36-40 | 41-60 61-110 | 9.76 7 i 64-110 1089 101 1071) 149 10,66 | 97 35,50 | 8,75 106 40,97 869 | 152 34-98 | 39-59 | 10.40 145 lz 38-42 | 43-63 1012126 | S 39-4 45-67 14,69 101 z | 46-50 51 [ 10,12 114 ie 46-50 | 51-70 | 71-110 | 60.21) 878 8 47-52 | 53-76 | 7-110 | 6457 11.85 68 59-80 | 81-170 [69,18 11,07 107 ' 8-83 84-110 | 70,75 1285 79 A. Smith Tabla 28. Baremos de las formas escrita y oral de la muestra infantil por curso (N=1.147) —_ PUNTUACION a Edad Baja Normai T” Alta |Media pt N | 3° Primaria 0-19 20-22 23-36 37-110 [29.58 6,97 a8 4° Primaria 0-2 23-26 | 27-43 44-110 [aa75 | 845 173. | [5° Primaria 0-23 | 24-28 29-468 47-110 fa760 ata 451 © Primaria 234) 95-52 | 53-110 [4366] 371 tar [FESO | 0-30) 34-621 63-110 48,06 | 14,87 | 117 FORMA ESCRITA | 59-110 a 42-60 | 61-110 0-39 45-63 | 64-110 (0-48 das 49-67 68-110 o- 44-48 | 49-70 71~110 49,76 | 885 | 116 50,91 9,72 79 54,03| 9,67 67 57,74 9,39 | 103 | 59.43 / 1060 75 hilierato [2 Bachilerato FORMA ORAL 36,02 872 | 126 [42,16 | 883 | 153 48,77 | 1055 (53.46 10,45 [5° Primaria — |e Primaria” — ESO” 1° Bachillerato ° Bachillerato” Di 6 [ T Sl M & o L SDMT. Test de Sinbolos y Digine Tabla 29, Baremos de las formas escrita y oral de adultos por edad, Nivel bésico (N=380) 7 — PUNTUACION _ | Edad _| Muy Baja Baja Normal Alta Media, Dt_|_N 18:25 3 34-39 «40-63. ~+»«G4-110 S147 14,88) 99 | 5 2534 (0-36 37-40 41-58 | 50-110 49,22 87972 } 3 36440 26-32 «33-87 | 88-110 | 44,78 60 ¢ | 45-54 | 0-17 18-24 25-53 = 410 | 39,07 43 Z 55-64 0-11 12-17 18-41 | 42-710 [29,74 — 3t § |—_ ~ —— < ated Renal | 2 46s o-7 2-10 11-46 «47-110 ° 48-80 25-34 0-40 {47-68 | 68 44° (0-29 37-66. 67-110 51,52 14,67 a4 0-24 2 | 33-61 62-110 47,00 14,90) 43 0-17 18-24 25-51 «82-110 37,94 13,89) 31 ; i: 7-16 «17-55 ~—«56-110 35,95 | 19.9475 FORMA ORAL TT ~pUNTUACION Edad Muy baja | Bala Normal | Alta | Meco | ot | oN, [1625 | 0-45 a 46-49 «50-68 et 6-110 159,44} 9.50 | 139 | | B | 2534 |e 4344-48 GT «B= 110-| 58.20 9.49 218 @ | see 0-38 39-43 66-10 | 0182 | 157 < | Se 31-36 3-110 48,68 | 5564 24-26 54-110 140,15 13.3847 | 2465 23-29 rerio 4308 185730 { T 2-110 | 69,13 | 3 is 16 43-48, 49-71 “72-110 ig a ae 3 62-40 47.48 l “67-10 49.90 LTAVa ST ef 2 OL Of [8 91 GE SL Tee Ht Ol HZ 86 TZ 8B IZ LL OT SS 6L-OL fl sel Of 88 6% €6 ET IS LL Heh ET CTL ET GOL E~ 86 OT HB OT 6S 69-09 vl Gl @E 66 8% 66 ZZ LS ly TT VT 61 HIT GI SOl 61 06 91 79 6s0S YI oF sz Or 8% vO GI 19 98 TIS GI €@ 1% LU IZ SOl GL €6 LIT 99 6rOr cl Tel 8% LIL L% TI OT $9 €8 OES GI LZ OT CZ @%Z HI tT 66 £9 6£-06. TT err ©c Cl €% SIL OZ LO EL 9S Sl 6 GT FUL IT SIL BT 66 ST OL 6r-OC cl Chl te LIL HT HI LT $9 “9 GES HI BTL HI Et! LI HIT 0% 76 OT $9 6FOT Ol PH Fe SIT Tl HI OT 19 OL Le LI oT OL TZ GT HIT ST S6 OT LO SEPT el Ter 1% Ot Of SIL IZ 79 OL Sz ET Tel LI Tt ol PIL TZ +6 6T 89 EF qs Woods W ds W ds W ds W as W ds W ds W as W as W aiy uonTuBo.ay eo L S1 s I ung, TWRIL |= hg i Wale M3 Wo oe 163 2020 a9 os 2 S15 84s an oe ates 72 Mio aa 2 ar ae He sto ae 26 28 2528s ra na 353 a Oe a2 45-100 MLS bt ars wn 182 wo 076 23 eas a7 67 wa 208 ee ee a s-135 57.1833 74 9 360 %5 23-23 77 287 2 1630 152 285-175 58 39 sho 123 69) 728 2 23 ks 58 208 294 o 12 1650 a2 os on 47822 a2 685 70 2900 24242 56 uo 373 00 9 LO DS ee 0-200 0-200 3. wp snbanye'Q Flu EWCIAS Pai Casnnov ea. Archives of Clie Newroprchology 5 ‘Table 3. Age-adjusted NEURONORMA scores (NSS,) for ast 80-6 (age range for norms = 50-60) corresponding to lexical uency tests Scaled Score Percentile Range Semantic Phonolial Tia Le acladed ener Aria Frets and Vegsabes Kickin Took F_ ae Ss 2 o oF ot oot ot 3 = - 6 — = 2 4 ot 7 = 2 he 5 ® T2344 56 ‘ ~ 3s = 7 7 1s 9-10 e368 5 19.8 nee S68 tmtr ° 23-40 we 78 be 0 a1-39 May 8 eas 9B n on eS Hees 2 m1 19-2 15-16 1617 Het? 18-20 8 2-89 2 RI 15-H6 21-28 1% 90-98 2 820 em Ise 7 15 95.97 B27 231 2D 25.26 16 oe = 2-29 i921 0 ” 2 = oo mR 2 18 399 DM 22 23 zal 22s 30 Sample size bs bs Bs Bs ss Tobe 4. Agee NEURONORMA Koes OSS) fr a 57-59 neo som See oe Fecal Range Soman ‘Animals Fruits and Vegetables Kishen Tools 2 oF 08 oe 3 - “ : o-11 = 5 - ns “ 1213 ° 7 nos 0 5 6 " ’ 0 2 0 Baw no 4 20 5 b 2 16 6 23 48 Me 24-26 0 15 = 78 20-21 16 5 29 2 " M x0 23-24 1s as au Sas Sample size mie 12 ‘except kitehen tools (in which education does not have a significant effect). Sex differences were only observed in the naming of fruit and vegetables (5%) and kitchen tools (12%), indicating the need to control the sex effect in these two VF tests, ‘Age-adjusted NEURONORMA scaled scores (NSSq) for each midpoint group are presented in Tables 3-12. To use the table correctly, select for each test the patient's raw score, and then refer to the corresponding NSS, and percentile range (left part of the table) As expected, the normative adjustments (NSS) eliminated the shared variance of age (Table 13). Education, in most ofthe VE tests (except for fruit and vegetables, and kitchen tools where shared variance <5%), continued to account for significant values of shared variance with age-adjusted test scores. Infact, education represented more than 15% variance in PMR tasks, in %€ LL Mim pozedwsos z HES 08-84 Ld-Se_PL-ZL_NL69 89-99 S9-E9 29-09 GS-LE_——S-S (sak) afuvy By Bury ojnusoeg azoog popeog. 389} HHO 40} (SSN) 891098 VINYONOUAN Pasnipe-o8y “p aIqu, Bojoyaxsdomayy jonny fo saanory / yp 19 vaowvso-Duag 9 N32aQl FLUENCIAS 6 Peha-Casonona et al. / Archives of Clinical Newopychology Title. Ateauted NEURONORMA ores SS forage 60-6 fs: tg fo norms = 6-46 cringe ste est Sealed Score Percentile Ranges Semantic Pronalogial Tien Caner rctaded eter ‘Animals Fs and Veguabler Kitchen Tools oT oF oe ~ ® 7 so - ® Ra ° a 0 16 " as 2 0) be 21-28, 15 24-26 16 m5 7 som is - 9 5 20 3 a2 bas 223 Sample sie mm Bs ‘Table 6 Ageated NEURONORMA ses (NSS) 65 (ae oe fr nos 89-69) earesporting oleic Asency te Sealed Score Porcontle Range Semantic Phonological Toi ener ‘Beco Leto ‘Animals Fits and Vegetables Kitchen Tools wR A BS 2 07 oF 06 oF or 3 flo 8 — = = 4 = 7 ‘ a 5 u 5 5 = 6 2 — = 3 7 as 5-10 6 ot 5 sas u 78 8 9 0 irs ° 9 0 6-20 now i rey n 2-2 Is t isi6 2 2M — " 19 4 28.265 6-17 t 20 ie 27-30 ie ~ aia 15 = 2 225 16 20 2 n 0 a a 8 1s 235 22 225 229 Sample size 07 13 won ro all ELF tasks, and animals. With regard to sex, vo categories account for significant values of shared variance with age-adjusted test scores (close to 5% in fruit and vegetables and 9% in kitchen tools). ‘The transformation of RS to NSSq produces a normalized distribution on which linear regressions can be applied. Regression coefficients from this analysis were used as the basis for education corrections (Table 14). The resulting compu- tational formulae were used to calculate NSS,ge. From these data, we have constructed adjustment tables (Tables 1521) to help the clinician make the necessary adjustment. To use the tables, select the appropriate column corresponding to the patient's years of education, find the patient’s NSS,, and subsequently refer to the corresponding NSSxs: FLUENCIAS ee Peia-Casorona etal. Archives of Cnc! Newrmpschology 7 ‘Table 7, Age-asjased NEURONORMA scores (NSS) for age ange for norms = 6272 eowesponing 1 lexical Maen tes Scaled Seow Percntie Range Seman Phoalogial Tita Laver ‘Excluded Lever ‘animals Frotvand Vepeubles Kitchen Too PM i 0 o ‘ 4 5 5 6 6 1 7 8 a 9 10-1 0 ray u 1516 2 6 9 4 20 8 21-2 16 2 0 24-25 18 226 Samp ie ta ‘Table 8. Age adjust’ NEURONORMA scores (NSS. fo 8-75) corresponding to lexieal Hucney tess ‘Scaled Score Porcnile Range Semantic Phoneloseal it Teor ‘Excoded Lena Kitchen Tool eS = o6 . oo 1 = 1 14 2 = - 38 7 — 6-10 5 ' is 5 2 19-28, 0 a 29-40 " 4 as R 56 om Bae 78 72-81 is 10 2-89 6 uw 50-94 re 95-87 9-20 of - 8 2 309 >a Sample sie bs ‘When that formula is applied to the NEURONORMA normative sample, the shared variances between demographically adjusted NEURONORMA scaled scores and years of education fall to <14%, Finally, sex adjustments (NSS gs) were made fo minimize the female advantage effect in two semantic categories: Fruit and vegetables, and kitchen tools. In a similar manner to the education adjustments, after transformations of raw scores in NSSq_ Sex corrections could be applied (y= 1.24574 for the fruit and vegetables’ category, and y= 1.74961 for the kitchen tools’ task). To correctly apply the formula, O represents man and I represents woman to minimize the female advan- tage in these two semantic eategories. Tables 22 and 23 are presented to help the clinician make the necessary sex adjustment. FLU ENC JAS 5 Peka-Cosanoe el / Archives of Clinical Neuropathology Tales Agen! NEURONORMI se N55) fp TTA ng a= 6-7) copend l ay Scale Score Percentile Range Semantic Phonological Toa Laver etude Leer [Animals Fite and Vepoabler MK A ES 2 os 20 0 3 6 SO 1 4 7 yD SF 5 5 eS 6 5 ' 7 on 2 8 0 3 ° “ 4 0 1516 s6 u 0 7 n 6 s9 5 1920 0 4 a Hen ts a0 5 nas oe we 2-38 6 — = = sw v 26 wom mw 1s Bar bea amo Sample size bs bs hs ass Table 10, gested NEURONORMA scons (SS forage 1S=T1 aang for worms ~ TI-A)coreponing ool ueny res Sealed Score Porcntls Range Semantic Phonologiat Inia Laver Encluded Laver Animals Fouts and Vepeubles Kitchen Tools POMORUOAO*@RSSCSS 2 =i oe 08 o-8 0202 >. oo 3 ' - poe - 4 2 — - Gg 1 5 as 6 a8 — 6 10 7 68 2 7 tas 5 Too 3 8 19-28 5 56 4 ° 23-40 10 we 7 6 0 41-59 u Wen 9 7 i on 2 Bd RB 7-81 5 Mis 213 5 49 Has M18 116 ry 90-94 6-19 won 5 95-97 Woy 2% IRIS 16 98 2 2 0 °° 21 mas 6 > 22 aos 321 Sample size too ino io ‘To use the tables correctly, select the appropriate column to the patient's sex, find the patient's NSSq, and then refer to the corresponding NSSaas, Discussion ‘The purpose of this report is to provide normative and comprehensive data for older Spaniards for several VF tests. Age-adjusted normative data and regression-based adjustments for education and sex are presented. Some previous normative Pea Cosanov eal / Archives of Clinic Newropaschoogy 9 Table 11, Azesatjsted NEURONORMA sores (NSSq) for ae 78-BD (ape range for noms ~ 74-841 corespondins to lexical ueny ets Sealed Score — Percentile Range Semantic Phonelogieal Ta cn ‘Avimals Fruits ad Vogeublos Kitchen Tools P z " 99 — - = 6 > 220 20 >a Sample size 6s 6 6 Table 12, Ape-ejvted NEURONORMA scores (NSS,) for ge 81-80 age ange fr norms = 77-90) earesponing oles ney tse Sealed Score Peceile Range Semanie Phonological al Leer Animals ruts and Vegetables 5 2 070-6 ° 4 ’ — ie s ° 7 aos 6 8 = 7 ° 5 5 ott 6 8 2 7 10 a £9 u Mets 0 2 — 16 tery B » 7 B te » 8 « Is, = — S 6 21-22 Is-16 a = - a S 16 22 215 se oan an Samplesize 2 a 2 2 2 data studies have discussed the problems associated with using normative data ftom different sources, especially in verbal cog- nitive tests (Kempler et al., 1998), Therefore, using data from the same population sample reduces the risk of misinterpretation of neuropsychological performances and inereases the reliability of the cognitive diagnosis, This study differs from a previous MOANS study (Lucas etal, 1998) in which the number of correct responses for two fluency semantic categories (animals, fruit and vegetables) was summed up to obtain a final total score, ‘This study has three important points to be commented on. On the one hand, this isthe frst normative data study that pre~ ‘sents data from the same sample on a wide set of VF tasks (Uwree SVF, three ILF, and three ELF). On the other hand, no norms have previously been reported for ELF test in Spanish. Finally, our normative sample includes a wide range of educational levels and provides age- and education-based adjustments, 0 Pein Casanova eal. / Archives of Cnicel Newopaytology ‘Table 13. Conelations (and shared variance (of NEURONORMA sublet sores ape, yar of edocation, and sox aftr age adhsinent (NSS. Flacacy Tate ‘Age Qe) cation Gea) Se imal —n01662 ‘00076 ‘anno ‘oor ~o1m6 ‘o2sa0 Prot nd vegoubles ~v0si44 oss oss oonsees o2nai7 nosso16 Kiteden tele 0.0384 ooo 9.08505 00254 o.ss94 0.093599 Inia leer" 002539 00645 0.4389 o1s7594 ~ousons aio Initia leer 4" 001374 2.00089 47990 280208 =0.12015, noise Inia eter *R 0.02808 007s arses 2s ~018177 o0s3040 cluded tter“A” = 000782 ‘ons osis9s o6ttas ~01207 ovisiss Excluded iter" ~00216 ‘0.0091 osoatt oastiz 0.02348 (0000551 Excluded leer “S" =n02838 ‘000805 sons 0.280460 ~nomis0 2.00086 ‘Table 14, Computational formule forage and education comected NEURONORMA scaled sores: 8 vas Flueney Tests 8 ‘animal 020588 Toil Hee “P™ 022078 il ener “Mt 024392 Tol iene“ ‘0.20088 Excl eter “A sass [eluded Iter “E" oss Excluded late“ osm ‘able 1S. Animals. Education ajusinent applying the folowing frmwlt: NSS nau N3Sq__aeation yeas) 4 4339 5 5 4 4 4 6 6 5 5 5 77 6 6 6 Bos 7 7 7 5 9 8 8 wow 9 9 9 uo mo wo 0 nop om non Ina similar manner to other NEURONORMA reports, to help clinicians NSS, were adjusted to NSSqce using a table result- ing from the application of a computational formula. In this table, scores were rounded to an integer. Inthe case of very extreme scores (¢., a person with one year of education and « NSSq of 18, ora person of 20 years of education and a NSS, of 2), the resulting adjustment may be placed beyond the defined scaled score ranges (¢.g.,21 or — 1), In these extreme cases, the final score should be 18 or 2, respectively. AS in all normative studies, the validity of these norms is clearly dependent upon the similarity between the characteristies Of the studied subject and the demographic features of the NEURONORMA normative samples. Therefore, as other similar studies have concluded, it would not be accurate to use this computational formula with younger individuals du to the different ‘impact ofthe demographic variables on the cognitive performance across the life span (Lucaset al.. 2005). Regarding tothe use PenaCasanoa eal / Archives of Clinical Newropnschotogy “ ‘Table 16. Til lenter P. Education ajstment applying the following formula: NSSyau)—NSSq — (AX Editon ony ~ 12, whee = 0.22078 NSS, Bastion (yeas) ores #3 67 89 WH Pow SE 6 OT © 2 + 5S 2 2 2 2 2) 7) 1 1 0 0 0 3 5 4 4 3033 3 3 2 2 2 2 ro pore 4 6 oss 44 4 4 4 305 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 7 6 6 5 5 5 5 $5 4 # 4 4 3 3 3 3 6 87 oF 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 7 oo 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 5 8 wo 9 9 BS B 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 ° Ho 0 5 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 RT 7 7 7 10 pou wo w 9 9 9 9 & 8 & 8 u BOR OR “on mn Hom wm mw mw 9 9 9 9 2 woo RoR PP Po on nH wm mW wo 5 ote BoB BoB Bo oR Ro RoR nono 7 we 1s as how Ww wow Bo Bon on oR oR RoR 7 7 7 Ws Bob BoB 6 6 ow Bow Bo Ro 8 wos 6 16 We We os 5 5 1s ee 7 bb Db BoB vo 7 7 7 Bw ss io 8 oo 7 7 7 6 we te ‘Table 17. ntl leer M. Education ajasimen applying the folowing formu: NSS xu NSS. Bieaton Gea) o 1:2 3s #5 67 8 9 WT 2 4 ee aS 22 Bs ss 5 4 33 3 46 6 6 6 Ss 46 4 Sor 7 7 7 6 sos os 6 8 8 8 8 7 6 6 6 7 9 9 9 9 5 7707 s 0 0 w wo soso sou om M1 5 9 98 oR BB pon ny Hob 8 BoB oR oon on bow wom ow RoR Re Bois as iss Boo Mo 1% 6 1S ow Bo Tn 7 9 a6 Bos as rn a 6 16 v9 1» 1 9 voor B20 2 2» % Lae of these norms in other Spanish populations, we consider that the data ofthis study could be used to assess Spanish-speaking subjects from different counties. In this field, a meta-analysis concluded that educational level and age influenced in SVF tests ‘more than the country of origin (Ramirez et al., 2005; Ostrosky-Solis etal. 2007). In other words: The SVF test yields similar data from one Spanish-speaking country to another provided that the subjects’ age and education are taken into account (Ramirez et al., 2005), ‘The age effect on the VF tests scores is clearly found in the nine VF tests studied. Our results confirm that the performance of elderly people was significantly lower than younger healthy controls and, therefore, agree with previous studies conclusions about the influence of aging on VF ability (Acevedo et al., 2000; Boone et al.. 2007; Cauthen, 1978; Gladsjo et a., 1999; Ivnik tal, 1996; Kavé, 2005; Knight etal. 2006; Loonstra ef a.. 2001; Lucas et al, 1998; Lucas et al.. 2005). A major age effect in ‘semantic fluency tasks than in lexical ones was not clearly found. Our findings are in line with the reported by others (Kosmidis, Viahou, Panagiotaki, & Kiosseoglow, 2001) but not comparable with those who find the differential effect of age on semantic and lexical tasks (Gladsjo et al, 1999; Kavé, 2008; Tombaugh et al. 1999) 2 Fea Casanova eta. Archives of Clinical Newropescbology ‘Table 1K Inia leerR, Education adjustment applying the following formula: NSSxaus=NSSx~ (B x (Edson wn) ~ 12, where B= 024088 NSS, Biveation Gea ©. 2 3s @ 35 67 8 9 OW DT ar 7 aS 222 33 5 4 4 3303 46 65 3 soa 4 s 7 1 6 6 sos 5 68 B77 6 6 6 7 9 oe 8 tora so wo 9 9 koe 8 > ou Ho 5 9 8 wo oR Rou ou wm noon no non on ow no won on Pop Bow Boos ists ia no BR M6 ws wo ow ob bon 7 6 6 bois ts leis wo oT 6 16 1S now wo as nom 7 Ws om 2» 9 RoR RO “Table 19. cluded Jeter A, Education adjustment applying the Following formuls: NSSqau NSS, ~ (8 (Edcstionyeny ~ 12), whswe =0.25483 NSS, Eieaton Geum or? 3 @s 67 8 9 OH fos 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 9 Sos 8 8 4 43 3 3 3 2 6 6 5 § 5 Ss 4 6 4 4G 77 6 6 6 6 S$ 5 5 5 4 Bos 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 9 8 8 R Fo 7 7 7 7 6 wow 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 BF mo wm wo 9 9 9 9 8 RoR Mon tf 1 mo w wo 9 BoB on PR Po WoW on nw How HB Bob 2 op Ro Ron bob ow K ow wo BoB B oR bo oS Bb 5 i wo wow m8 BoB Mo 7 17 we 6 iw AS Bow BoB oo 7 oT 7 6 nm) 8 ow om mw 7 ‘Concerning the education effect on performance, our results confirm that there is an important influence of the educational level inthe generation of animals but notin the generation of fruit and vegetables, and kitchen tools. In contrast, an important educational effect was found in the six LVF tests, and especially in the ability of generation words without a specific letter, With regard to the lower impact of education on the ability to generate fruit and vegetables, and kitchen tools, some reports argue that everyday word retrieval is more related to semantic processes, which is easier than lexical fluency and, there fore, less influenced by cultural level (Tombaugh ef al., 1999; Shores et al., 2006; Lezak. Howieson, & Loring, 2004), Our results support the hypothesis that the more evident education effect in LVF tasks could be related t0 the fact that they are ‘more demanding and more sensitive to executive dysfunction than semantics (Tombaugh et al., 1999: Shores et al.. 2006). In contrast, some authors suggest that the high educational effect could be partly explained by the different characteristics Of the studied populations in which ranges of years of education were certainly different (Kavé. 2005). No significant sex effect on VE tests was found, with the exception of a minor, but significant female advantage in 1wo semantic categories: Fruit and vegetables, and kitchen tools. In those variables, age-and-sex adjustments are provided Controversial data about sex influence on the VF tests have heen published (see Mitrushina et al., 2005, for a review), Peta-Casonona et a. / Archives of Clic Newopeychology 6 ‘able 20, Exclude later E, Education adjustmeat applying the following Formula: NSSs= NSSq ~ (8 x (Edveationyoey ~ 120, where NSS, Bikeaton Goan) o » > 5 =I 2 6 ° 400 1 5 8 2 6 9 3 7 ‘ sou 5 9B 6 oon 7 nou 8 Boas ° 16 10 Mon u so 2 69 8 nm» 4 el Is “Table 21 Excloded leer , Education austment applying the flowing frm: NSS o2sn NSS, Elation (eam o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # 9 WN 20 2s 4 4 4s 339 22 56 5 5 S$ 4 4 4 yo 47 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 a4 5 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 53 6 9 8 8 so7 749 6 6 7 wo 9 9 5 8 k 8 8 77 sou wo w 9 9 9 8 aos 9 2 non now 0 ww 898 pou om now BoR RoR oR woR RoR OB so mM we is sis ko 7 0 on on nn In fact, our results are globally in agreement with those in which a lack of sex influence has been reported (Cauthen. 1978; Pontén et al, 1996; Tombaugh et al, 1999). The minor female advantage in the generation of fruit and vegetables and kitchen tools found could be comparable with that found by other studies (Acevedo et al.. 2000; Capitant et al.. 1998). ‘Mote research could be done to confirm whether those findings are really related to gender differences in the cognitive proces sing of semantic information or simply represent a bias of the sample characteristics. In our study, socio-cultural features related to the major implication of women in housework could partly explain the better performance achieved by this ‘group in those tasks. ‘There are several limitations in the present study that we would like to comment. First, some limitations are related to the selection of the participants (limited representation of extremely elderly participants and a convenience sample of community volunteers). Second, the statistical analysis procedure carried out in this project made difficult to compare our results to other ‘VE normative studies because they present their data by means of means, standard deviations, and percentile tables for cach test (Benito-Cuadrado et al., 2002; Buriel et al.. 2004; Gonzilez et al, 2005; Kavé, 2005; Kosmidis et al. 2004; Ostrosky-Solis CONFIDENTIAL Neuronorma-Plus. DK-DFT normative data. Garcia-Escobar, Pefa-Casanova, Sénchez-Benavides Creeees) Table 1: Age — adjusted scores corresponding to Filled Dots of DK-DFT. - Age (years) Percentile SS Range 18-26 27-33 34-40 41-47 48-54 55-61 62-68 69-75 76-82 83-92 2 <1 = <6 - > > > > > 3 1 <6 6 <6 - - <3 - 3 1-2 <1 4 2 6 - 6 6 <5 3 3 3 - 1-2 5 35 _ = > 6 5 4 3 ~ 3 _ 6 6-10 7 7 7 7 6-7 - 4 4 _ 3 7 11-18 8 8 - 7 _ 5 _ - 4 _ 8 19-28 - _ 8 8 8 6-7 5 ~ - - 9 29-40 9 9-10 9 ~ 9 8 6 5 5 4 10 41-59 10 i 10 9-10 10 9 7 6 6 5 aby 60-71 ul - i 11 a 10 8 78 7 6-7 12 72-81 12-13, 12-13, 12 12 12 lL 9-100 = 8 _ 13 82-89 14 14-15 13-14 13 3 12 Il 9-10 9 - 4 90-94 15 16 1S 14-15 14-15 13-14 12-13) 11 10 8-10 1s 95-97 16 - 16-17 16-17 16-17 15 - 12-13) I i 16 98 - 17 - 18 18 — 1415) = _ = 7 99 _ - - _ ~ 7 _ _ ~ _ 18 99 17 18 18 19 19 16 16 14 2 12 ‘Age range for 18-29 23-36 30-43 37-50 44-57 51-64 58-71 65-78 72-85 79-92 Samplesize __—41_—59 485317183 BO SS: Scaled Score CONFIDENTIAL Neuronorma-Plus. DK-DFT normative data. Garcia-Escobar, Pefia-Casanove, Sanchez-Benavides (ances) Table 2: Age — adjusted scores corresponding to Empty dots of DK-DFT ‘Age (years) S Percentile S Range _18-26 27-33 34-40 41-47 48-54 55-61 62-68 69-75 76-82 83-92 2 <1 - @ - 2 - 3 - = @ = 3 1 - 46 2 2 - 3 - 22 2 4 2 e@ - 23 - $6 4 3 2 = 2 5 35 8 7 46 67 5 - 3 3 = = 6 610 = - 7 8 6 $5 45 4 3 = 7 ds 9 89 89 - 78 6 -~ = 4 3 8 19-28 mo - - 9 9 7 6 5S = 4 9 29-40 NH ll 10-11 10 1 8 67) BUSS 10 41-59 2 12 12 12 WM 910 8 7 6 6 uo 7) 64 3 BOB BT 2 72-81 is 41s @ - 1B 2 W 9 = 8 13 82-89 - 16 1816 144 14 2 12 1 9 = 14 90-94 16 «17 «17 1516 1S 1418 1109-10 15 95.97 yo - BOW = i 4 12 16 «98 — 8 = 18-21 16-21 = = B= 17 (99 ee 18 >99 is 19 19 2 2 6 Is 4 4 14 Age range for norms 18-29 23-36 30-43 37-50 44-57 51-64 58-71 65-78 72-85 79-92 Sample size 41 59 48 53 61 71 8374 6B. SS: Scaled Score CONFIDENTIAL Neuronorma-Plus. DK-DFT normative data. Garcie-Escobar, Pefe-Casenove, Sénchez-Benavides CRoE2NANIA Table 3: Age — adjusted scores corresponding to Switching Condition of DK-DFT Age (years) Percentile ss Range 18-26 27-33 34-40 41-47 48-54 55-61 62-68 69-75 76-82 83-92 2 < TO 3 1 - - 3 - 0-1 0-1 ~ <2 0 = 4 2 - 3 3 <3 - ~ 2 2 - 0 5 3-5 <3 3 4-5 3-50 24 2 2 - 1 _ 6 6-10 3-50 4-5 6 6 5 3 3 ~ 2 - 7 11-18 6 6 7 > 6 4-5 ~ 3 ~ 1-2 8 19-28 7 7 ~ ~ ~ _ 45 4 3 _ 9 29-40 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 _ 3 10 41-59 9 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 45 4 i 60-71 10-1110 10 9 9 8-9 7 - 5 2 72-81 - el2 _ 10 - - - 6 - 3 8289) 1243-13, 2 Ls 10 BT 14 90-94 14 14 13 12 12 i 9 8 8 6 15 95-97 15-20 - 14 _ 13 12 10-11 9 9 78 16 98 - 15-200 = 13 - 13 12 _ - _ 7 99 - _ - ~ ~ _ - ~ - - 18 299 21 21 Is 4 14 14 13 10 10 9 Age range for 18-29 23-36 30-43 37-50 44-57 51-64 58-71 65-78 72-85 79-92 Sample size 4159 48 5361718374 KO SS: Scaled Score CONFIDENTIAL Neuronorma-Plus. DK-DFT normative data, Garcia-Escobar, Pefia-Casanova, Sénchez-Benavides Spanish Normative Studies (NEURONORMA Plus): Norms for Delis Kaplan - Design Fluency Test CONFIDENTIAL Paper in preparation Greta Garcia Escobar, Jordi Pefia Casanova, Gonzalo Sanchez Benavides 17/12/2015 CONFIDENTIAL Neuronorma-Plus. DK-DFT normative data. Garcia-Escobar, Pefia-Casanova, Sancher-Benavides: NEURONORMA ~ Plus is a complementary cognitve battery which is made up of some specific neuropsycjological tests. All those tests were administered and scoring according to standardization processes of each specific manual, These were assessed by qualified personnel previously trained for assessment, recording and scoring of each test DK-DFT test is composed by three conditions: Filled Dots (Basic Condition), Empty Dots Gilter Condition) and switching condition, Instructions are given orally. In each condition, a sheet ,composed of a total of 35 squares, is provided and a 3 squared practice sheet is previously supplied. Participants were instructed to draw 4 — straight lined novel designs in each square by connecting points during 60 seconds. If time limit is used up, participants were allowed to finish that design which was on progress. Each line had to be connected with the previous line through one dot and they could cross each other. Participants also were told that is not necessary that designs must be closed or named. Examiner gave feedback about their performance during the practise part. In first condition (Filled Dots), squares are composed of 5 black filled dots and participants were told to create different designs by connecting them. In second condition (Empty Dots), squares are now composed of 5 black filled dots and $ empty dots and subjects had to draw as many different designs as they can by connecting only empty dots. Thus, they had to ignore black filled dots (which were necessary on previous condition) in order to create novel designs. Lastly, in third condition (switching) squares were also included 5 black filled dots and 5 empty dots but they were allocated in a different way than second condition. Participants were instructed to make novel designs by switching between connecting black filled and empty dots. The beginner dot could be a black filled or an empty one. Total of correct designs on three conditions were counted with the aim of provide normative data of DK-DFT. Age-adjusted normative data and subsequent regression-based adjustments for education and sex are presented. The sample was divided in two age CONFIDENTIAL Neuronorma-Plus. DK-DFT normative data. Garcia-Escobar, Pefa-Casanova, Séncher-Benavides groups ( 50 years sample DFI-DK ‘Age (years) Education (years) Gender ns rs Se Total Filled Dots 0,036 0,001 0,333 0,111 0,025 0,001 Total Empty Dots 0,036 0,001 0,308 0,095 0,070 0,005 Total Switching Condition 06 0,004 0,293 0,086 0,042 0,002 CONFIDENTIAL Neuronorma-Plus. DK-DFT normative data. Garcia-Escobar, PeRe-Casanova, Sénchez-Benavides Table 6: Total Filled Dots of > 50 years sample NSSa Education (years) 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 77 17:17:17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 (Educ- 10]) where B= 0,204 wCanrdAnaun® 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 u 12 B 14 15 16 7 18 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AL 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 10 11 12 22 2 Cow anne os as 12 12 12 1313 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 1717 17 18 18 18 2 eI ana 9 10 i 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 13 14 15 16 7 1 weIAanuaun 9 10 uW 12 13 14 15 16 7 5 Caer aurunn 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 Ww eer anne wn we aneenn| = x Bewr auavuneo8 EOGBo 15 16 ducation adjustment applying the following formula: NSSA&E= NSSA- (B * CONFIDENTIAL Neuronorma-Plus, DK-DFT normative data. Garcia-Escobar, Pefa-Casanova, Séncher-Benavides 19 19 19 19 18 18 e3rAaMurena 9 10 W 12 1B 14 15 16 7 18 eI Anan e@® 9 10 ML 12 1B 14 15 16 7 18 eIraaAuaune 9 10 il 12 2B 14 15 16 7 18 : Total Empty Dots of > 50 years sample Education (years) 10 2 eI Anan 9 10 u 12 13 14 15 16 17 18, iu 2 erauan 9 10 u 12 B 14 Is 16 7 18, 18 15 16 7 18 18 a eI AUB EN 18 WI AK aAwNS 9 10 u 12 13 14 15 16 7 eI AhawNe 9 10 il 12 1B 14 15 16 7 B eI ABVaALNH 17. Notes: Education adjustment applying the following formula; NSSA&E= NSSA- (8 * [Educ- 10]) where B= 0,194 eIAANALNES 8 ea AKnALNna iBT 12 1B 14 15 16 7 CONFIDENTIAL Neuronorma-Plus. DK-DFT normative data. Gercia-Escobs ‘Table 8: Total Switching Condition of = 50 years sample _ Education (years) NSSa weorauaele 10 10 1 mn 12 2 LB 1314 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 1819 Notes: Education adjustment app wana 10 nt 12 1B 14 15 16 v 18 19. 16 7 18 19 where B= 0,197 seovoeeerl | 15 16 7 18 19 15 16 Ww 18 19 ee ea 10 ul 12 1B 14 15 16 7 18, wer aAnaen|a 10 W 12 13 14 15 16 7 18. wen aura 10 iL 42 13 14 15 16 7 18, 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ul 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 9 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 W 12 1B 14 15 16 W 18 10 15 16 7 18 2 eaguae 9 10 Ml 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 15 16 7 18 ar, Peia-Casanova, Sancher-Benavides 1 2 B 15 16 7 18, 15 16 7 _18 15 14 16 15 17 16 4 is 15 S warnaunsene| 15 16 16 16 18 17 17 17 7 AT applying the following formula NSSA&E= NSSA- (B * [Educ- 10]) CONFIDENTIAL Neuronorma-Plus. DK-DFT normative data Garce-scobar,Pea-Casanova,SéncherSenavdes ‘Table 9: Total Empty Dots in <50 years sample Age (years) (G*sex) where B=- 1,33 uw COPIA FCR ‘Table 3. Age-adjusted NEURONORMA score (NSS,) 6/4 50-56 (agyange for norms = 50-60) Sealed wore Perens ROCF C FOSRT range Gy Metiory ‘hal Gee eel Toa fee recall Tota eall Deed fee call Delayed val wcll TDR ‘Raw Scare Time 6) _tnnediae well RS Delayed ecll RS as z =a = oT = oF ‘5062 3 4 35 = 39-30 ® 063-067 4 - 2 so 910 68-05 5 59 +6 3 mM 074-079 6 5-23 os-73 = 3s 8-086 7 s0 : Bo-38 087-092 8 5 soa 093 9 = ana 4 94 1» 6 on 15 = n 7 “s = = R aisa2ss 5 “6 = - B 2-7 ° = = 4 215-28 = a = Is 7 - = 6 = = = 0 — ~ = - — i 3-48 « 6 6 Sample size i lpopasdunan pony fo sain fo 19 iowoeeD- Oe ‘Hoes FOSRT = fee and cued selective reminding te; ROCF = Rey-Oscrih complex Hig; RS = rw score; TDR/TSTR = wal Ula calla 3 wal Weal ‘Table 4. Age-adjusted NEURONORMA scores (NSS,) foe 57-59 (nasfange for vom = 51-83) Sealed sore Pecenle. ROCF Foser range oy Memory ‘Thal reall Toul Fre weall Toul well Delayed fee call Delyed ttl eal TORI aw score Tie @) Immediate Recall BS Delayed reall RS me =i oT =i sO oF 0m 2 = 4 ® 063-067 isa17 = pws ~ 068-073 is19 2 am 0 074-079 ws2 3 mas 6 1 03-086 7525 4 gem 7 2 089-086 255-28 = wa 3 os2-098 285-30 5 aa i “ 305-33 6 aay 9-40 = 094 mss 7 “ 5 = 34535 * 4s = = = ° a = = = = Pa = = 0 = = ® 6 210 Sample size ‘Nores> FOSRT = fee and cued selective reminding est: ROCF = Rey~Oneiah complex ite RS = aw sre; TDRITSTR = trl delayed eae 9 al \oyoyssdazney pong fo sayyouy 7 18 mowesng- Deg Scaled sone Percenle ROCF Copy Raw Score Tine 355-36 = OS pw a1 = 2 as nes oT sy ” 5 1439) “ ott 4s = = 4 2 = 4 B = = 1 = = 5 = a 6 6 hs [ROGT = Rey=Osterreth complex figure: RS = ao wore; TDR/TSTR = oral delayed seca 8 vl we Syjppisdawey oun fo souypiy / » ououmsny- O40 ‘Table 6, Aze-aljused NEURONORMA ‘Scded wane Percentile ROOF Roser, ree Cope ‘Menoey ‘Tal 1 ce weil Toul ice call Toul reall Delayed ive recall Delived tral call TDR Raw Sco Time) Immediate weal RS. Delayed reall RS i” See as es or os <0 eas 3 = — 063-068 3 = 4 065-087 Bas = s 068-077 5-65 2 = 078-08 5 é sions 4 7 x90 5 4 093 - m9 094 ® 0 1s = + S = 8 = ° = w = 2-28 mn = 285-34 2 6 6 101 08 [Nevers FCSRT = tre and cved selective reminding txts ROCF — Rey-Osetiethcomplenfipae. RS = raw scone; TDRVTSTR = ttl slaved recall Ti 9 worl well Siojyaicdauoy pooayg fo sauyruy yw wwowesny- reg ‘Table Aceajuted NEURONORMA scores (S54) fi 69TH ge ange for moms = 65-28) Scaled save Pecenile. ROCF FosRT me Copy ‘Memory ‘Dial | fee recall “Total fee well Tol veal Delayed fe recall Delayed wal eell TDRI [Raw Score Time () Immediate recall RS. Delayed wcll RS Me =2 2 =Is 2057 Ths 2 = 253 = 3a4 058-07 456 071-079 ests os-08s 95 046-091 wo-12 090 095-098 ° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ® ° 0 ‘Nove: FCSRT = fre ad cued selective reminding est ROCF = Rey -Osarith compl Bgury RS — raw wows) TDR/TTR = total dlayed cal Tl 9 tal weal Slopoysidesnoy foun fo saa / p18 oxowreng neg 1 ‘Table 7. Age-adjusted NEURONORMA scores (NSS4) for ae 6x68 fag ge for nem: = 62—72) Scaled wore Peronlle ROCF TeSer tt Cope Memory “ial fice reall Total fee wall Total wecall Delayed fre weal Delayed total all TDR? Raw Score Tune e) Immediate revall RS Delayed eel BS mre sD oT © oe 0-043 Sosa ~ — 7 = asst 25 = 1 — 064 40-468 3-8 = 2s ee 065-07 2 as wo 078-079 2 = " 08-087 4 « 2 88-092 _ 7 a 093 5 8 ir os 6 9 = = 7 0 5 8 un = = 2 = B = a = 15-16 16 ‘Noes: FCSRT-= fee and coed welstve reminding test; ROCF = Rey— Oster complex gue; BS =raw score; TDR/TSTR = teal delayed cal Tal or Siojussedomay prom fo saun2.y / po 18 oNouese Ned ‘Table 9, Age-adjusted NEURONORMA scores (NSS,) forage 7274 (age range for norms = 68-78) Sealed sco Pocenile ROG FSRT noe ‘Memory ‘Tin fice recall Tos fe reall Total esa! Delayed fre revall Delayed wal wall TDRI cia Sal Dan Seana IR Inmet reall RS Deiyed reall RS =i 2 zis =0s4 t = 2 1 038-057 25 253 - 058-06 st Bsa — 61-071 4335 45-6 2 or-078 ors O75 = o7t-o8 3 osl-0997 4 4-092 s 93-094 u 6 = 7 = 5 = ° = 1 355-36 Mea « 1-16 Sample size 0 10 a 0. ‘Nees: FCSRT = fre and cued selective reminding test; ROCF = Rey-Osteeth complex gue; RS = raw wore TDR/ESTR = tual delayed cull 3 ttl reall a ojos ony Jo samy / 101 osu meg ‘Table 10, Age-ausied NEURONORMA scores (NSS,) forage 78~77 (age range for noms = 71-81) ‘Scledveore Percale ROCF FESRT me Copy Mewory ‘Tal tse recall Tol fee recall ‘Toul ecall Delayed fe real Delayed worl eall TDR? Raw Srore Time @)mvaediste ell RS Delayed weal RS ik 26 sis 0 2058 630 — ost S635 = oss-0s7 469-565, t 056-06 406-468 = o6t-073 42-405 2 3 074-0279 0-341 = 08-086 216-209 3 087-092 ais-275 4 7 093-098 81-214 5 2 6 = 8 095-107 tow 5-2 2 nb = os 5-0 ss M536 348 Ps 1-16 6 36 9 x as er 9s ‘Neves: FCSRT = fee ad cued selective reminding tet; ROCF = Rey- Ostet complex gue; RS = raw sone; TDRITTR = total delayed recall Til 3 tral weal Stopoyadenney oon fo sony jo 1 wiowreg-nted ‘Table 11. Age-adjusted NEURONORMA scores (NSS,) forage TRAD (age range for noms = 75-84) Saisicow Reels RO Tose fans Memory ‘Trial 1 free recall ‘Total free recall Total recall Delayed free recall Delayed total recall TDR/ ine weal RS Dob ws BIR as as 7 os =a = * “ ase mas 7 = ass-06 i L a bernan oo 7 ee tmeon teas t ay 3 1 asa ‘ thn oat-aos 3 te : ” ‘ H ® 1 Bas 7 L a % pen * ' Bes 9 a = Boo 6 eae Bae Te rs Sante size 6 « "Noves: FCSRT = fee and cved selective reminding tet; ROCF = Rey—Oserath complex. gue; RS = raw sore TDR/TSTR = oat delayed recall Til 3 total weal tt {Bopapsdomay oon fo sasmuy / 0 18 wsmsey med ‘Table 12. Ageadjsted NEURONORMA scores (NSS,) forage 81-99 (age range for wonns = 77-90) Sealed core Pocenle ROG ese ange Cony ‘Memory Ta ie ‘Row Score Time () Immediate roall BS Deliped vocal RS ‘Tova fee real Toul weeall Delayed ce recall Delayed total wecall TDR7 137k 25 sae ses-0as 481-564 10-880 2-25 350-819 26 12 My pws poe ws 5 rok 2° 18 wo - 4 a2 10-1 6 = 25-36 aa Bas ae 6 Sample sca 20 * ost 055-058 059-062 061-075 076-092 Noer= FCSRT = fee and cud selestve reminding tex; ROCE = Rey—Osteeth complex gues RS= raw wore) TDR/T3TR = wal delayed recall Til 3 total vv oyogidannoy pou fo sogauy / yo 1 wierd st 16 Peta Casanove ea. / Archives of Cinicel Newopaschotog ‘Table 13, Conltons and shared variances () of age-adjusted NEURONORMA soars (NSS,) withage and eduction (ean) Vaablee Age (pears icaion ear) r 7 2 ROCF Copy Time (3) —n3se9 00129 si9s o.499s Accusey ~nosise 0.0285 29866 0se20 Memory medias weal fccuracy) -po1sis 0.0037 asa 06217 Delayed eal secarty) =0.03105, 8.0086 025951 06735 reset “rial | fie ec 003s 00132 29109 ses ‘Total fee weal 0.05400 1.00202 0.32462 o.10s38 ‘Tota reall ee recall +eued real) vows 1.00636 03688 oun Delayed five seal 007637 ‘0.0583 1.9034 0.09869 Delayed ttl recall 015087 ouns40 034300 11765 “Tal delayed recall Til 3 ttl rsa 0.13261 0.01759 21288 0.08530 Noes: FCSRT= tre and eve selective vemiing tes: ROCF = Rey—Ostnath complex fig ‘Table 14, ROCE: copy (time). Education ajustment spplyng the folowing formu NSSqauu~ NSSx (8% [Fdtctionyeny ~ 12). where NSS, auction Gear) * 1? 3 4 5 oR ow 7 & BD» 4333 a 5 4 4 4 20202 2 444 6 os 5 5 S303 3 2 2 2 7 6 6 6 44 4 4 3 3S B77 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 D8 8g 6 6 6 8 5 5 8 w 9 9 9 71 7 7 6 6 6 uo 0 0 Boe 8 8 oT TT Rou non 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 bon pop w wo ww 9 9 98 wo oo nou on nw ww bom om ou 2p ep Pn mm feos iss bob B Rp RR v6 6 16 wou ow Wo BoB oR wo om BoB ob 8 wow ow wo Ro Ib te 6 1 SSS np 9 von 7 7 ww Rey=Osterith complex igu. Discussion ‘The purpose ofthis report was to provide normative comprebensive data for older Spaniards for the ROCF and the FCSRT. ‘Age-adjusted normative data and regression-based adjustments for education are presented, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Although age and education affected the score of the ROCE, sex was found to be unrelated inthis normal sample. The results observed concerning sex contirm that the differences are minor or nonexistent (Berry ct al.. 1991; Boone et a. 1993). Education has a more important role than age on scores (10%~17% vs, 4%—-10% of shared variances) Time to complete the task increases with age and is more affected by education (10% vs. 17% of shared variance). This study confirms previous ones (Ardila & Roselli, 1989: Ardila etal, 1989, 1994; Bemry etal, 1991; Caffarra et al,, 2002; Rosselli & Ardila, 1991) in which Pei Casanova ea. / Archives of Clcal Newropvchologs 0 ‘Table 18. ROCF: copy accuracy) Bdvcaion adjustment applying the following Format: NSSaqu= NSSq ~(B x [Edvea.M aan) 12D) where 212s NSSq_ Education (year) * 7 8 9 To 0 0 0 zor tong 32020202 43 3 3 3 so4 4 4 4 5 Ss 3 5 5 7 6 6 6 6 Bor o7 7G 9 8 e 8 8 wo 9 9 9 nH 1m 1 0 4B UBduationyuy~ 12). [Nole: ROCF = Rey Ostet complex Hire, scores were affected by education. The differences observed with the study of Machulda and collengues (2007) were probably due to sample variations. It is important to point out that the study of Machulda and colleagues included subjects with a ‘minimal education of 9 years, In agreement with previous studies (e.,.Chiulli et al., 1995; Loring et al, 1990), very litle difference (0.5~1 point) was observed between immediate- and delayed-recall trials. This fact also confirms that a decline between immediate- and delayed-recall trials should be considered to be of clinical significance. eda Casanona eta / Archives of Clieal Newopssholons » ‘Table 19. FCSRT: total es recall Edcaton adjustment applying the following formula: NSSy4u=NSS4 ~ (fx [Babes ~ 12D. whee = over NSS__ Bauaton jean) 7 1 2s «3 6 7 8 9 w) NW RD z * oss 3 3 3 3 2 2 9 2 2 2°49 3 5 8 4 6 4 4 8 8 3 8 G2 4 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 bb 6 BOS 3 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 6 8 707 7°77 7 6 6 6 6 8 6 S 7 9 8 8 sos 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 Bm 8 9 9 9 9 9 g@ & & 8 8 & 7 9 1 © m w w Ww 59 9 9 9 9 9 & mR How MW MW Hm 1 © ww wo HB PR pop Ro Po on non on ow Po 4 BoB BoB BoB RoR RoR RoR Boo Mo wo Wo oR OR Ron on woe Moo BoB 6 6 6 6 Mow ow ow we ow 8 7 6% 6 6 % HG 8 os 1 6 8 7 7 7 TW oT we Hw wow 6 1 7 ok soe Too & 0 Bb BB wow we Kw oR [Nove FOSRT = ie and sed selective reminding te. ‘Table 20, FCSRT: ot eal ee ell + cud recall, Edson austen ppg the felling for 1). whew 6 0.19586 NSS, Baheton ean) e123 4s mew «7 8 2% 2 4 os ss 8 2 1 ro 0 © 3 5 5 4 4 4 4 30202 2ororo4 4 6 6 5 5 5 8 4303 30202 2 5 77 6 6 6 6 son o4 e433 6 Boe 7 77 7 6 oss 5s 4 4 4 7 o 9 8 8 FR 7 6 6 6 5 35 8 mm 9 9 9 » 8707 7 6 8 8 59 1 nm wo » 0 Sos 8 B77 oo © on 2 non ow mw 9 9 5 8 8 Bon Ro pop oR Hom wo 9 9 98 Row ow BoB BoB Bon oo nom wo BoB Bb mow wou Bon oR Pom on ow Mem Is SS won 8 hon oR oR Cn en bow woB BoB eo Bo Mon on on wus as ote 7 ws es 7 6 6 Weis iss ’ » » 9 »B » 1 won Pe 6 te [Nove POSIT = fice and cnc cosine veining tet level of the MOANS cohort compared with the NEURONORMA. Infact, Ivnik and colleagues (1997) recognized the need for special caution when using MOANS norms with persons having fewer than & years of formal education. Present norms for the FCSRT are hardly comparable with other studies due tothe different populations and versions of the test used by researchers. For example, the MOANS project (Ivnik et al., 1997) included pictures as stimuli, and previous ‘Spanish studies used different words and two letters as cues (Campo & Morales, 2004; Campo etal, 2000, 2003) General Discussion As in the MOANS projects, NEURONORMA volunteers did not need to be completely medically healthy to participate (Pedraza et al.. 2005), Patients with active, chronic medical, psychiatric, or neurological conditions or with physical disabilities 18 Peta-Casonova ea. / Archives of Clinical Neuropvchoogy ‘able 17. ROCF: delayed rcll accuracy). Education adjustment applying the following formula: NSSaau=NSS — (8 [Ebestoy en 12), where B= 013346 NSS; Flbestion em 1 23s ab Ww 8 7 Ww a z 2 root 3 3 20202 4 4 ‘ 3030302 5 5 44065 6 6 5 3 3 4 1 7 6 6 6 Ss 8 8 7 7 5 6 9 9 Boe oe 7 0 0 59 9 8 " " wo wo 0 8 2 2 non ono 3 5 eon 2 ow 4 BoB Bn Is 1s ow om 6 16 16 sos sae ft ie ROG = Rey-Overih cme _ ‘Table 18{ FCSRT: Tal | eerecal, Eduction alsin 0.15066 npying te following Formula: NSS.ngu = NSS ~ (B « USANH0M ony 12, Where B= NSS, Bauzation (yous) o 12 3 #58 6 z ys 3s a a se 3 4 4 8 4 ag 4 5 5 5 35 3 5 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 HS 6 77070777 6 7 8 8 8 os 8 eT ‘ 5 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 wo © w wo w 9 oe om no ow mn nao 1 2 R Rk kop RoW BB BoB BoB BR i Moo i Ss ss 5 6 6 1% 6 6 1S ‘6 7 7 1 7 7 7 ni Bow me wow oP 8 8 wo p wow Nowe: FCSRT = fre and cued selenive reminding oe Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test As observed by Lvnik and colleagues (1997), the frequency distribution of some FCSRT derived scores was skewed. This fact is psychometrically very important and underscores the need to use cumulative percentile frequencies 10 assign ‘age-adjusted NEURONORMA scaled score to each FCSRT derived score, ‘This study confirms that age and education affect the svotes of the FCSRTT, whereas sex is found to be minor or irelevant, We also confirm that there is a decline in all measures with advancing age (Campo & Morales, 2004; Larrabee et al, 1988: Sliwinski et a., 1997; Stricks etal. 1998; Wiederholt et a, 1993). Concerning education, there is an obvious discrete effect (up to 11% in total recall). This effect was probably not observed by Ivnik and colleagues (1997), due to the higher education Peta Casanova ea. / Archives of Clic Newropchologs ‘Table 23, FCSRT: retetion index (otal dolyed real Tvl 3 ttl rca Education autment aplying the following formula: NSSaa [Education ony ~ 2D, where B~ 0.12962 NSSq Education (yea) o 12 3 * 5 6 9 7 Sos a 3 3 9 a 2 3 84 4 4 4G ‘ 5 5 5 S$ 5 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 5 6 5 5 5 6 7707 77 6 6 6 1 8 8 eB 8 8 oT TT 5 99 9 9 9 8 8 8 > 0 0 1 m 0 9 9 9 oon on non nw 10 oop Rp pe Bom om on Roof Bo BoB p RR Boo wow Ww BoB OB Hoo Bis i i mw wo 5 6 6 I 1% 1% 1S 15 45 oo 1 7 7 7 6 we 6 rr 9 8 1 wo ow ow ‘Note: FCSRT = fice and evd selotve reminding tea. ‘unexpected cases, the resulting adjustment may be placed beyond the defined scaled score ranges (.g., 19 or 1, respectively). In these extreme cases, the final score should be 18 or 2, respectively, Despite limitations (restricted representation of very elderly participants and the convenience sample of community volun- twers), this study reflects the largest normative study to date for neuropsychological performance of Spanish older subjects on the ROCF and the FCSRT. ‘The normative data presented here were obtained from the same study sample as all other NEURONORMA norms. In addition, the same statistical procedures for data analyses were applied. These co-normed data will allow clinicians to ‘compare scores across all NEURONORMA normed tests and scales. The present data should provide a useful resource for clinical and research studies and may reduce the risk of misdiagnosis of cognitive impairment in normal individuals, Funding ‘This study was mainly supported by a grant from the Pfizer Foundation and by the Medical Department of Piizer, SA, Spain, It was also supported by the Behavioral Neurology Group of the Program of Neuropsychopharmacology of the Tnsitat ‘Municipal d'Investigacié Medica, Barcelona, Spain. JP-C has received an intensification research grant from the CIBERNED (Centro de Investigacién Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas), Instituto Carlos IIL (Ministry of Health & Consumer Affairs of Spain). Conflict of Interest None declared, Appendix ‘Members of the NEURONORMA.ES study team Steering Committee: JP-C, Hospital del Mer, Barcelona, Spain: RB, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain; Miguel Aguilar, Hospital Mitua de Terrassa, Terrassa, Spain, Principal Investigators: JP-C, Hospital de Mar, Barcelona, Spain; RB, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain; MA, Hospital Mitua de Terrassa, Terrassa, Spain; ILM, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain: AR, Hospital Clinico 20 Pena-Caranoa ea 1 Archives of Clinical Newonsrchology ‘Table 21. FCSRT: delayed free real. Bdeation adjustment applying the following formula: NSS a: = NSS ~ (8 [Esstionoeny ~ 12D. where B= 4671 NSSq__ Education (years) T S 6 0 wo to) 1 e 202 204 3030302 44 43 sos 5 4 6 6 6 § 7707 6 eos 8G oo 9 8 wo wo 8 now nw bop Row ‘Table 22, FCSRT delayed total al. action aijusenent applying he following formal NSS 026748 NSS4~ (BX [Eductiongoe)~ 12) whew, NSS, Eication Gea 1 23 1 vo @ 74 ry 5355 toro 5 5 6 202 2 7502 30303 Boe os aoa 9 8 9 sos os 0 10 6 6 6 nono 770 Ron oR 10 sow 8 BoB " 9 9 9 wo B mw 10 Iss ir nono 6 16 13 bop p vo oo 15 BoB 8 Bo OB 16 ow oie bo» 9 0 Bos 20 1s 6 6 16 Nowe: BOSRT= tree and cued selective reminding ncluded if the researcher judged that the condition was correctly controlled or resolved and did not cause cognitive impairment. The same criterion was applied in the case of use of psychoactive medications. This broader definition of normal- ity provided @ mote accurate representation of the normative population of interest (Pedniza et al.. 2005), In order to use the present normative data adequately, itis important to pay attention to the method of administration, the scoring criteria, and the similarity between the characteristics of the studied subject and the demographic features of the NEURONORMA normative samples. ‘The education adjustment tables of NSS, (Tables 14~17 for the ROCF and Tables 18-23 for the FCSRT) will help the clinician obtain the expected score considering the number of years of formal education (NSS,qx) In these tables, figures ‘were rounded to an integer and the use of the regression formula described above was avoided. In the case of extreme and VOS P ‘ Peta-Cosanove ea. / Archives of Clava Newpscoogs Table, Agente NEURONORMA ws (NSS lr sO ng or m= 0-6 fe VOSPan 0 F Sead Seow Pewee Range OSP ae Object Decision __Propesive Silhowter Postion Disciminuton Number Lasition 2 = 10 16 rn 3 2 3 ' = ~ - — 4 4 2 u 6 ~ 4 15 5 Bs 2 — " = 6 o0 — 1“ 16 6 167 1 11-18 1 1B 7 11 5 19.28 15 - 9 5 20 ° 29-40 16 2 — 21-22 10 4139 0 tot — ° 2a u 60-71 9 - ~ 25-26 2 m8 6 5 - — 2 8 29 = 7 = = 28 6 90-98 » - = Is 95-97 - - 29 16 os = - = ° u % = = > 20 20 0 Sample Size ns bs bs 135 ‘Noes: TLO = judment of line evientaon: VOSP = vial obec and space percpton bay. Table 4 Agra NFURONORMA sor NSS, for 665759 age fr ome 51-6) fr VOSP and LO Sealed Score Pewceatile Range VOSP LO Object Decision Promesive Silhoetes _Positon Discrimination Number Lavation 2 ° ie a 3 5 3 0 I. - ~ 4 = — — 0 5 1s — es Re 6 nas 6 1546 7 rs = 7 as 8 B 0 8 w ° 2 = 20-21 0 = 1 = 223 " 0 0 - — 2025, 2 i 69 - - 26 GB = 7 = n 4 90-98 18 — - = 2% 1s 95-07 = 6 - — » 6 9 = = — - 7 * = 5 - — 18 399 2» 4 20 0 x0 Sample Size bs Ba ns bs bi ‘Noes: TLO = judgment of line rienation, VOSP— visual objec ani space perception bay To use Tables 14~19 select the appropriate column corresponding to the patient's years of education. find the patient's NSSq, and subsequently refer to the corresponding NSSaqe, of NSSaqcas. When these formulas were applied to the NEURONORMA normative sample, the shared variances between demographically adjusted NEURONORMA. scaled scores, years of education, and sex fell to <1%. Discussion ‘The purpose of this report was to provide normative and comprehensive data for older Spaniards for the selected tests of the ‘VOSP and ILO. Age-adjusted normative data and regression-based adjustments for education and sex are presented. This study Pei-Casanova eal. / Archives of Cia! Newopsycotogy 7 ‘Talle5. Recast NEURONORMA crs 55 fr 60-69 aang for oe = 6-60) fo VOSP ILO Sea See Posie Fangs WOSP™ ore (Object Decision Progressive Sihowetts Position Disrimination Number Location 2 is a = ® 3 16 6 3 - 4 — - — 0 5 5 n 4 is 6 — 6 5 W7 7 rs 6 is ® 6 w 7 19.20 ° = = = a 0 He 5 223 4 0 ~ 9 24-25 2 9 — - 26-27 6 8 = 2 18 7 - - = 15 — 6 — 2» 16 - - — 7 = — = = — 18 0 4 20 0 30 Sample Size m1 m1 m2 ma uy Noes: 1L0= julgient of line ereaation: VOSP= visual objet and space pesseption batery ‘Table 6. Age-adjusted NEURONORMA scores (NSS,) for axe 6365 (aks range for acer = $9~69) for VOSP and JLO Set Seae PecntleRageVOSP Objex Desision __Propesive Silouaties Poston Discrimination Numer Location z =I = 7 a = 3 t 16 - = 4 2 - — a 5 5 — 6 4 6 6-10 1s 7 56 1 is 1a 18 7 8 19-28 B 19 - 9 9-40 — = 8 10 4039 2 — 9 un on 10 = a 2 2-81 3 = = B R289 7 = — 4 30-98 = = 15 93.97 - 6 — — 16 98 - — = 7 9 — — — 18 399 20 0 10 Sample Sie to4 08 108 tos ‘Nove 1.0 judgment of ine entation: VOSP = vu abject and apace percep haey offers forthe first time systematic, vosp, tative information for Spanish subjects aged over 49 years on the selected test of the Visual Object and Space Perception Batery ‘This study includes considerably more subjects than in the previous Spanish study by Herrera and colleagues (2004) and in ‘other normative studies (Bonelio et al., 1997; Warrington & James, 1991). As a consequence, the data presented for the analysis lof demographic effects on the scores of the selected test studied in the NEURONORMA project are more consistent, Unfortunately, not all VOSP tests are included in the NEURONORMA project. Petia Casanova etal / Archives of Civicel Newrapsschology ° ‘Table 9, Aged NEURONORMA sce (NSS) fr ae72=74 age ange fo ams ~ 68-18) for VOSP an LO Scaled Score Peweenile Range VOSP_—_ m0 ‘bjt Decvon __Prozesive Siowetes Poston Disrimination Number Lacton z 7 ® — 2 3 5 S = 3 = a 10 0 = ‘ = 5 i i ie 5 6 5 ue 6 7 5 u = 7 8 i“ = 1 ‘ 8 48 B ° “ 0 6 2 — ° 4 n 1 = 2 n 0 — 6 5 = — 6 5 = 15 - or = - > 1 - = = 0 = 5 = = 18 20 i 20 0 x0 Sample Size ie 6 a4 a4 3s ‘Notes: TLO = judgment oF line ovintation; VOSP= visal object and space peceplon bate Tale 1, Asad NEURONORMA scores NSS) for ge 287 Uf ng for ns = 7819 fo VOSP an ILO ‘Sealed Score Perce Rangs-VOSP iL0 Object Decision Progesive Shouetcs Poston Discimination Number Location = 16 = — = 7 - 6 = = 1" = 3 2 16 us S — m8 6 ra Is — 7 1516 4 19 8 ras 8 = 19-20 2 = — 21-2 u — ° 224 0 - 25-26 9 = 2 8 = = 28 - 67 = - 2» 5 = - 2 20 — 20 10 30 Sample Size >9 9 9 100, oes: 1L0 = judgment of ie osenaion: VOSP = veal objet and space peropion katy Education showed a more consistent effect than age on the raw scores of the VOSP (see Table 2). The progressive sillou- ctles test was the most sensitive to these variables (9% of the shared variance for both age and education) ‘We do not confirm previous Spanish data (Hertera-Guzman et al, 2004) on the effect of sex on the selected tests studied in this project. It is noteworthy that in the Spanish preliminary study sex-related differences were found in five of the eight tasks: silhouettes, object decision, progressive silhouettes, position discrimination, and cube analysis, Judgment of Lite Orientation Our results concerning demographic variables show the same tendencies as in the MOANS projects (Lucas et al.. 2005; ‘Steinberg, Bieliauskas, Smith, Langellott, & [vnik. 2005). This study shows a very low effect of age forthe raw score variance 8 Peie-Casanova eal / Archives of Clinical Nenopsstologs ‘Table 7. Age-adjusted NEURONORMA scores (NSS, for range for norms = 62-72) for VOSP and JLO ogerange ‘Scaled Score Percentile Range VOSP he Object Decision Progressive Siltouates Poston Discimination Number Location z = 15 = a 3 1 - 3 4 7 — 4 5 16 6 5 6 1s as 6 7 u 7 * 3 — ° — - 8 10 12 - ° u < 2 10 — 8 = = = 4 9 1 - 18 6 = = = 16 2 — — — 0 — 5 — - is 2» 4 » 0 30 Sample Size 9 1g 9 » us ‘Noress ILO = judgment of line eviewtaton, VOS ‘Table 8, Ago-sjusted NEURONORMA score (NSS) fo ge 69-71 age range for norms = 65-175) for VOSP and JLO ‘Sealed SeovePecenle Range VOSP m0 Objex Davison Progressive Sifoustes Discrimination Number Location ® = = 0 3 6 16 4s 5 m8 6 1 7 B 9 8 f — ° 2 0 = 3 5 - - 4 7 = — 5 6 = = 6 s = = "7 ~ = = i 4 20 0 30 Sample Sie 1s 126 6, as ‘Notes TLO = jdorent of line onentaton: VOSP = val abt and space perception bay. ‘We confirm that the object decision and progressive silhouettes tests scores show a normal distribution. but the position discrimination and number location tests do not (see Hertera-Guzman etal, 2004), This fact is reflected in mid-point (boldface numbers) in Tables 312, and affects the comrect use of the overall NEURONORMA analysis method based on normal dis tributions. This problem is also observed in other neuropsychological tasks such as digit repetition (see Pefia-Casanova ct al, 2009) of in some subtests of the WMS-R norms in the MOANS project (e.g. Ivnik et al.. 1992; Lucas et al, 2005), ‘To minimize this problem, some authors suggest to deal with the data in raw scores form than to convert them into scaled scores (Lezak et al.. 2004). We certainly agree with that proposition and recognize the statistical problems of forcing these kinds of scores into a normal distribution, However, given the characteristics and purposes of this normative project, we chose to homogenize the statistical analysis procedure. Further to this we developed normative data following the single pro- cedure described by the Mayo Clinic researchers (see Ivnik et al. 1992). 10 Petia-Casanova et ol. Ancives of Clinical Newrnparchogy Tale 1, Ars NEURONORMA ses (85 fo age 78-80 ae fr Sealed Score Perentile Range —_VOSP m0 4-84) for VOSP an L.0 Object Decision Propesive Sihowetes Pasion Dicsimiation _ Nomber Location 2 is = = = 3 = = = R ‘ ” = — = 5 6 — a 4 1s i718 ‘ + = - . ® — 4 - 7 ° 4 ~ 9 5 0 Is-16 8 — — hn "7 2 9 2 = " - _ 3 18 w = = 4 — 5 - - 5 ir 8 = - 6 = = — - = 0 — s - - — 8 20 = 20 10 30 Sample Size 82 2 o @ BL ‘Noes: 1L0 = jodgieat of line osenaion; VOSP = vntl objec and space percep Bay ‘Table 12, Age-adjusted NEURONORMA scores (NSS! forage 1-90 (ape range for norms = 77-8) or VOSP and ILO Ss Soe Parente Range VOSP a0 Oject Decision Progrestive Sihoustes Portion Discrimination Number Location 2 <1 = 7 = = — 5 1 = - = = 4 2 wo = a 4 5 3s " 6 = 6 6 rar - Is 7 ~ 7 nis = 18 = 8 19.28 “ o 7 ° 29-40 = — ® wo 4-99 a — - " on 2 = ° 2 a8 u — B 2-49 w - = 4 0-94 — <= = = is 95-91 . ° — — % 16 of - 8 = — = 0 9 — — — = = is 399 2» = — — 30 Sample Size 2 38 9 » wo ‘Notes: TLO = julgment of line oientaton: VOSP™ visa object and space perception bate. ‘Table 13. Conelations (and shared variances (of age-adjusted NEURONORMA scores (NSS,) with age an education (yes) Vorabier ‘Age Gea) "Education (eas) r 7 7 vos Test 3: Object Decision ones oats 022831 ‘oosa13 ‘Test: Progetsive Shouts 0.05663 00721 923852 ‘006077 ‘Tet $: Postion Disrininstion 004521 00204 oats 0.04594 ‘Tes 7: Number Location 0.10526 ono 0.29668, 008798 no Form, Raw score 0.01146 o.oo 0.34575 oss "Noes IO: Judgment of Line Orientation: VOSP Vieual Objet and Space Peepton Baty

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